Miscellaneous News


The creditor/rentier oligarchy in the U.S. not only will never forgive your student loan, healthcare bill, or any other debt ever, to add salt to injury, they also think that inflation is caused by "high wages" and wage suppression is the "proper way" to deal with inflation...

...while in reality, real wages has decreased instead of increased.

China and Russia should have more activities near Japan.

I am not sure if this thing has been posted already but I am surprised to learn that Communist Vietnam is in danger from Communist China and therefore needs help from Democratic West...especially from a country that invaded and bombed them to kingdom come: U.S.A.

It's called losing touch with the reality. Here is another example that the U.S. has lost touch with the reality completely:


Registered Member
  • The bipartisan legislation would make it official US policy that Tibetans have the right to ‘self-determination’
  • The measure rejects as ‘historically false’ the Chinese claims that Tibet has belonged to China since ancient times
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The US just made their CIA-led policy of supporting the seperatism of Tibet from China, official.

After all the mess that the US have caused in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan - China should really start to consider pulling some nuclear cards against the US in terms of economy and finance.

For instance, maybe Washington DC thinks that the current inflation rate of 9.1% is too low. Beijing should consider "helping" DC by jacking that rate up even further.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
  • The bipartisan legislation would make it official US policy that Tibetans have the right to ‘self-determination’
  • The measure rejects as ‘historically false’ the Chinese claims that Tibet has belonged to China since ancient times
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Personally, I am against any government negotiate with any current or formal slave owners


Registered Member
  • The bipartisan legislation would make it official US policy that Tibetans have the right to ‘self-determination’
  • The measure rejects as ‘historically false’ the Chinese claims that Tibet has belonged to China since ancient times
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When you are a US politician overseeing the collapse of your country and not doing anything meaningful, you can at least say "i wuz tough on chyna" by passing meaningless anti-chyna bills during the re-election campaign.