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Sullivan is a hardcore neocon, pretty sure it will be posturing, warning China about Taiwan as well as helping Russia, while demanding China "to talk some sense into Putin" and end the conflict.
I can agree that Sullivan belongs to the "deep state" or "K Street". But I don't think they are so delusional that, at this juncture, would propose going into Rome with his counterpart from China, just for some PR stunts.

As I posted earlier with David P Goldman in Asia Times, this smells a juncture at which the world will fork depending upon how US and China decide. China under Xi has no illusion with US for N years already. If Sullivan et al. still believe they can bluff Xi into submission, then US would have been royally f*cked, not by China, but by these "K Street" idiots.


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China is one of my favourite countries and may they prosper but there is one area where they are lacking or perhaps two areas.

1. They are lethargic in their responses or actions in regards to being encircled or when there is attempts to encircle them and if you look at Pakistan or Russia it is completely the opposite they are proactive and see things quickly such as sneaky encirclements and won't just absorb it silently but China is guilty of this.

2. I don't know whether it is their intelliegence agency that is lacking or whether it is part of their tactics to absorb provocations.

Pakistan has solely been shielding China from encirclement example Pakistan take extremely issues with all that farce called QUAD and again it is Pakistan that is blocking US armament to India because Pakistan could harm US interests elsewhere in the ME by changing the dynamic if they go all in on India but the Americans have started to slowly disregard this these days. They are claiming they want to arm India against China but doesn't sit well with Pakistan aswell any armaments going to India is bothersome in Pakistan.

Pakistan won't allow the Americans into India but China which is the entity being claimed to encircle is lethargic. What there is QUAD, AUKUS, Quam, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea and now India?

China has been to passive and lethargic basically just absorbing bullshxt encirclement attempts.. Pakistan has not only been breaking this attempts up but also been breaking other encirclement efforts against China..

Pakistan has been securing their security issues because it is not proactive and have less confrontational confucius view points but that is not how to approach attempted encirclement but with teeth, rhetoric and chest humping aka making your presence known. If Pakistan can do this successfully China should be able to do this
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Registered Member
China is one of my favourite countries and may they prosper but there is one area where they are lacking or perhaps two areas.

1. They are lethargic in their responses or actions in regards to being encircled or when there is attempts to encircle them and if you look at Pakistan or Russia it is completely the opposite they are proactive and see things quickly such as sneaky encirclements and won't just absorb it silently but China is guilty of this.

2. I don't know whether it is their intelliegence agency that is lacking or whether it is part of their tactics to absorb provocations.

Pakistan has solely been shielding China from encirclement example Pakistan could extremely issues with all that farce called QUAD and again it is Pakistan that is blocking US armament to India because Pakistan could harm US interests elsewhere in the ME but changing the dynamic if they go all in on India but the Americans have started to solely this disregard this these days. They are claiming they want to arm India against China but doesn't well with Pakistan aswell any armaments going to India is bothersome in Islamabad.

Pakistan won't allow the Americans into India but China which is the entity being claimed to encircle is lethargic. What there is QUAD, AUKUS, Quam, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea and now India?

China has been to passive and lethargic basically just absorbing bullshxt encirclement.. Pakistan has not only been breaking this attempts up but also been breaking other encirclement efforts against China..
Pakistan would be the enemy of India whatever China did, so that means that China doesn't need to do much there except help it with military tech

As for the rest of your points, China follows its own strategy. Understandably, people think that China is too lethargic but its all according to its own (long-term) plans

Compare the economies of Pakistan and Russia with China for example. China has become an economic superpower, Russia is rapidly declining in its economy, while Pakistan sacrificed decades of economic growth to ally itself with the US on Afghanistan

All in all, China takes a long term view of things. What is happening now is meaningless distractions to its wider strategic goals.
Acquisition rule #1: Peace is good for the country


Registered Member
China is one of my favourite countries and may they prosper but there is one area where they are lacking or perhaps two areas.

1. They are lethargic in their responses or actions in regards to being encircled or when there is attempts to encircle them and if you look at Pakistan or Russia it is completely the opposite they are proactive and see things quickly such as sneaky encirclements and won't just absorb it silently but China is guilty of this.

2. I don't know whether it is their intelliegence agency that is lacking or whether it is part of their tactics to absorb provocations.

Pakistan has solely been shielding China from encirclement example Pakistan take extremely issues with all that farce called QUAD and again it is Pakistan that is blocking US armament to India because Pakistan could harm US interests elsewhere in the ME by changing the dynamic if they go all in on India but the Americans have started to slowly disregard this these days. They are claiming they want to arm India against China but doesn't sit well with Pakistan aswell any armaments going to India is bothersome in Pakistan.

Pakistan won't allow the Americans into India but China which is the entity being claimed to encircle is lethargic. What there is QUAD, AUKUS, Quam, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea and now India?

China has been to passive and lethargic basically just absorbing bullshxt encirclement attempts.. Pakistan has not only been breaking this attempts up but also been breaking other encirclement efforts against China..

Pakistan has been securing their security issues because it is not proactive and have less confrontational confucius view points but that is not how to approach attempted encirclement but with teeth, rhetoric and chest humping aka making your presence known. If Pakistan can do this successful China should be able to do this
China fought the Korean War against US with 40% global GDP and 2 victories against leading industrial powers to prevent encirclement.

China then supplied Vietnam for 10+ years against US to prevent encirclement.


Junior Member
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As for the rest of your points, China follows its own strategy. Understandably, people think that China is too lethargic but its all according to its own (long-term) plans

This was not about economy and I know about the chinese economy is the largest in the world currently and my argument was not based on that.

But this strategy is not working because it is to passive and will not work on the Americans whatsoever. The Americans only respect confrontational invididuals with loud rhetoric in your face types not invidivudals absorbing their provocations as they will see this as sign of weakness.

They respect decisiveness and outright in your face types. The Americans don't understand confucius approaches because that is an alien doctrine and they will translate that as for weakness and only understand the langauge approaches of the inner Eurasian plateau.

The more China has absorbing attitude and patient stragetic outlook the more encirclement appraoches will come from the Americans because they simply don't understand Chinese stragetic patience or appraoches


Registered Member
As I posted earlier with David P Goldman in Asia Times, this smells a juncture at which the world will fork depending upon how US and China decide.

Although you could be right, I got my doubts.

Simply put, China likes the way the country is headed, and they still are deepening their ties with other countries in the world.

What the Americans want is a mystery.

It is not real what the Americans want, just fantasy.

Thìs war in Europe would be an isolated event, but the Americans managed to push China and India in the same direction.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Although you could be right, I got my doubts.

Simply put, China likes the way the country is headed, and they still are deepening their ties with other countries in the world.

What the Americans want is a mystery.

It is not real what the Americans want, just fantasy.

Thìs war in Europe would be an isolated event, but the Americans managed to push China and India in the same direction.
Maybe I need to clarify a little bit. What I meant was that China definitely would not conspire with US to decide the fate of third-parties. The actual results or effects of those talks, with or without any concrete agreements, will shape the new world order. We don't know yet. But 50 years from now, history would tell us that it was USvsChina that actually defined the fork at the moment. It really doesn't matter China wants it or not. As someone once said, that someone does not believe in anything is in itself a form of belief or religion. Whatever China chooses to do or not to do now will, one way or another, be counted as a significant factor that is shaping the world now.