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Extremely based opinion piece. Some quotes:
There is however a more contemporary angle that is being missed: amid the tragedy, the birth of a new world order that may be better equipped to prevent and resolve crises like Russia-Ukraine. Why? Because it will be a world with more equal power-sharing that will no longer be dictated by the narrow interventionist interests of the West.

These interventions have spanned the tragedies of the 21st century, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen, yet these did not elicit the pious posturing of Europeans and Americans as Russia-Ukraine has. The mindset remains the same: wars are justified and tolerated if led by the West because it supposedly has a noble mission.

This is reinforced by propaganda about liberating repressed peoples from fascists, communists, or religious fanatics, which helps the Western public disregard atrocities committed by their governments. This willful ignorance is also fueled by a deep-seated belief in the Western public's psyche that white lives are more precious than those of others living in shithole countries. The hypocrisy and racism of reporting on Russia-Ukraine has made this abundantly clear.
This also demonstrates how much power the global media agencies, which are mainly Western, have with relation to how conflicts are understood. In Ukraine, they have sought to galvanize a unified emotional response from the Western public rather than painting a complete picture of this extremely complicated issue. This depiction mirrors the illegal invasion of Iraq, where American soldiers were lionized for "spreading freedom," while minimal coverage was provided on the death and destruction inflicted on hundreds of thousands of Iraqis by Western armies.

This raises a question: why are Western societies so willing to accept what their media tells them about wars, Russia-Ukraine in particular? It would appear that they are desperate to have an enemy. America has been at war for almost 95% of the time since its independence, while European nations have triggered the largest wars in history.
This helps explain why the collective Western psyche appears to be in active denial about the events leading up to this war and has little interest in exploring viewpoints from the other side.
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Junior Member
Even a broken clock is right twice a day (so someone who does good analysis and the likes can sometimes be wrong as well), while he predicted that Russia wouldn't invade (he gave some reasons and his thoughts) ultimately it's all from his opinion/view (he was also sometimes part of the guancha livestreams in the opening days of the invasion).

Doesn't mean because of that, all his past and future videos and opinions should be thrown into the garbage. Also a lot of his analysis and the likes are done on something that has happened (and he also talks about relevant history), stuff where he tries to predict something is to my knowledge something done more rarely.

He's a controversial Fudan international relation professor who is seen as one of the most outspoken public critic of west in Chinese media. His correct prediction of Trump winning 2016 election propelled him into the limelight. His claim of being banned from US by FBI made him appear politically reliable and loyal for Chinese netizens. This sets him apart from other Chinese researchers who are usually hampered with persistent rumors of their family members' western ties. As a result, he has gained a great deal of popularity and achieved a large following on Chinese social media. I actually at one time subscribed to his weibo account. But, I found some of his views were too radical and he has a tendency to publicly humiliate weibo posters who disagree with him.

Since members here tend to show health skepticism about media, journalism and other experts, I think it's prudent to bring attention to his wrong prediction on Ukraine as it speaks to his credibility. Granted, nobody is expected to make accurate predictions of the future. Still the whole Russian invasion was very well telegraphed and was in line with Putin's often expressed position against NATO's eastward expansion. IMO, Shen got overconfident and could have been more circumspect.


Paul Krugman is making a fool of himself. It is purely disgusted that he has sunk so low. I guess how American dismay performance in covid has shaken him of his belief in American exceptionalism.
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But China is definitely not over Covid. Hong Kong, which for a long time seemed virtually unscathed, is experiencing
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, a catastrophe reminiscent of early 2020 in New York — back when there were no vaccines and we didn’t know much about how to limit transmission. Major Chinese cities like
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, a crucial world
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, are back under lockdown. And it’s not at all clear when or how China’s new health crisis will end.

First, as much of the world was turning to mRNA vaccines — a new approach adapted to Covid with miraculous speed — China insisted on using its own vaccines, which rely on older technology and have proved
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, especially against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Not only did China insist on using inferior but home-developed vaccines, it tried to discourage adoption of Western vaccines by spreading
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and conspiracy theories.

Majority of Hong Kongers were vaccinated with mRNA vaccines, you moron.

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among China’s elderly — the most vulnerable group — have lagged. This may in part be because disinformation about mRNA technology has not only discouraged people from taking the most effective vaccines, but it has bled into distrust of vaccines in general. It may also reflect broader distrust of the government; China’s leaders lie to their people all the time, so why believe them when they say you should take your shots?

China elderly 60 or above vaccination rate is 81%. Total vaccination rate of mainland Chinese is 88%. It is nothing to sniff at. It is much higher than the US and many European countries. In comparison, due to the misinformation from Hong Kong cockroach and Newspaper Hong Kong vaccination rate is just 70% before the outbreak. Its elderly people over 60 vaccination rate was 40% and people over 80 was 15%. So mainland Chinese didn't distrust their government.

The thing is, all of these failures, like Putin’s failures in Ukraine, ultimately stem from the inherent weakness of autocratic government.

On vaccines, China succumbed to the kind of blinkered nationalism all too common in authoritarian regimes. Would you have wanted to be a health official telling Xi Jinping that his vaunted vaccines were seriously inferior to Western alternatives, especially after Xi’s minions had gone to considerable lengths to claim the opposite?

On zero Covid, would you want to be an economic official telling Xi that the cost of draconian lockdowns, a policy of which China was so proud, was becoming unsupportable?

And as I said, a government that lies all the time has trouble getting the public to listen even when it’s telling the truth.

Tell that to the one millions dead Americans.


"I heard that even cats, dogs and trees from Russia would be sanctioned. And I heard that Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake would also be banned. Tchaikovsky is a famous composer who has been dead for more than 100 years. What fault did he have? Swan Lake is a masterpiece of dance art in the world. What's wrong with Swan Lake?" said Zhao.
I visit Queenstown which is the main holiday resort town in NZ about three times a month and the bar I drink at will not sell me a "Black Russian" I can only get the drink by requesting Vodka and Kahlua splash of coke with ice.


Registered Member

Someone (or more) managed to phone into and got connected to the UK Secretary of Defence and the UK Secretary of Home while posing as the “Ukrainian PM”. 2 high ranking members of the UK government. Top Notch Security
It'll probably be that Russian prankster. He's gotten a few famous people to say stupid stuff, including Nikki Haley.

Edit: Here's the prank:
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