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‘I make no apologies’: Biden stands by ‘Putin cannot remain in power’ remark​

President says he was not calling for regime change but was expressing personal ‘moral outrage’ over Russia’s invasion

Biden double down on regime change. Remember the old comment about US troops being in Ukraine.

“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground,’” Biden said.

White House says they aren’t but the context doesn’t make all that much sense if they aren’t in Ukraine. Some of you have been there? You’re gonna see? I don’t see it meaning US troops will be watching it via TV or YouTube.

Plus it’s not like Biden all that trustworthy. Like really. Just about everything he has said has been a lie like Taiwan.


Registered Member
According to this seat-filler Atlantic journalist, the world is splitting now citing Pakistan and Vietnam choosing sides? That's been happening for decades. Tell us something new how this conclusion was made. The West is using this autocratic vs democratic narrative because they say autocracies are spreading because China is a successful example. Today I'm watching the news and some congressman is being interviewed and he claims Putin invaded Ukraine because the world sees democracy as spreading in the world. Which one is it? And notice it's the still undemocratic Vietnam that's siding with the US so how do they draw these conclusions?
First, the article seems to be a week old. China is no longer the threat, it's all about Russia. The Americans have realised that forcing China to chose between Russia and America is going to make them chose Russia, and they don't want that. They aren't the only country, I'm sure Germany would do the same (even though vocally they are pro-America).

The non alligned movement existed because nobody was forcing them to choose a side between the west and east. America didn't care if India or Kenya bought weapons or traded with the Soviet Union, as long as they weren't communist republics. If America enacted the same policy back then it would have a similar outcome.

In this new cold war America doesn't care if you're a democracy or dictatorship, if you trade with Russia you are in the enemy camp. The bigger you are the less pressure you are under, e.g. Germany and China, but smaller countries will be forced to toe the line.


Lieutenant General
First, the article seems to be a week old. China is no longer the threat, it's all about Russia. The Americans have realised that forcing China to chose between Russia and America is going to make them chose Russia, and they don't want that. They aren't the only country, I'm sure Germany would do the same (even though vocally they are pro-America).

The non alligned movement existed because nobody was forcing them to choose a side between the west and east. America didn't care if India or Kenya bought weapons or traded with the Soviet Union, as long as they weren't communist republics. If America enacted the same policy back then it would have a similar outcome.

In this new cold war America doesn't care if you're a democracy or dictatorship, if you trade with Russia you are in the enemy camp. The bigger you are the less pressure you are under, e.g. Germany and China, but smaller countries will be forced to toe the line.
The autocracy part is all about China because it's the successful rival beating democracies. It's like the Axis of Evil. Were Iran, Iraq, and North Korea really aligned as allies? No, they just want to lump countries they have problems with all together even though they don't share anything except the US doesn't like them. Like with 9/11, they were angry at China because it turned their attention away from targeting China. Russia is just a momentary distraction.


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The autocracy part is all about China because it's the successful rival beating democracies. It's like the Axis of Evil. Were Iran, Iraq, and North Korea really aligned as allies? No, they just want to lump countries they have problems with all together even though they don't share anything except the US doesn't like them. Like with 9/11, they were angry at China because it turned their attention away from targeting China. Russia is just a momentary distraction.
It remains to be seen how much the narrative of this being a "momentary distraction" is just wishful thinking.

Make no mistake, China is the ultimate target because it is the only power that can truly challenge American hegemony. US foreign policy is utterly united in this view and, frankly, the only people who think otherwise are some domestic Chinese liberals dreaming about a "reconciliation."

However, history isn't some Clancy novel and Washington policy grand strategists under Bush likely thought the same thing about "9/11 being a momentary distraction" from their own "China threat" fantasies back in the day. Turned out that momentary distraction lasted 20 years.

America absolutely wants to tunnel vision on China and the Asia-Pacific pivot, but the Ukraine distraction has already hindered its "Indo-Pacific" strategy. A "historic" US-ASEAN summit in Washington was cancelled, perhaps due to concerns that the US would leverage the event to pressure ASEAN to join its stance on Ukraine. The military abandonment of Ukraine on grounds that "Well, it's not NATO," so soon after the flight from Afghanistan, has undoubtedly tempered regional expectations of the American security partnership, no matter how many performative art stunts the US conducts to try to save face, like the upcoming joint drill.

The Biden administration's overemphasis on a "clash of civilizations-"style values-based confrontation through things like the "democracy summit," while a crowd-pleaser with Europe and the OECD, has alienated partners like the GC monarchies, particularly through the conjunction of how "authoritarian" Russia's foreign reserves were just seized and stolen.


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Looks like signs of torture to me. The bruising on the torso. Look at the swastika, it looks like it was cut into her skin and then a substance (iodine?) applied over it.
Did you read the replies? Most think it’s done by the Russians to frame the Ukrainians. How do you convince those who think Ukrainians can do no wrong, then block videos of Ukraine shooting the legs of Russian POWs.


Two different Friedmans. One for geopolitics is George Friedman, the founder of geopolitical strategic consulting company, STRATFOR. The other is one of the longest NYT columnist Thomas Friedman. This dude, has written a couple of books that sold fairly well, namely "The World Is Flat" and other neoliberal/American globalization books. Plus, he's married to a very rich woman.
Daughter of George Sorus?