More like "Elensky Salad."It's the french fries drama all over again. Bet they're gonna call it freedom salad after this debacle.
More like "Elensky Salad."It's the french fries drama all over again. Bet they're gonna call it freedom salad after this debacle.
With his BIG NUKES
I'd actually suggest the opposite. While a country is still weak, richer countries can seriously harm its growth potential. India may or may not collapse like the Soviet Union but wouldn't it be in China's interest to support a collapse?There's a ton of concrete actions that China can take, both now and in the future that can secure a stable relationship with a 1.4+ billion population nuclear power on its border. This is my last post since this is a news thread.
1. First and foremost is to settle the damn border dispute. It's the last land border dispute (besides the Bhutan border which is tied with the Indian dispute anyway) that China has and it's a waste of resources and manpower fighting with India on this useless piece of land. It also can be and has been used as a pain point to whip up nationalistic fevor in the Indian population both by the Indian government and foreign powers who would like nothing better to see China waste time and PLA resources on this while they apply pressure in the Pacific. Also if China and the US really got into a hot war, India might start having some ideas if the border is still unsettled. Have it settled and ratified so that there are no more legitmate pressure points that can be used to instigate conflict between India and China. The sooner the better.
2. Understand the Indian political mindset better and have a much more robust reporting network in India. There is not enough Chinese literature on point 1 that outlines actions and compromises that can make it easier for a fair border split easier to digest for both sides. The last idea I've heard on this issue is that India would accept nothing less than 100% of the disputed territory and because of this India is dragging their feet on settling this border since any party that does so would destroy their political future. It may be that the 2020 border clashes were delibrately started by China to force India into move their timeline up on this matter, since doing nothing at all is what India wants. Has the equation changed in the aftermath of Covid and subsequent worldwide economic downturn? We need more clarity on this so that a deal can be reached as soon as possible, so we need more human resources that are capable of objectively reporting and understanding the Indian sphere independent of current western coverage of India. Consider this, the vast majority of the world's preconceptions of India are formed by reading the same western media sources that mock and misreport on China today. This is NOT to say that India's current problems are cooked up nonsense by salty westerners.
3. Balance our relationship with Pakistan and India until a lasting peace between the two can be accomplished. This involves not getting too close to Pakistan so far as to make positive discourse with India an impossbility. A reminder that Pakistan is also a nuclear power and a war between the two would be disastrous for the region.
And I do not have some delusional grandeur of China being the supreme superpower once and for all once America is dethroned. The Americans couldn't last 5 minutes after the Soviets fell before congratulating themselves on winning forever and were too busy sucking their own dicks to notice China on the rise.
Have you read the new NATO Strategic Concept? I am at a loss for the words. So much propaganda and outright dishonesty. And yes, NATO is practically going global.
Their interest is global domination so it will be challenged by all countries that grow capable enough by default. Nobody wants to be dominated by other people. Values are values so they can not be challenged. Unless you are not after converting foreign cultures you shouldn't be offended by people not imitating you. The same goes for democracy too. Democracy is becoming a religion and this document is just another piece of evidence.
Yeah, Russia and China should do nothing while the US is pouring billions on ABM. Also until USA and Europe pressures Israel to be transparent and disarm, they are just hypocrites about nuclear proliferation. Iran's nuclear program? Maybe the USA shouldn't have torn up the JCPOA unilaterally and out of nowhere.
Here is the excuse for the expansion of NATO's responsibility area.
More excuses... And NATO really knows no borders. Western Balkans, the Black Sea, the Middle East, "Indo"-Pacific, North Africa, Sahel... Dear NATO why stop? Just add the entire solar system there!
The best part. I really don't know what to say to this. China trying to control key technological and industrial sectors and create strategic dependencies? This is black hole calling the kettle black. Didn't these guys just transform every commercial product China buys from them into bargaining chips? As I said in another thread on this forum, Europe and the USA are extremely disturbed by China's export substitution. Well, they should be angry with Trump, not China. This part also seems like a thinly veiled threat to China regarding its relations with Russia. And I have no idea how China is disrupting the order in space and maritime domains. Probably China procuring the capabilities to destroy American assets is what they are disturbed of. Cry ab it.
That would be quite the force China would have to divert to Russia, not to mention the long logistics trail from China to Russia as well.What I haven't seen discussed anywhere yet is the danger that NATO is putting itself in by designating China an enemy. Did they ever consider that if China and Russia were actually fighting together against NATO, the PLA could be sent to Europe? Russia might not have the ability to threaten to invade Germany or France anymore, Chinese troops starting from Belarus certainly would. Maybe floating the idea of a Chinese base in Belarus could make the EU reconsider its strategy of trying to fight China in the Pacific.
Forget Malvinas, Falklands
The threat would be enough for now, actually carrying it out and deploying troops would be quite costly in lost trade and logisticsThat would be quite the force China would have to divert to Russia, not to mention the long logistics trail from China to Russia as well.
Agreed with most of what he wrote except his first two suggested solutions.Well, the guy that runs, is an indian himself, wrote a pretty good analysis of India's future.
Its pretty bleak.