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Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
WTF? Did the fat zionist Nuland just admit Ukraine has a US sponsored biological and chemical weapons programme live on TV? I was sure it was a piece of Russian propaganda, but judging by her weird response it seems 100% true.

This is the strangest moment of this war by far.
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Registered Member
I don't really put a lot of stock into this victory. This election victory for the conservative pro-American faction was for me not a surprise, but what this victory does and will do in the Korean Peninsula is going to heighten the tensions to an even greater extent. South Korea in my estimation is itching to flex it's non-existent power as witnessed from the Jai Hind like delusions CSIS Korea talk held this past March in Washington D.C. The main foreign policy advisor to the S.K. president-elect spelled out the new aggressive posture and China Pivot as a supposed sign and signal to the Chinese that South Korea isn't a middling power but a great power.

China just needs to do what it's been doing in terms of economic development and trade because North Korea isn't exactly going anywhere or going to collapse anytime soon no matter how many South Koreans convert to their new and improved Xristianity. Let the South Korean flex and see how the Japanese neighbor reacts to this new found posture wether it'll realign their relationship into positive territory or the current enmity is too hard to overcome, and if that's the case, China doesn't have to do jack squat but let these 2 countries with napoleon like syndrome fight for supremacy.
@Bellum_Romanum bro have you seen the love given to Japanese skater Yuzuru Hanyu by the Chinese and the reciprocal positive broadcast of Japanese TV network about the Beijing Olympics. Maybe the Koreans scent the isolation and need attention...lol


Registered Member
Personally I can care less who South Korea elects as a leader. What I have a problem is the Chinese reaction to it. You know how terrorists win? It's when you're terrified. That's why they're terrorists. It's not the killing. It's the terror in the people who are still alive they use to get what they want. If you're terrorized, they have power over you.

Americans like to brag about their military prowess meaning they like to threaten it to countries that they don't like or do what they want. Just like a terrorist. I come across Americans that taunt destroying China because they think they have the power to do it. It's because they want to see and relish expecting Chinese to be terrified at US power. When they come across someone like me, I'll say, "Then why don't you do it right now? Is it because you're... chicken? If you have the power without fear of loss then why don't you do it?" Everyone one of them are shocked and say nothing afterwards because they were expecting terror, an admission to US power. Their arrogance instantly turns into pathetic self-defenselessness.

In the case with the South Korean election... of course they want to side with the US because it about expressing power over China. It doesn't help when Chinese express disappointment either. It's like when Beijing says something the US does hurts the Chinese people's feelings. Do they really think the US will accommodate and not do what "hurts the Chinese people's feelings?" No they will do it more because they know they have power over the Chinese because they know they can hurt Chinese. South Korea is nothing without the US and the Chinese do acknowledge the US is in a higher authority so it shouldn't be surprising which side South Korea is going to pick. Chinese expressing their disappointment only makes them feel better.

I was at a friend's party years ago. His daughter was being annoying with all the adults but the adults were being careful and played nice with her instead of being stern. Then she set her sights on me and started hitting me with a bean bag while I was talking to someone. She started hitting harder as I ignored her to the point where I took the bean bag from her. She was angry and told me, "I hate you!" And I said to her, "Good, I like it when you hate me." She started crying and walked away. She didn't expect that response. She was expecting me to be sad at her expressing that she hated me. Do I feel bad that I made a little girl cry? No not really because I didn't say anything to hurt her personally. She said she hated me and I was okay with it. That's how you have to treat the US, South Korea, or any other country that thinks they can feel good at China's expense. Every single one of them acts like a spoiled child thinking they can do anything they want to you but when you punish them for it, they start crying like a child. Look at the EU slapping sanctions on China over the fake Uighur genocide. And then China slapped their own sanctions back and the EU thought they were the ones that were being wronged. They were still supposed to make money off of China as if it was their right. No, it's China's right to deny them something that belongs to China just like they think they can deny China from making money from them. Only a spoiled child thinks it can have that kind of lop-sided relationship. Countries that have anti-China feelings in their population should be denied access to China especially those in Asia where China is their number one customer. Chinese expressing their disappointment is worthless. Some Chinese think that's taking the high road. No one recognizes China taking the high road. Action speaks louder than words.
@AssassinsMace Sir in East Asia, China can play the Japanese card, even IF SK elected an CIA President, SK and Japan can't stand each other...lol


Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro have you seen the love given to Japanese skater Yuzuru Hanyu by the Chinese and the reciprocal positive broadcast of Japanese TV network about the Beijing Olympics. Maybe the Koreans scent the isolation and need attention...lol
@ansy1968 bro, watch this and tell me what do these Koreans sound like? Americans. Polarized society where the two competing sides can no longer accept any common ground. Politicking that thrives on extreme negative campaigning and personal attacks, housing that's becoming more out of reach for young Koreans, dwindling economic opportunities; rampant pessimism and cynicism, not to mention the great migration of young Koreans to seek greener pastures somewhere else. Are these the hallmarks and qualities we really want for China to have? Compare and contrast the can do attitudes of Chinese people, the sense of purpose, and destiny, as well as optimism for the future of China is quite remarkable. Western style democracy is a poison pill for China to ever consider on taking.



Registered Member
@ansy1968 bro, watch this and tell me what do these Koreans sound like? Americans. Polarized society where the two competing sides can no longer accept any common ground. Politicking that thrives on extreme negative campaigning and personal attacks, housing that's becoming more out of reach for young Koreans, dwindling economic opportunities; rampant pessimism and cynicism, not to mention the great migration of young Koreans to seek greener pastures somewhere else. Are these the hallmarks and qualities we really want for China to have? Compare and contrast the can do attitudes of Chinese people, the sense of purpose, and destiny, as well as optimism for the future of China is quite remarkable. Western style democracy is a poison pill for China to ever consider on taking.

@Bellum_Romanum bro sometimes adversity is good for you and apologies for our Chinese American members who are bearing the brunt of Asian hate crime in the US, BUT for the rest of us, this 21st century it feel good to be a Chinese and I'm know my Children will have a bright future living in PAX Chyna century. ;)
View attachment 84883
Getting really petty and silly now. Just checking the live scores of tennis at the big tournament in Indian Wells California.. And Google have removed the Russian flags beside the Russian female tennis players. Only Russians dun have their country flag.

So WTA just disappeared all Russian women. Hilarious if Peng will tweet WTA about genocided #whereisrussianwomen .


Registered Member
@ansy1968 bro, watch this and tell me what do these Koreans sound like? Americans. Polarized society where the two competing sides can no longer accept any common ground. Politicking that thrives on extreme negative campaigning and personal attacks, housing that's becoming more out of reach for young Koreans, dwindling economic opportunities; rampant pessimism and cynicism, not to mention the great migration of young Koreans to seek greener pastures somewhere else. Are these the hallmarks and qualities we really want for China to have? Compare and contrast the can do attitudes of Chinese people, the sense of purpose, and destiny, as well as optimism for the future of China is quite remarkable. Western style democracy is a poison pill for China to ever consider on taking.

LOL. One of the interviewees at 6:30 admired the comedian President of Ukraine. He might have regretted it by now.


Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro sometimes adversity is good for you and apologies for our Chinese American members who are bearing the brunt of Asian hate crime in the US, BUT for the rest of us, this 21st century it feel good to be a Chinese and I'm know my Children will have a bright future living in PAX Chyna century. ;)
If there one thing to say is that all Chinese American need to be careful and plan a way out in the event that the USA does go under because from what can be seen to the naked eye, the USA is too far gone to ever recover. The only thing I can say is that if the USA does truly collapse in on itself, the west, USA in particular is going to suffer endless discrimination (especially those that are white) from all over the world and as thus should be prepared to accept a day where the USA can no longer act stupidly without consequences. The time of China will come and the west has better be thankful that China is not a genocidal action like the west always says but if the USA and the west goes too far, they had better watch out