Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
A more fundamental reading from my pov :

1. Ukraine conflict is due to US-led NATO expansionism. Russia hit back to defend themselves.
2. US and EU allies sanction Russia, thereby imposing cost on Russia's retaliation.
3. Sanctions have cost, in form of repercussion on US and EU economies. A loophole exist in form of China, who 1. not only in position to keep Russian economy alive, but 2. take advantage by filling in the gap left by western mncs.

West I China
Want : Uphold Hegemony I Want : More trade and opportunities(this is what russia need too)
Cost : Economy damage I Cost : Nil

Not only is US demanding China to give up on her basic right to trade with Russia, US is expecting China to share the cost of what essentially an act of sustaining US hegemony.

If China yield to the demand of US, this is equal to submitting to US hegemony.



Senior Member
If Japan gets nukes you can bet with almost 100% certainty the South Koreans will want them too.
At one point both those countries had covert nuclear weapons programs. They are both considered to be among the closest to breakthrough capability in nukes since 1990s.

I assume these "Japanese nukes" would be similar to US nuclear weapon sharing of B-61 bombs in Germany and Turkey. US is not interested in more countries getting their own nuclear weapons. They tried to kill the French nuclear weapons program for example.
Yep. Having Nukes means more independence in their own foreign policy. And US hegemony doesn't like that for US puppets.