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If Japan gets nukes you can bet with almost 100% certainty the South Koreans will want them too.
At one point both those countries had covert nuclear weapons programs. They are both considered to be among the closest to breakthrough capability in nukes since 1990s.

I assume these "Japanese nukes" would be similar to US nuclear weapon sharing of B-61 bombs in Germany and Turkey. US is not interested in more countries getting their own nuclear weapons. They tried to kill the French nuclear weapons program for example.
It would be a nightmare scenario for the U.S. if North and South Korea, and Japan all have nukes. There is no reason for the U.S. to station troops in East Asia anymore if that happens.


Registered Member
It would be a nightmare scenario for the U.S. if North and South Korea, and Japan all have nukes. There is no reason for the U.S. to station troops in East Asia anymore if that happens.
You would think that but they can also get them to suicide against China. Never underestimate the power of propaganda as we saw in Ukraine, we have white suburban dads who wanna play hero go to Ukraine... For what?


Registered Member
Hence overlapping interests for various different reasons don't mean much

It may not mean much.

Then one day, it means everything!

Has India distanced itself from Russia, or the QUAD, when this war was in progress?

Simple question, simple answer. We all know what that is too.

China ain't complaining about that topic.


Junior Member
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India probably has one foot out of the QUAD.

The way things are going, it will be two feet, if the Americans keep pushing.

In the long run, China would like to have stable relations with India. If India leaves the QUAD, that is a step in the same direction.

Also, China and India, both took a step in the same direction with respects to Russia!
That. And I would add a little more. Given that US/Russia relation is broken to the point of no return for the foreseeable future, India is in the most awkward position among all major countries. Its elites want to align with US. But its fundamental interests dictate that India cannot afford breaking with Russia. And I don't think US or China would allow India to straddle.


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Lieutenant General
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Saudi capital to build a refinery in China for Russian oil. Interesting.

Yen supposed to be safe heaven in crises but some how it is lowest level in recent times.
some statistics. i doubt Japan has 5T GDP left when you look at export performance.
Since Japan and EU joined US sanctions and confiscated Russian Central Bank deposits in their currency, any idea of using their currencies as safe hedge against US dollar, or for trade with US sanctioned countries has gone down the drain. This will make both their currencies devalue against USD. At the same time USD is devaluing vs Yuan. EU and Japan will sink into new depression.

Even if Iran signed a deal with Biden now, it is unlikely to survive a Republican administration.
Yep. This is going to make it hard to get a deal.

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Foxconn is already known for using slave labor in Apple fabs. Do you think the Saudis will be using their population to work in these fabs? Pakistanese and Bangladeshi slaves will do it.

It would be a nightmare scenario for the U.S. if North and South Korea, and Japan all have nukes. There is no reason for the U.S. to station troops in East Asia anymore if that happens.
It would be a nuclear sharing agreement similar to the one in Germany or Turkey. US troops would hold the nukes in a vault and they would only take them out in case of conflict. US troops would never leave.


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Here's Richard Ass singing a different tune when it comes to Taiwan. Remember this same "Ass" penned an opinion piece on Foreign Affairs magazine which was essentially calling for the U.S. to do away with One China Policy and that was less than 4 months ago.

Lmfao. China's (very apt) response to every US diplomatic posturing these past few months can best be summed up as "go f*ck yourself". Good luck retards.