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Registered Member
It's time for Russia to launch the collapse of the European Union (2022.07.12)

Of the four geopolitical players - Russia, China, the United States and the European Union - the EU is the weakest in terms of maintaining integrity. And, choosing between openly hostile Washington and Brussels, it is more rational to focus efforts on the collapse of the latter. After all, it is the European Union, and not Russia, that is the real colonial empire. It is enough just to look at the situation in those post-Soviet republics that were absorbed by it. The population is dying, the industry is being destroyed. The Baltic republics, which lost millions (!) of their inhabitants after secession from the USSR, are a vivid example of this. Catch small fish or go to wash toilets in Western Europe - such is the fate of what was once considered the showcase of the Soviet Union. After all, the European Union is sucking out of its colonies the most valuable resource of the 21st century - people. And the last thing he is interested in is the development of a remote outskirts, which for him is the Baltic.

As practice has shown, the USSR, represented by Gorbachev, did not listen to the British and French in vain. A rare case - they were absolutely right, but we were not. In the late eighties, London and Paris reacted sharply negatively to the idea of a united Germany. The authorities of the late USSR, on the wave of surrendering everything that was possible, nevertheless agreed that East Germany was absorbed by West.

Precisely absorbed, no matter how much anyone talks about "unification". Of course, later Western political scientists and economists will talk for years about how difficult it was to integrate EAST GERMANY into the FRG and how expensive it was for the German economy. At the same time, all of them, as one, “forget” that, having “swallowed” the GDR, West Germany received at its disposal the most important strategic resource, which to this day is the basis of the well-being of modern Germany -- the ability to receive oil from Russia through a pipe.

As is known, to supply the countries of the socialist bloc, the Soviet Union built the world's largest system of main oil pipelines, Druzhba. Once again: "the largest in the world" and "for the socialist bloc." And what do we see today? It is used by Germany, which supports anti-Russian sanctions. Is it fair? Given that getting oil through a pipe (the cheapest delivery method), the German economy saves billions of euros, it is unlikely. So it would be nice to fix that.
( . . . )

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A very interesting article from the Russian source in English language!
If the European Union collapses, how is China going to get her Airbus? o_O

Time to rapidly ramp up China's own civilian airliners' R&D and manufacturing!
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Senior Member
For quite awhile, Chinese citizens complained of foreigners in China especially white Europeans and Americans being treated much better than local folks, or having white priveliges. Scandals like the university incident and others appeared in media and angered many. Central leadership I believe did not treat this as top priority issue obviously given other more important social things to tackle. Ironically zero covid policy address this somewhat, as the government did not give moaning privileged expats any special favors and the exodus of those expats unwilling to sacrifice abit of their lifestyle for the Chinese people leaves behind those who are willing to so for greater good. I say good riddance. And I include the Japanese and Koreans here. Chinese overseas, recent immigrants or expats or students are not treated benevolently or given privileges in western countries, or Japan and Korea. Why should they get worshipped in China.
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For quite awhile, Chinese citizens complained of foreigners in China especially white Europeans and Americans being treated much better than local folks, or having white priveliges. Scandals like the university incident and others appeared in media and angered many. Central leadership I believe did not treat this as top priority issue obviously given other more important social things to tackle. Ironically zero covid policy address this somewhat, as the government did not give moaning privileged expats any special favors and the exodus of those expats unwilling to sacrifice abit of their lifestyle for the Chinese people leaves behind those who are willing to so for greater good. I say good riddance. And I include the Japanese and Koreans here
Typical Western retardation complaining that China's not being nicer to them. China's numbers of us are "pitifully" low! It's pitiful how you don't make things more welcoming for us! Angry dipshit complaining he's not on the guestlist LOL


Registered Member
Translation to the truth:

Like always, I the POTUS and my administration have lied to you, the American people. We lied that this inflation which was already around since 2021, was no big deal. We told you that it was 'transitory'. Then we told you that it was Covid, then we told you it was caused by a shipping crisis, and now we are telling you that it is Putin's inflation. Hahaha, you suckers!

We must insist on telling you that price of oil has gone down a little so that you will be thankful enough to vote for us in the upcoming mid-term elections. What I am not telling you is that this reduction is price is just a temporary relief, because we have just released record quantities of our own oil reserves to stabilize the market. That oil reserve is finite, and one day, this too will run out. But don't forget to vote us in the upcoming mid term elections.

Lastly, we had just did the highest interest rate hike in decades to combat this inflation beast. But it is not nearly enough. We need to do much more to tame this beast. But because I, the POTUS cannot take responsibility for crashing the US economy in this time of crisis, I'm gonna differ this decision to Congress. So go on and push Congress to fight that inflation beast, and then blame them later when the market crashes, and you lose your job.

I will never tell you the real ugly truth officially. But unofficially to you the American people, you guys are so screwed. But don't be so sad. Its still time to wave the flag. There are still good things happening in this country. Hunter is still gonna be enjoying the time of his life socializing with the richest folks in America. Hunter will still be rich as hell, so that you can all admire and aspire to be him. And don't forget to check me out when I'm biking. I'm really good at it.

Yours truly,
Joseph Biden