It is not as simple. Working for Huawei for almost 13 years, Huawei's Ren Zhengfei and almost all Huawei top executives are behind the idea of globalization and free market. Ren Zhengfei were paranoia enough to build back up technology plans, but there was never intention within Huawei to actually use them. Until Trump comes alone and shows to Huawei what free market really means. Compared to Huawei, all the other big internet technology companies are even worse. Tech companies had a really hard time get investments from China equity during their infant phase, it is the American investors who really invested in BAT during the early phase of the company like around 2000. So, these companies are more interested in innovating applications on top of American technology rather than spend money on basic research, because they are the beneficiary of western globalization efforts. Some people would say the reason for the slaps of the past year against internet companies is that the Chinese leadership is unhappy with internet companies making millions yet done nothing to help Chinese technological advance. Anyway, Trump changes everything, and then there is Hongkong, Xinjiang, each more obvious as to US's intention, a technology cold war is now unavoidable.