I seriously doubt you or others here you referenced have any qualification to question me on that regard
I don't question qualifications because I'm a competent debater; rather, anyone speaking with logic has the proper qualifications to question others. I go for your points and rebut them with logic like you're supposed to do in a debate. Only people who cannot win with logic start hiding behind personal questions trying to disqualify others from even talking and self-purported "qualifications" to make it look like he must speak unopposed

. Don't try to shut others up; answer questions and debate with logic. Where's the confidence?
Yeah, I have no idea what you're trying to say. I just asked you twice:
"In layman terms, how do you want the average Chinese internet user's experience changed?"
And I got no answer. How am I supposed to have an idea what you want to convey when you cannot answer such a basic question?
I cannot say more on this subject.
OK, it does seem we're at your limit. The first paragraph of your last post was when you first sounded like a verbal drunk falling down the stairs.
But I am having a hunch that you are either 1450type or something else. I seriously doubt you are among those red-blooded Chinese.
Wow, I cannot directly tell if you are right or wrong when you talk about ICT specifications as I'm not in the field but from the way you speak, you sounded like a person who's wrong all the time while calling other people stupid. And now, you've actually proven it to me by saying that I'm not a red-blooded Chinese person. 1450? Me? I'm pro-CCP saying that they've earned the benefit of the doubt every time and you're calling them foolish... and
I'm a 1450?? Not
you?? LOLOL It's like Danny Devito calling Shaq a midget online...
Wrong while calling others stupid, can't win a debate with logic so first try to disqualify based on internet self-claimed credentials, then resort to personal insults and sweeping assumptions... This conversation is going really badly for you; I agree with your decision to look for an exit but I won't hold it over you because I'm very curious to hear your answer... if you can muster one up.