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Game over man game over
Food purchase :
A Chicken leg Wellington, 10CNY(=1.49USD)
A plate of fried beef and rice, 12CNY(=1.78USD)
Imported Russian chocolate cake(10 packs), 28CNY(=4.16USD)
RU cake not in USA.jpg
Still a little expensive, but I want know about America price, especially toliet paper price ;)
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If one believes in how technology makes the world smaller by distributing the access of information that was once controlled by a few to the masses, then soft power is about the bottom up distribution of global influences that now includes: "social medial journalism, influencers, grass root NGOs/non-profits, peer reviews, real time access to global information", etc..etc... These are all concepts/movements championed by the US, the West, and gaining in global popularity.

China is going in the opposite direction with centralized control. It's soft power attempts have been orthodox, rigid and party controlled.

In this context, "People - to - People connections actually mean Chinese Government - to People - Connections" because the state can control all affairs, both private and public. Unless this changes (unlikely),
I knew this was gonna be written diarrhea about "soft power" (AKA begging) when I saw your profile name. There is force (ie. military action or economic sanction), threat of force (ie diplomatic talk dropping hints that a pleasant conversation can turn into military action or economic sanction if it doesn't go exactly the way you want it to), and begging for things. There is no soft power.
then soft power for China will always rely on "hard results such as economic growth, Belt and Road constructions, Scientific might," etc..
Good. Persuasion, power, freedom, right, life, everything depends only on those hard results. Don't ever forget it and don't ever stray from them. That is how superpowers crumble.


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Yup, what I said in a slick slide show.

The other thing Fukushima did was kill a lot of these planned projects. So all those young guys that were supposed to learn from the old guys how to build (not just maintain) reactors, all got laid off and had to find jobs elsewhere. As the slide show mentioned, those old guys just got older and either die or become totally unwilling to return to work.

Fukushima hasn't stopped the Chinese programme with 10 reactors per year. And once they are built, the marginal operating costs looks like $0.02 per kwh

Yes of course this only applies to the Western Hemisphere as I said. Because China doesn’t have to worry about hippies and college kids turning nuclear power into a wedge issue.


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Game over man game over

Just expect to get screwed over by the ivory tower elites.

"We now understand better how little we understand about inflation. This was unpredicted... We fully appreciate the pain people are going through."
  • Jerome Powell June 29th, 2022.
  • May 2022 inflation rate: 8.60%

Feds saying they don’t understand or more like it’s all political. Getting Paul Volcker skeletal body would be more effective than Powell.