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Registered Member
Looks like it. Also, if you watch the collar of his shirt it looks like the impact came quite a bit before you hear the sound in the video.

Not sure what happened here though:

View attachment 92565
Maybe the gunman was so confident he used the first bullet to down the woman (warm-up shot), then finally used the second bullet to hit Abe. I mean how could the woman so far away collapse? Or did she collapse from fright lol



Registered Member
Murder weapon was just a home made twin barrel shotgun held together with tape. I’m surprised that it didn’t blow up the operator and even more surprised that it hit the target.
Never underestimate the determination and dedication of an intelligent hikikomori walled up in his Japanese apartment. We thank them for their highly detailed and graphic CGI images of uh beautiful women and octopus.


Registered Member
Germany: in trouble
England: in trouble
USA: in trouble
Japan: in trouble

The time to strike India is hotter than ever.
LOL. Not just yet. Western Europe is yet to experience a proper collapse. It's coming soon though. USA and Japan will take awhile longer, but screw them, they are still next.

The pieces are slowly setting themselves up though. China is diverting most of its energy imports from the Middle East to Russia. The BRI overland trade routes are getting busier. So any potential blockade of the Malacca Straits is gonna hurt China less than before. At least there are safer alternative routes now. Now the Indians are giving Chinese companies good reasons to exodus out of India. At the same time, India is also having trouble holding onto non-Chinese MNCs like Ford and Datsun. The PLA is doing regular live-fire exercises at Tibet and Xinjiang. The Chinese MIC is very busy now with ammunition and supply orders. So the PLA is ready to go with India at Aksai Chin.

When EU starts to really feel the hurt at the end of the year. That'll be a good time to give India an ass whooping. But China cannot initiate that. That honor must be given to India and Modi. China should just squeeze India harder in the meantime.

Before any war with India starts, I think China should do these things:
1) More military exercises. Put more pressure on India.
2) Pullout any remaining FDIs going into India.
3) Divert API exports from India to Chinese pharma companies to allow them to outcompete Indian pharmas. Let the Indian pharmas procure more expensive APIs elsewhere and lose their price competitiveness.
4) Declare India an 'unfriendly country'. Ask India to pay for Chinese imports in Yuan. USD and Rupees are no longer accepted.
5) Build up the 'String of Pearls' for real this time. They fantasized it, they are getting it.
6) Pull Bhutan into China's orbit. Offer military protection to Bhutan against any Indian attempt to annex or bully it.
7) Recognize the independence of Kashmir, Sikkim, and the North Eastern states from India's despotic occupational rule.
8) Prepare to select the 15th Dalai Lama in Tibet. The holy grounds for Dalai Lama selection are all in Tibet. Have the Tibetans choose him. Denounce any Dalai Lama selected in India as an Indian fake.
9) Sanction Ambani's and Adani's businesses. Not allowed to do any business with China.
10) Sanction Indian politicians. Start with the smaller ones, then move slowly up the ladder towards Modi himself. They cannot freely enter China or make any indirect income from China anymore.