This is why I hate how Beijing thinks. The US doesn't care. If it serves their interest, they will do it regardless of any negative consequences.
I got a different view of these statements.
First of all, there seems to be a real change in US-China relations, that it is broken.
Therefore, China does not really say anything anymore to the US, other than issue threats.
But, this message, is intended for the US, and China is saying it, but it is not a threat.
This is the complicated part, because it involves a third party, which is Oceania.
Oceania has no voice. No one can find them on a map.
That statement, is exactly what they would like to say. Therefore, China said it for them.
Right now, for China to actually speak to the US, is a waste of time. China can still deal with them via other methods, or through other voices.