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Guess Germany has angered Russia to the point of no return. Now Europe and Germany are going to have to suffer the consequences of there behavior as lapdogs. I know some people think that Europe can rely on Norway for the gas but given the factor that the gas their is going to cost a lot higher and also the supply is not going to be anywhere near as large, can they realistically survive this way. Really, NATO and the USA chose this path of lies and deceit to put Russia under the boot of the west yet again, until Russia is the one to put the collective west under their heel when all of their bones are broken and are having no choice but to listen, Russia will not send any resources to the EU. Really, until the west is humbled, I guess we will bear witness to the self destruction of what was once Europe, one that didn't have to happen if the people in Europe didn't have cowards for leaders
They can't rely on Norway. If Norway had extra capacity, then Europe would have switched long time ago. In addition to that, Europe simply does not have enough LNG terminals to fully replace the pipe gas. So the question is not only about the costs but also about the available physical capacity.


Registered Member
Wow, wow, hold on. This can't just be dropped on people like that; people aren't ready for this kind of stupid right out of the blue. This post needs a lead up intro:

Brought to you by the makers of plans such as, "Trade wars are easy to win," "Let's inject ourselves with UV light and bleach," "It'll go away by itself like a miracle in April," and many more... To the critical acclaim of Farmers on Welfare, Angry Closet Racists, Women Against their Own Progress, Latinos for the Guy who Hates Latinos, and others with IQ levels in the mid-low double digits, we present to you... [drumroll] the "F-22s Repurposed as low-flying Bombers Disguised with Chinese flags plan," designed specifically to fool a person who, through no family connections, went from language student, to top of the KGB, to the president of Russia... for 4 terms and counting in a 2 term country...
It speaks loudly about the Trump voter base. If he wins again, it will be an insult on the human race.