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China needs to hoard lithium, gasoline, natural gas, coal, iron, agricultural products and fertilizers from Russia. Now they need to build more railway and highway networks to connect.

I think nothing has really changed for China and this is going to happen.

China will just keep on stressing the win-win cooperation, and that China is still open for business.

What does that mean? That means business as usual for the most part.

Buy more of this, sell less of that, better put some money there.

Nothing drastic, just allocate resources better to reflect a changing reality to the world.

Right now, the world is trying to cope, and not turn protectionist.

China's opportunity here is to go out and try to do more business, build more connections. That could lead somewhere.

For China to withdraw at this moment, would be a gigantic missed opportunity. By withdrawing, China would achieve nothing, other than protecting itself.

By going out and trying to reach out building more contacts, if might amount to nothing too, but at least you got a chance. We probably know instinctively that this big sales call will work, and something will be gained.

Look at UnionPay, they gained.



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Guess Germany has angered Russia to the point of no return. Now Europe and Germany are going to have to suffer the consequences of there behavior as lapdogs. I know some people think that Europe can rely on Norway for the gas but given the factor that the gas their is going to cost a lot higher and also the supply is not going to be anywhere near as large, can they realistically survive this way. Really, NATO and the USA chose this path of lies and deceit to put Russia under the boot of the west yet again, until Russia is the one to put the collective west under their heel when all of their bones are broken and are having no choice but to listen, Russia will not send any resources to the EU. Really, until the west is humbled, I guess we will bear witness to the self destruction of what was once Europe, one that didn't have to happen if the people in Europe didn't have cowards for leaders
Yes Germany will suffer from higher fuel prices. But how much more will Russia. If the sanctions stay, which most likely will, Russian GDP is expected to shrink 14% in just 2 years.

If people think Russia tech industry is falling behind, or how it's military lacks funding now, it will be much much worse from here forward.
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For those who are wondering, both Sberbank and UnionPay are state-owed. UnionPay operates in more than 180 countries and regions, and handles more transactions than Visa or Master, although the overwhelming majority (99.5%) of the transactions occur inside China domestically so far. In other words, it seems that UnionPay handles more transactions in China than Visa or Master does worldwide. So, it pretty much impossible to sanction UnionPay.
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This isn’t going to end until the west stops all services to Russia and by the time they do that, their economies will all collectively collapse and then any wish of trying anything similiar to China will totally end their economies. I mean by this point, Russia can cut off all gas and oil to the west as well as ensure it will be impossible to buy them later and then do deals to ensure that the middles east does something similiar. After that there is no way hyperinflation won’t happen and bring an end to the west


Lieutenant General
Lol some of our American "friends" are comedians and hiding their racism by pulling out but my wife/friend/gf/bf/F.B/ is Chinese, black etc...

I like how one twitter replied with a good narrative at how the US government and China haters deal with troubling geopolitics or domestic issues.

"The four stages of US diplomacy:
Step 1: Create a problem (entirely unrelated to China)
Step 2: Accuse China of not doing enough to solve the problem
Step 3: Keep blaming China as the problem worsens
Step 4: Blame China for creating the problem"

That pretty much sums up everything nowadays.


Registered Member
Yes Germany will suffer from higher fuel prices. But how much more will Russia. If the sanctions stay, which most likely will, Russian GDP is expected to shrink 14% in just 2 years.

Seems that Western views of what we read in the media are a little backwards.

The Russian economy is not a threat to anyone. The Russian military is.

If the Russian economy contracts, will the Russian military threat go away?

The problem with the USSR was the economy, that it was stagnant for decades. Hence Gorbachev wanted openness and reformed.

This time, Uncle Vlad already have a backup plan in place. China! China, China, Chyna!

Can't wait to see what will happen when President Trump returns.

It will be bigly!



Registered Member
Seems that Western views of what we read in the media are a little backwards.

This is the problem.

After the west did its knee jerk reaction, sanctioning Russia, that is not game over. That is game on!

Now what?!

See, this part, we do not read anything about in the Western media.

Russia will get economically closer to China, and life goes on.

Does this solve anything in Europe?

That is why IMHO what we are seeing out of the west is a little backwards.



