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Junior Member
in China, when it comes to diplomacy, attention is paid to details, no mistake is allowed, but sometimes people simply don't care that much.

“Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said it was "remarkable" that a Chinese summary of the call was published before the two leaders had even finished speaking.”


Registered Member
Listening to Alexander latest video but he isn’t optimistic. He thinks that the Americans may be preparing to launch a 2nd front against China and that China has been preparing for sanctions from the US (which is expected).

I don’t think it’s likely but if such a thing does happen then it’s time to strap in tight.


Registered Member
Listening to Alexander latest video but he isn’t optimistic. He thinks that the Americans may be preparing to launch a 2nd front against China and that China has been preparing for sanctions from the US (which is expected).

I don’t think it’s likely but if such a thing does happen then it’s time to strap in tight.

This is exactly what America is doing...

First threaten to sanction China too if China doesn't backstab Russia... if China does cave and backstab Russia (very unlikely) then US scores a win.... and then after Russia is defeated, US will finish off China. And China won't have anyone to turn to not even Russia.

If China doesn't cave, then US will do full sanction against China too, starting with the full IC/Chip embargo sanctions and locking up all the Chinese diaspora living in the US and 5eyes nations.


Registered Member
Listening to Alexander latest video but he isn’t optimistic. He thinks that the Americans may be preparing to launch a 2nd front against China and that China has been preparing for sanctions from the US (which is expected).

I don’t think it’s likely but if such a thing does happen then it’s time to strap in tight.

This is exactly what America is doing...

First threaten to sanction China too if China doesn't backstab Russia... if China does cave and backstab Russia (very unlikely) then US scores a win.... and then after Russia is defeated, US will finish off China. And China won't have anyone to turn to not even Russia.

If China doesn't cave, then US will do full sanction against China too, starting with the full IC/Chip embargo sanctions and locking up all the Chinese diaspora living in the US and 5eyes nations.



Registered Member
Nonsense. Indonesia's cooking oil is mainly sourced from refining domestic palm oil. There are some huge players which try to hoard stocks in order to jack up the market price. What has Ukraine got anything to go with it .

“There shouldn’t be a shortage and yet that is exactly what has happened. What is going on here?” she said. “What is the problem between the raw material providers and the oil producers?”

Tiko added the CPO produced in Indonesia exceeds domestic demand, which should mean there is a surplus in the country. But since Indonesia only produces CPO and fresh fruit, much of the processing is in the hands of private entrepreneurs who are focused on the export market.

Ukraine/Russia = 80% of global sunflower oil = disruption = cooking oil price surge = big money = export = less palm oil for Indo.

TLDR: Companies rather export it then sell it to you.


Lieutenant General
The West loves to make it look like everyone on their side has consensus of free thought where they come up to a common conclusion because it's naturally the right one. The latest is asking China if they want to be on the wrong side of history. For the last week I've been hearing this term being used throughout the news media and then after the Biden-Xi meeting, the US press secretary uses the term. This isn't a common random conclusion. It's called talking points the White House gives out to the media and pundits to repeat to push their narrative. Fox News does this to left-wing guests they interview on TV so they can embarrass them. The standard TV news media practice is to do a pre-interview with guests before they come on TV so they can pick what subjects they want to talk about that would be interesting to their viewers. Fox News goes the extra mile where they do pre-interviews so they can do research how to create talking points and give them to their fellow Republicans involved in the interview ready to counter and embarrass Democrats. They claim people on the wrong side of history pay a price in the future. Well the West has been on the wrong side of history for the majority of their existence and have they paid the price? No, they've gotten away with the worst ever crimes in history. They don't even acknowledge what they've done in history. You have Americans that think the West did nothing to China because if was them that was wronged by China in the past, they would hold a grudge especially if China didn't feel sorry for it. This is the part where there are Chinese who so much wanted to be accepted by the West, they don't bring up those sore subjects that push buttons with Westerners because they think it's the quicker path to being accepted by the West. Do you see China being accepted by the West? No, it's the opposite furthest end from being accepted. Why does the right-wing hate Critical Race Theory? Because they think teaching the bad parts of US history will make Americans constantly feel ashamed for being Americans and make them soft in the world. But they want everyone else to be ashamed of their history... That's the argument they make to takeover China because the Chinese aren't being told the "truth" about what the Chinese have done in history and they want to tell it. Hypocrites.