Miscellaneous News


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That was a very diplomatic interview from the Saudi diplomat. It looks like they are holding their cards close to their chest and trying to be open to both sides.

At some point they will have to choose a side, and if they really are joining BRICS I think the decision has already been made. Hopefully Biden keeps bugging him about that journalist they butchered.


Biden was given an epic troll by MBS. It would have been better had MBS asked for the Assange case also.

Ever wondered the true purpose of Biden's visit to the ME?

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He's saying this as if it's a bad thing

“We are coming to the end of western political and economic dominance. The world is going to be at least bipolar and possibly multipolar. It is the first time in modern history that the east can be on equal terms with the west"
The British empire, like every empire before it, from the Roman empire to the Spanish empire, collapsed because they allowed the government to be taken over by a ruthless creditor/rentier oligarchy that would never forgive debts. The same thing will happen to the American empire. Naturally, they blame China and Russia, but it's their own fault that their empire has collapsed or is collapsing.

As I suspected, Europe is probably more racist than the U.S.

While chip shipment from China to Russia doubled, the export of aluminum oxide increased 400 times.

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Chinese Firms Are Selling Russia Goods Its Military Needs to Keep Fighting in Ukraine​

Rising exports of microchips, aluminum oxide, other dual-use items undermine Western push to stall Russian war effort

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China is providing a 500 million yuan emergency humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka. Any other countries helping them out?

The rice donated by China will provide meal for 1.1 million students at 7,900 schools in nine Sri Lankan provinces for half a year, the embassy said in a statement.

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More pressure need to be applied to the IMF, WB and ADB to take bigger role in debt relief in Sri Lanka.
Seems like China has no problem in providing debt relief.
China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press briefing on Friday that Chinese financial institutions have actively approached and negotiated with Sri Lanka after the country stopped debt repayment, expressing willingness to properly settle matured debts owed to China and help it overcome difficulties.
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From the German media, automatic translation:

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Expect the worst!

Germany is preparing for winter and this is just the beginning. Germany is preparing for winter, as if for war, as if the Russians are already at our door. It's hard to say what will happen when Putin turns off the gas tap. Before Putin turns off the gas tap, we'll prepare for a disaster. I'm afraid Putin is laughing at us right now.

Gas bottles sold out. Radiators not available. Firewood expensive like living room parquet? So now we are preparing for winter.

A few days ago I went to the hardware store to get a gas bottle for our garden grill. Unfortunately in vain. "Sold out," said the man at the information desk, "a buyer was there before you." If I had empty bottles to offer in exchange, he might be able to do something. For an 11-kilo bottle, however, I would only get a 5-kilo bottle in return. I was reminded of the exchange rate for Ostmarks after reunification.

Electric heaters, otherwise slow sellers in summer, are suddenly also in demand in July. Radiators: In great demand. Stoves: not available at the moment. Firewood: priced on the way to the living room parquet. Happy if you still have an old coal stove. Ten kilos of Lausitzer »Rekord« briquettes are available in hardware stores for 5.49 euros.

I don't tend to panic. But the situation is also affecting me. I have registered for a chainsaw course in Brandenburg for October; you learn how to make your own firewood. This is of course very helpful when there are no more gas bottles for the grill.

If you think this is an idea worth emulating, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you: my course is fully booked.


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From today in Putin's hands

Today Putin shuts down Nord Stream 1, it is July 11, 2022. It is the day when we do not know how the next ones will be.

Will Putin tune in again - or will we sleep in cold, damp bedding and hang our towels on the heating pipes that still have some warmth?

End of July is payday, rent is due, utility bills. The kids want to go on vacation. Everything is in Putin's hands. The electricity costs, the holidays. The evenings when mum and dad add up the bills.

Everything is in Putin's hands. It is unbearable to be his subject. And because we don't want it, we will have to suffer, have to do without.

It would be appropriate for our politicians to tell us how bad the situation is.

We are in Putin's hands. I no longer read at night. I no longer turn on the light when it gets dark. I wake up not knowing what the evening will be like.

I already feel like a prisoner of Putin.

BILD-Kolumnist Franz Josef Wagner



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He's saying this as if it's a bad thing

“We are coming to the end of western political and economic dominance. The world is going to be at least bipolar and possibly multipolar. It is the first time in modern history that the east can be on equal terms with the west"
And another one for the greatest hits compilation:

“We have a great opportunity. Developing countries prefer western business. They’re much more sceptical now of Chinese contracting than a decade ago. They admire the western system more than we realise,” he said.


Registered Member
From the German media, automatic translation:

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Expect the worst!

Germany is preparing for winter and this is just the beginning. Germany is preparing for winter, as if for war, as if the Russians are already at our door. It's hard to say what will happen when Putin turns off the gas tap. Before Putin turns off the gas tap, we'll prepare for a disaster. I'm afraid Putin is laughing at us right now.

German economy & energy minister Robert Habeck: "Sanctions are working"

German energy minister - sanctions are working.jpg


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China is providing a 500 million yuan emergency humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka. Any other countries helping them out?

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More pressure need to be applied to the IMF, WB and ADB to take bigger role in debt relief in Sri Lanka.
Seems like China has no problem in providing debt relief.

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Jai Hinds are shitting on Chinese debt trap, which I'm sure translates into something.