Miscellaneous News


Senior Member
Registered Member
China is still willing to negotiate. Today there is no foreign ministry regular press briefing. China is intentionally holding back and keeping options open before the meeting. Edit. My mistake. They are still holding it just really late.

Covid situation will get worse before it gets better, with spillover effects expected for the economy. The middle class is very, very anxious. Xi Jinping knows when to pull a tactical retreat. Remember how he backed off from the plan for property tax because of intense opposition? Or how common prosperity got barely any mention in the latest two sessions? How he buried his grand anti-smoking ambition in his first term?
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
If Japan gets nukes you can bet with almost 100% certainty the South Koreans will want them too.
At one point both those countries had covert nuclear weapons programs. They are both considered to be among the closest to breakthrough capability in nukes since 1990s.

I assume these "Japanese nukes" would be similar to US nuclear weapon sharing of B-61 bombs in Germany and Turkey. US is not interested in more countries getting their own nuclear weapons. They tried to kill the French nuclear weapons program for example.


Registered Member
If Japan gets nukes you can bet with almost 100% certainty the South Koreans will want them too.
At one point both those countries had covert nuclear weapons programs. They are both considered to be among the closest to breakthrough capability in nukes since 1990s.

I assume these "Japanese nukes" would be similar to US nuclear weapon sharing of B-61 bombs in Germany and Turkey. US is not interested in more countries getting their own nuclear weapons. They tried to kill the French nuclear weapons program for example.
If Japan is going to get nukes then I support a preemptive first strike.

No one is going to convince me that letting Japan have nuclear weapons is a good idea


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I agree that Blinken is an idiot. The MiG-29 saga is just another pathetic example of this. We came this close to WW3 for reals. Had he bothered to speak with the DoD before opening his mouth I doubt that little charade would have happened. Where does the US government even get these people?


Junior Member
Registered Member
I agree that Blinken is an idiot. The MiG-29 saga is just another pathetic example of this. We came this close to WW3 for reals. Had he bothered to speak with the DoD before opening his mouth I doubt that little charade would have happened. Where does the US government even get these people?
The neolibs/neocons and their sick ideology have managed to infilitrate the US government over the past 30 years. Nutjobs like Blinken, Sullivan, Pompeo, Mr. Walrus are all made of the same US far-right cloth. They are true American fascists.