Junior Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro @KYli had explain it well regarding Taiwan and coincidentally the ARIZONA FAB will be finished within the same year with both the Taiwan and US election, the American will not be hamstrung anymore as they gotten what they wanted from the Taiwanese. BUT there are too many to mention, I'm really afraid, IF the conflict in Ukraine had settled decisively in Russian favor, NATO will rearm and the American will PIVOT to Asia and with it the Collective West. The fence is being erected and it may force China hand like what the American did to the Japanese before WW2 , cutting off Japanese supply of natural resource and their export. Second is about the domestic situation in the US, I hope @In4ser can provide more info BUT if the economic situation worsen, the political elite may need a war to divert attention and with it the political fortune of Brandon and Kamala, will both of them initiate a war to win an election? and lastly with the incompetency of Brandon administration we may see a system collapse dragging all of us for a possible world conflict and Armageddon.
I hope that they don't push for war with Russia. While I find it to be unlikely, it can happen unexpectedly. I mean look at these few years, nobody thought we would have a global pandemic either so why not a nuclear war? People and politics have gotten crazy and our leaders are so blind and arrogant that they cannot see the big picture. I don't think Kamala or Biden are the actual people running the country and I would compare him to a weak Chinese emperor that is overly reliant upon his eunuch prime minister. Kamala has no idea what's going on and Biden may be or may not be lucid. Regardless if he actually is, Biden is still a very old man and I would feel like he would make decisions thinking that this is an America like the 1960s. If anything, I would compare him to a weak Chinese emperor that is reliant upon eunuch officials. It's Biden's cabinet members who are the people in charge, and they have been promoting and implementing policy for their own selfish agendas.

Both political parties have been captured by corporate interests but those groups may belong to different factions. With this administration, Biden brought a lot of Obama's officials into his cabinet. If you look at the State Department and the NSA, they are filled with a lot of former Clinton officials that worked under her when she was the Secretary of State. A lot of Obama's officials were also the ones who promoted 'woke' identity policies.

I think the reason why we've taken such a hawkish approach against Russia is that the Democrats are now facing flagging poll numbers and allegations of corruption like the Durham report on Clinton and the Hunter Biden case which hinted at a personal relationship between Biden and Ukrainian leaders. They were trying to use Ukraine and its corruption as a slush fund to funnel money in for themselves like Lockheed Martin did to Afghanistan for 20 years which happened to coincide with the interests of ever-crusading Neo-Cons and the Military-Industrial Complex's desire to make money selling arms to countries. The conflux of these interests has led to an unholy alliance of these interest groups that have been pushing this country into conflict with Russia. However, I don't think even they believed Russia would invade because they could continue to bully Russia and grab more concessions and exploit them as they have with Ukraine.

I don't think either party has solutions to fix my country so we may all spiral into global economic depression. We will be seeing the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency and an entire economic system built around it. Asia will push through, especially if they are connected with China's economic engine but it's still going to affect everyone and likely be worse than 2009's great recession, possibly approaching the great depression in 1920's. Both political parties have become so disconnected from the public that they can not see what is really happening to this country. Sure they may recognize an issue or address a popular topic but they offer nothing but empty words and watered-down gestures for the camera and poll numbers. Meanwhile, as the country rapidly declines, they are busy trying to enrich themselves, friends, family, and allies as much as possible before everything collapses. Economic crash is imminent and I'm actually quite surprised how many conservative white America agrees with this assessment. Many of them see this country as corrupt and believe it is because we have strayed from the path of God. They also see it as an opportunity to rebuild America in the old ways.

Democrats and especially liberals I'm finding are the opposite. They are absolutely delusional with their vision to build a socialist utopia and blind to realities happening to this country. Where are we going to get the money to fund all these government programs? We're already broke and facing increasing inflation. Even if we were to raise interests rates, it would be a high problem because it will make it very difficult to service debt. We have maintained very low interests rates precisely because the government, businesses, and households have a lot of debt. Raising interest rates means higher bills for debt repayment and many Americans are barely making paycheck to paycheck.
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Senior Member
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The Russian economy is not a threat to anyone. The Russian military is.

If the Russian economy contracts, will the Russian military threat go away?


Russia has limited stockpile of PGM. Most pilots have limited experience training with PGM. They were using unencrypted radios bought from taobao for $20. Moral is low as is professionalism. Russia military is not as strong as we thought. Yes if Russian economy contracts by 14%, it will further gut its military. Good luck beefing up your military when you are broke.