Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Watch the news and it makes it sound like any meetings between the US and China is all scolding and threats and warnings to China by the US. There are countries not taking calls from Biden and they think they can scold China into submission when last year when they were angry China was not talking US calls after they made a big deal that China was the last country Biden wanted to talk to after being elected? They even say China is the deciding factor in this war and they think they can scold China into doing what the US wants. The people who were teasing of next cancelling China just for being China are threatening to cancel China if they help Russia...? Trump dumb is spreading across the US going out spending all US leverage on minor things just to show how big they are and then when they need China for something important, they have no leverage left. What happened to all the charges that China greenlit and was behind this war as if Russia were a puppet? What happened to how China is the big winner in the end especially if Russia takes over Ukraine? Jake Sullivan on the Sunday morning talk shows said that China may have been lied to by the Russians about their intent like how the Europeans were lied to. Now they're backtracking from their lies.

The US is accusing Russia of preparing to use chemical and biological weapons because Russia accused the US of nefarious activities in US backed bio-labs in Ukraine. Let's remember this is a tactic of the US to accuse the other side of doing something first to soften it when people find out the US has been doing it all along. The US accuses China of malicious software programs that do things that the US has been doing. How about the most obvious where the US accused China of using a malicious software program that was stolen from the NSA. Obama accused China of spying on countries it says has friendly intentions and then you find Obama was spying on allies. The US said countries that engage in cyber attacks are an acts of war and then Stuxnet in Iran happened.

The Quad was created to make India feel like it was included in something big from the West. The US, Japan, Australia were already allies so what was it for other than making Indians happy so the US can make India follow what the US wants? It also means it's a superficial grouping.


Junior Member
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After having the disfortune to read that drivel from that Chinese US-loving deluded guy, here is a proper comprehensive analysis of the Ukrainian war and its implications for the current (collapsing) international order

On Chinese, you can also google translate
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The last paragraph reflects the depth of 5000 year civilization. Nothing is personal. Nothing is emotional. It is all about business. This is because the well-being of 1.5 billion people depends on it.


Junior Member
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It is the only right thing for China to highlight and question US involvement in the Biolabs issue in Ukraine and around the world to the world audience. Hopefully more people will become more aware of the issue and the Biological Weapon Convention.

Following is the statement from Zhao Lijian.

Zhao Lijian: You said the US has been stressing that the facilities are for research purposes. I can tell you that the US response so far has been self-contradictory and perplexing. According to the 2005 agreement between the US Department of Defense and the Ukrainian side, representatives of the US Department of Defense have the right to participate in all aspects of related activities at facilities in Ukraine. Information marked or designated by the US side Department of Defense as “sensitive” should be withheld from public disclosure by Ukraine. According to the document the US submitted to the meeting of the state parties to the BWC at the end of 2021, the US has cooperation facilities in Ukraine including 26 labs.

We wonder, whether the US has sent its people? What specifically is the scope of activities? How many cooperation facilities are there? What kind of sensitive information about public health cannot be shared? Does the Ukrainian side know what the US has been working on in Ukraine?

If the information released by the US is self-contradictory and significantly flawed, how can the US convince the international community that it has indeed implemented obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)? Despite the international consensus on ensuring compliance with verification, the US has been standing alone in obstructing the establishment of a BWC verification mechanism. That explains the international community’s suspicion over the bio-military activities of the US. 

For decades, the US readily points fingers at others and accuses them of noncompliance, saying that they should accept verification and even resorting to sanctions and military operations. However, when it comes to the US itself, it is refusing verification and trying to muddle through by simply saying “we are in compliance with the convention”. How is that? This is typical double standard. Moreover, given the credibility of the US, it is very difficult for it to win the trust of the international community. 

Once again we urge the US to act responsibly, offer a clear account of its biological military activities at home and abroad, and stop standing alone in obstructing the establishment of a BWC verification regime. This will help restore the international community’s confidence in the US’ fulfillment of its international obligations and strengthen global biosecurity.


Registered Member
Wow, this is big
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  • Saudi Arabia some days ago
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    to even pick go the phone and talk to Biden
  • Some weeks ago,
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    with Western media, when asked if "Biden misunderstands (journalist death) you", he responded with "Simply, I do not care"...
  • Now, Xi has been invited by MBS to visit SA
  • Confirmed that Xi first foreign visit since the Covid-19 pandemic began is going be to Saudi Arabia
I don't think you need to be genious to realise what this new development means...
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Sounds like the Japan oil embargo treatment... Almost certainly a WW3 if they try to do a complete trade embargo + blockade

"BREAKING: US Deputy Treasury Secretary says further options Washington has against Russia include a full trade embargo and blocking Russian access to international waterways"
I don't buy that. Stopping trading by a specific country is one thing. Blocking international waterway (or simply blockade) will be regarded as declaration of war.


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