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Registered Member
Sounds like the Japan oil embargo treatment... Almost certainly a WW3 if they try to do a complete trade embargo + blockade

"BREAKING: US Deputy Treasury Secretary says further options Washington has against Russia include a full trade embargo and blocking Russian access to international waterways"
This is exactly why China is cranking out warships quickly. You need enough warships to protect your own trading fleet, energy and food supply.


Lieutenant General
I don't buy that. Stopping trading by a specific country is one thing. Blocking international waterway (or simply blockade) will be regarded as declaration of war.
It’s sign of how desperate they are getting to be publicly shopping such shit ideas. How the fuck would that even work? Sure, they can board Russian flagged merchantmen and risk a naval confrontation they bet they can win, but Russian flagged ships will only be carrying a tiny fraction of all sea based trade to and from Russia. They are going to stop Chinese and Indian merchantmen in international waters as well? Not even the Euros would be on board with such a craptastic hairbrained nonsense.

The Russian economy is primarily based on real resources and manufacturing. That means they still have real tangible assets they can sell, and worst case, barter for trade, so long as they got the factory of the world at their backs ready to supply them with almost anything they need.

That puts a hard bottom on how bad things can go for Russia, and to be frank, they are not far from that already. But that also means the current western sanctions are about as damaging as they every will. Why else would they literally be sanctioning Russian cats and dogs if they had anything left of any worth to throw?

In contrast, American and most western ‘advanced’ economies’ economic might are based overwhelmingly on intangible make believe promises, which are all too often promises of future benefits to boot. When trust breaks down and everyone starts calling in their chits, all hell is going to break loose when people start to realise the actual real world realisable value of their net worth is going to be a tiny tiny percentage of what their bank/portfolio statements says. That means there is no bottom for how bad the economics downturn could be in the west if things really go south. and that’s why they are running scared. The Russians can outlast them.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Here's Richard Ass singing a different tune when it comes to Taiwan. Remember this same "Ass" penned an opinion piece on Foreign Affairs magazine which was essentially calling for the U.S. to do away with One China Policy and that was less than 4 months ago.

That's insane this neocon warhawk even suggest the tariffs is a failure and suggest removing tariffs on China and throwing Taiwan under the bus.

It really puts into perspective how during PEACETIME, Richard Haas gets his rice bowl filled by military-industrial complex $$$ donations to spout "Anti-China" crap all day, but when the prospect of nuclear WW3 nears, he flips on a dime and gives China all it wants/needs within firing a single bullet. Interesting... but China should be cautious. Once Putin is gone, US/NATO will just target China anyways, it only delays the containment.


New Member
Registered Member
Sounds like the Japan oil embargo treatment... Almost certainly a WW3 if they try to do a complete trade embargo + blockade

"BREAKING: US Deputy Treasury Secretary says further options Washington has against Russia include a full trade embargo and blocking Russian access to international waterways"
An attempt of a naval blockade of Russia guarantees that the Russian army is not stopping at the western border of Ukraine, but marching straight across Europe.


Registered Member
It’s sign of how desperate they are getting to be publicly shopping such shit ideas. How the fuck would that even work? Sure, they can board Russian flagged merchantmen and risk a naval confrontation they bet they can win, but Russian flagged ships will only be carrying a tiny fraction of all sea based trade to and from Russia. They are going to stop Chinese and Indian merchantmen in international waters as well? Not even the Euros would be on board with such a craptastic hairbrained nonsense.

The Russian economy is primarily based on real resources and manufacturing. That means they still have real tangible assets they can sell, and worst case, barter for trade, so long as they got the factory of the world at their backs ready to supply them with almost anything they need.

That puts a hard bottom on how bad things can go for Russia, and to be frank, they are not far from that already. But that also means the current western sanctions are about as damaging as they every will. Why else would they literally be sanctioning Russian cats and dogs if they had anything left of any worth to throw?

In contrast, American and most western ‘advanced’ economies’ economic might are based overwhelmingly on intangible make believe promises, which are all too often promises of future benefits to boot. When trust breaks down and everyone starts calling in their chits, all hell is going to break loose when people start to realise the actual real world realisable value of their net worth is going to be a tiny tiny percentage of what their bank/portfolio statements says. That means there is no bottom for how bad the economics downturn could be in the west if things really go south. and that’s why they are running scared. The Russians can outlast them.
If the Americans start seizing and blockading Russia then it will be like a 99.99% chance the oil taps get shut off. Just last week German FM Annalena Baerbock said “A third of our oil imports come from Russia. If we stopped these straight away, then tomorrow we would not be able to move in Germany anymore.”


Registered Member
You don't even need to read anything to know how that meeting went. Just look at Sullivan's face
Poor guy. Whoever has a meeting with Yang gets worse afterwards. I still remember how Blinken was visibly shaking after that Anchorage meeting lol

Yang probably explained to them very slowly what they really achieved with all these sanctions to Russia and that triggered some visible desperation from them.

In any case, in Yang Jiechi we trust!


Registered Member
Poor guy. Whoever has a meeting with Yang gets worse afterwards. I still remember how Blinken was visibly shaking after that Anchorage meeting lol

Yang probably explained to them very slowly what they really achieved with all these sanctions to Russia and that triggered some visible desperation from them.

In any case, in Yang Jiechi we trust!
Anyone have a video or a time stamp for Blinken being “visibly shaken.” I heard of it but haven’t seen it.