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Inside Out by David Dodwell
Like all wars, the US tech war on China is proving costly and pointless
•The US is recklessly forging ahead with a campaign to block China, in particular telecoms giant Huawei, from access to the global market and advanced technologies
•Yet as China continues to lead in 5G innovation and has made strides in developing its own microchips, the US is hurting both itself and its allies

As I read the Post’s recent editorial, defining war as “the willingness to suffer significant self-harm to hurt a rival even more”, I was reminded of Donald Trump’s crass March 2018 tweet that “trade wars are good and easy to win”.

For a country so profoundly familiar with wars worldwide, it is a puzzle to me where such myopic naivety comes from, and why it persists.
Surely the principal lesson of war is that it is catastrophic for all parties concerned, bystanders included, and should be avoided at all costs.

Unlike democracy, which Winston Churchill described as “the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried”, wars are the worst way of settling arguments, with no exceptions.

A dozen or so of the US’ closest allies have joined in the 5G ban, but few of Huawei’s long-standing clients across Southeast Asia and Africa have severed links.

A recent report from the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations says Huawei still accounts for 70 per cent of 4G networks in Africa, with most expected to stick with it as they gradually upgrade to 5G. The company claims today to serve 140 5G networks in 59 countries.
This is in part because, despite repeated US expression of security concerns, no American companies have been able to offer an alternative (Huawei’s main competitors are Ericsson in Sweden and Nokia from Finland).
As the Council on Foreign Relations report said, “no US company offers an end-to-end 5G solution … Washington cannot expect countries to sit on the sidelines and forego upgrades to their networks while the US gets its act together..

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China claims new AI can intercept hypersonics
China’s Air Force Early Warning Academy
says its AI can calculate most probable course of a hypersonic weapon’s terminal stage

Chinese researchers claim to have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) application that can predict the course of hypersonic missiles, potentially allowing Beijing’s existing air defenses to intercept such threats.

A hypersonic glide weapon can enter and exit the atmosphere akin to a stone skipping on water and perform random evasive maneuvers while flying at five times the speed of sound, making such weapons nearly impossible to intercept with current air defense technologies. That could change, however, if China’s AI claim is accurate...

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Completely anecdotal, but my computer science friends tell me China is an absolute monster at AI and ML - the research coming out of Chinese universities these days is truly top tier and groundbreaking stuff.


Lieutenant General
I heard this from CNN but they didn't go into details that Biden dropped tariffs on solar panels for I think 1-2 years. They didn't mention anything about it was only for Southeast Asia like an earlier article said. Jake Tapper, the host, asked the question to a congresswoman who was for this action how can the US help China in genocide? So I guess that means it wasn't for only Southeast Asian countries.


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Completely anecdotal, but my computer science friends tell me China is an absolute monster at AI and ML - the research coming out of Chinese universities these days is truly top tier and groundbreaking stuff.

A very simplistic but effective way to see China's rise is by counting the number of papers accepted by the very top AI conferences like IJCAI.

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Registered Member
Completely anecdotal, but my computer science friends tell me China is an absolute monster at AI and ML - the research coming out of Chinese universities these days is truly top tier and groundbreaking stuff.
Are your friends studying in China or from western universities? And if they're non-Chinese folks so they're less likely to be bias


Registered Member
Are your friends studying in China or from western universities? And if they're non-Chinese folks so they're less likely to be bias
1to 2 years ago I studied machine learning (ML) for a few months intensely in case my specialty becomes unattractive in the future. The volume of ML research from China is incredible even in the English medium. For example just search Yolo V5 on Google scholar. The Yolo is a very popular and high performance object detection model.

Top 5 results:
China ai.png
Yeah... I guess this is illustrative enough.

(I am in Turkey right now, that's why Google is in Turkish)


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This actor made a compelling evocative speech calling for gun laws in light of what transpired in Uvalde massacre where 19 children were butchered by a gunman who was himself was also a young person. Don't know if this plea will move the nutcases on the other side of this debate but we'll likely see a political career from Alright, Alright, Alright..



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China claims new AI can intercept hypersonics
China’s Air Force Early Warning Academy
says its AI can calculate most probable course of a hypersonic weapon’s terminal stage

Chinese researchers claim to have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) application that can predict the course of hypersonic missiles, potentially allowing Beijing’s existing air defenses to intercept such threats.

A hypersonic glide weapon can enter and exit the atmosphere akin to a stone skipping on water and perform random evasive maneuvers while flying at five times the speed of sound, making such weapons nearly impossible to intercept with current air defense technologies. That could change, however, if China’s AI claim is accurate...

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Now thats a game changer

If China can convincingly prove that to the west, then MAD is off the table.


This effectively means that probe against Southeast Asian solar manufacturers is going to be denied/go nowhere. This is a good sign.
I guess Chinese solar panel manufacturers can work safely in SE Asia and SE Asian countries can sell re-branded (made in China) solar panels now.

For a country so profoundly familiar with wars worldwide, it is a puzzle to me where such myopic naivety comes from, and why it persists.
Surely the principal lesson of war is that it is catastrophic for all parties concerned, bystanders included, and should be avoided at all costs.
Unfortunately, while war is bad for everyone directly involved, it is extremely profitable for the arms industry. Arms industry is one of the few industries for which the U.S. is still competitive. Furthermore, the U.S. government is thoroughly corruptly by the MIC. So the U.S. will instigate war all over the world as a government policy.
We’re #1: The U.S. Government is the World’s Largest Arms Dealer
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Completely anecdotal, but my computer science friends tell me China is an absolute monster at AI and ML - the research coming out of Chinese universities these days is truly top tier and groundbreaking stuff.
I have the impression that China's researches in AI and machine-learning started with the computer-human language interface, because of the difficulties associated with the computer-processing of the Chinese language.