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And another one for the greatest hits compilation:

Sun Tzu:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Rettam Stacf

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It's hilarious that Biden is actually doing *worse* than Trump, the president whose egomania cost a million American lives.

Biden is doing worse than Trump, and for that matter, any previous president in post WW2 era. Just one simple reason :

Biden is the first modern (post WW2) American president
to take on both Russia and China as arch-enemies at the same time.

All previous presidents either played one against the other, or just ignore both and focus on internal policy matters.


Junior Member
Biden is doing worse than Trump, and for that matter, any previous president in post WW2 era. Just one simple reason :

Biden is the first modern (post WW2) American president
to take on both Russia and China as arch-enemies at the same time.

All previous presidents either played one against the other, or just ignore both and focus on internal policy matters.
Actually, no. After the establishment of PRC and before Nixon Administration, US regard both USSR and PRC as enemy.


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German economy & energy minister Robert Habeck: "Sanctions are working"

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i think accelerated bankruptcy of Germany and this Ukraine war is to avoid paying the true monetary damages to Poland.
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"We show the whole pictorial documentation, but also historical sources as well as very precise calculations based on scientific... reasoning, financial calculations converting losses at the time into today's money," Morawiecki said.

He said the Germans had done Poles great harm and had never paid for it in a material sense. "Those are the facts and it's worth everybody realising that," he said.


Lieutenant General
You guys should watch this excellent video by Louise Galvan
He said the west push China and Russia into marriage in heaven. China can print Yuan and with it buy oil and gas make the industry very cheap and efficient and Well what Russia do with Yuan but buy Chinese product and make Chinese gainfully employed! while the west throw long term and cheap contract and replace it to buy on spot price with Dollar and sell Euro!

Freddie Sayers speaks to financial analyst Louis Gave about the West's self-made economic crisis.


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It is the first time in modern history that the east can be on equal terms with the west"
And this is embarrassing as well as humiliating for East. As supreme leader & teacher of culture & Education we, The East, has been leading the world from innovation to science,economy,every sector, up until few centuries ago, when we got lazy & fat . We got so lazy that we allowed some westie garbage to run amok across the world, the things that are yet to learn about their gender,can't even dress properly, shows us how far behind we have fallen. We must not allow this to happen ever again. The place of garbage,regardless of how diverse it is,is in the garbage disposal.

Do people of Earth understand how would the other race across universe feel if they come to our planet as guest & see these things running half naked with their exposed butt chicks in middle of road?
Human race really should be embarrassed.
The East & The Garbage can never be in equal terms. We should be comparing ourselves to other advanced race,now we are stuck with these things.


Registered Member
And this is embarrassing as well as humiliating for East. As supreme leader & teacher of culture & Education we, The East, has been leading the world from innovation to science,economy,every sector, up until few centuries ago, when we got lazy & fat . We got so lazy that we allowed some westie garbage to run amok across the world, the things that are yet to learn about their gender,can't even dress properly, shows us how far behind we have fallen. We must not allow this to happen ever again. The place of garbage,regardless of how diverse it is,is in the garbage disposal.
@Nobo Agree bro, complacency is what troubling the Collective West, resulting to Hubris, arrogant, condescending, lazy and whining. China currently is living in interesting times, some may see it as a threat BUT for me its an opportunity. There is an objective and everybody is in tune , what I'm afraid of is what happen IF the Collective West implode? Do we look inward like before and become complacent or become an imperialist like the US? either option is not ideal so the Chinese need to find a third alternative that fit its role in the 21st century.

A side note, all of those invention, innovation and scientific achievement happen when Ancient China is living in interesting times and I hope we may see a renaissance happening today as we face the same challenges.
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Registered Member
And another one for the greatest hits compilation:
Yeah he is obviously senile, best thing to do is to sent him to a home in Russia, unless he wants to suffer the cold air of the British isle in the dead of winter that his government has somehow stupidly thought they could prepare for by angering the one nation that is supplying the heating at a good price whilst buying more expensive resources from another supplier that is potentially going to shut of the flow to Europe when the winter comes. Then again, the Brit’s will believe anything he says, just like those HK rioters who ran away to the UK in the name of freedom….. to die from the winter cold…… something I reckon is impossible in HK given the proximity the place is to the tropics. Oh well, in the end, if these people end up suffering from the winter….. all I can say is that nothing of value is lost