Useless woman, China is and always will never be responsible nor should ever be made to fix any ones f$&k ups, especially one that any one can see coming a million miles away. What a pig. Should germanys economy collapse and should they keep on throwing shade at there BFF because the USA told them to on some real stupid reasoning that basically amounts to the USA being at fault for everything like usual, what incentive does China have to maintain trade with Germany if Germany tries to lecture China on values and tries push China around like as though it is the 19th century. Does she honestly think she can humiliate China into doing whatever she wants like a typical Karen ir can’t she take a freaken hint that the century of humiliation is over? She should jump off a cliff because she is a complete idiot and not once has she made a decision that is in the benefit of the EU when she always parrots these shitty values that is basically devoid of any real substance. If the entire nation of Germany loses its economy and the lives of much of its citizens because of its screw ups, it’s completely her fault and if she somehow escapes the lynching mob, I will be surprised but then again, these people are dumbWhatever.
"China’s reputation is at stake.
This is about trust, reliability and decisions on long-term investments.
Every day trade amounts to €2 billion.
trade, €330 million.
A prolongation of the war and more disruption to the world economy is in no-one’s interest."
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