You seem insistent with your rather one sided views that sanctions against China and the negative effects it'll have is simply one sided affair. You also seemed to have the rather confusing views that because Russia is being severely affected by the sanctions will somehow have the same result to China. My answer to that is just LOL while there's no question that China will be negatively affected by the sanctions but similar negative devastating effect will be inflicted to the U.S. and her vassals that's not hyperbole that's simply based on the interdependence/interconnectivity of Chinese economy to western economies.And how does that invalidate what i'm saying? You seems upset because of : "CN is weaker"
Maybe but crippling sanctions will come
And am quite surprised that a knowledgeable fellow like you seems to have forgotten the huge disparity of the economic importance and sizes between that of Russia and China. Russia a country who's then economic size was not in the top 5 and whose economic strength was primaly heavily focused on natural commodities, and military hardware exports vs China who's economy is already the largest in the world in PPP terms, the 2nd largest in nominal GDP terms, the largest trading partner of 132 countries in the world versus 67 or so with the U.S. the largest creditor in the world, the largest manufacturing country in the world.
Unless you can show any guaranteed studies with model shown that U.S. economy will not suffer some cataclysmic outcome if they even come close to proceeding with their "super duper sanctions" against China then people like myself are all interested in looking at that data. But that nonsense does not exist, the only pronouncements I keep on hearing, seeing are the arrogance of American political-think tank class that assumes their power is everlasting, in other words their assumptions, assertions aren't back by anything at all other than the Supreme belief in American sloganeering and nothing else.
The mistakes a lot of people who seem to conflate Russia with China shows how arrogance have replaced objective/comparative analysis of power not to mention the existential, historical differences between Ukraine issue to that of Taiwan. The fact that most western leaning "analysts" keep on deluding not only themselves and also their sheeps a.k.a. constituencies will inevitably bring the shocking realization once the Taiwan conflict becomes kinetic. The false bravado, not to mention misplaced confidence that China/PLA/CPC will be prevented from realizing their long held mission is simply going to be shattered.