Dude, what is wrong with you people? Are you on drugs, why the hell are you so skittish and nervous about every little thing?
As a REAL Chinese (don't take offense to this), there is NOTHING abnormal about what the US is doing. In fact, for a country as rich and resourceful as the US, they are actually quite sluggish and tame (in this game of geostrategic rivalry/confrontation with China), compare to what we Chinese are actually used to: ourselves, as recorded in history. This is what's supposed to be done, long time ago already! Any adequate Chinese strategist in US's shoes would have done a lot more, long time ago, and lavishly putting money in. For a country as strategically placed as Nepal, a Chinese strategist mindset in US's shoes would have given them 50 billion USD at a much more favorable terms a least a decade ago, to just them hook on US debt. And proceed with further investments with less favorable term as a follow up.
The US is freaking slow and dumb to the game. They should have already made a huge presence in Mongolia, Central Asian 'stan's, as well as Nepal and Bhutan long time ago. The fact that they are only giving a mere 500 mil USD to Nepal only now, in freaking 2022, means that they are damn slow to this game.
Chinese rhetoric is purely rhetoric. Official Rhetoric is part of the game of diplomacy, geostrategy and power struggle. Why are you guys emotionally taken by such lousy performance?
Are you trying to brainwash fellow Chinese into idiotic delicate sensitive "giant babies"(巨婴)? We already see the result with Western elite doing ideocracy to their people for decade: turning them into f**king idiots believing in unreasonable things which include grossly underestimating their opponent (China). Are you trying to do the same to fellow Chinese people?
Did you forget that the US is a naval power? It's influence on inland countries is severely curtailed. That's why they put a lot of effort into HK, Taiwan, Vietnam, and not so much into Mongolia and Nepal.