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Honestly, I feel that the US collapse began the moment it lost the Soviet Union as a rival and by the time recognized its own decline it was too late. Without a near peer competitor, America became far more arrogant and complacent, turning in upon itself for grandiose ideas of exceptionalism and uninhibited self-degeneracy. It is often the enemy or competitor that is the biggest teacher and incentive for growth. Look at China, was it not Trump's ban that supercharged its domestic semiconductor industry or the allegations of Uyghur genocide that greatly helped Anta and other homegrown brands or the challenge of Tesla that incentivized China to develop its own EVs. I'm actually kind of worried not only for my home country about its decline but for China's as it has historically turned inward and complacent without a near peer challenger unlike Europe whose constant warfare and rivalry created innovation and development.
China's EV makers like byd and CATL were already way ahead of tesla in terms of battery technology.


Yes there are many cases of this in the last 20 years, to the point that it's a bit of a meme in China and this effect is referred to as "国运" or "主角光环" or "来自东方的神秘力量", here's an incomplete list:

2001: As Bush Jr gear up to focus on China soon after taking office and shortly after the Hainan Island Incident, the 9/11 attack happens. Bush is forced to change China from "competitor" to "flawed ally" as he begins War on Terror
2008: With Afghanistan and Iraq conquered, Bush once again turns his eyes to China around 2007, with trade war brewing the GFC happens, Bush again forced to abandon his efforts and came to Beijing Olympics with folded hands, after which China did the 4 trillion bailout
2016: Obama nearly successfully in implementing TPP and economically cornering China, but Trump wins the election and cancels TPP on the very first day he's in office
2020: Trump's trade war in progress, COVID-19 breaks out and devastates all advanced economies EXCEPT for China which controlled the pandemic well

And of course now with the situation in Ukraine.

If I didn't follow dialectical materialism I too would think there must be some sort of higher power watching over China.

Actually only one of those events was a true Black Swan: 9/11. Everything else was the consequence of that event.

After the war on Afghanistan and Iraq was launched, American capitalists reaped massive amounts of profit, and corporate greed reached unprecedented heights. This set the stage for the 2008 Financial Crisis.

The Financial Crisis caused the foreclosure of many families' homes, and gave rise to the populist movement that saw the rise of Trump. In fact, the same sentiment that voted Trump in was adamantly opposed to free trade agreements, hence not only TPP was scrapped, so was NAFTA (if anyone still remembers).

Finally, of course, Trump was instrumental in the devastation wreaked by covid-19 on American soil. That's what happens when you put a narcissistic sociopath in charge of the country.

As for the current situation in Ukraine, it's obviously because Putin saw the US occupied with China and took the opportunity to make a forceful response against NATO encroachment.

I believe that 100 years from now, historians will remember Osama Bin Laden as the man who engineered the fall of the American Empire.


Registered Member
Actually only one of those events was a true Black Swan: 9/11. Everything else was the consequence of that event.

After the war on Afghanistan and Iraq was launched, American capitalists reaped massive amounts of profit, and corporate greed reached unprecedented heights. This set the stage for the 2008 Financial Crisis.

The Financial Crisis caused the foreclosure of many families' homes, and gave rise to the populist movement that saw the rise of Trump. In fact, the same sentiment that voted Trump in was adamantly opposed to free trade agreements, hence not only TPP was scrapped, so was NAFTA (if anyone still remembers).

Finally, of course, Trump was instrumental in the devastation wreaked by covid-19 on American soil. That's what happens when you put a narcissistic sociopath in charge of the country.

As for the current situation in Ukraine, it's obviously because Putin saw the US occupied with China and took the opportunity to make a forceful response against NATO encroachment.

I believe that 100 years from now, historians will remember Osama Bin Laden as the man who engineered the fall of the American Empire.
Ironically it was also the US that gave rise to Osama Bin Laden, to counter the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

A real life "I am your father" twist.


Registered Member
yes a lot want to be. It's because of Hollywood and videogames. This is true. If white people tell them to hate x people they hate them too. Truth is they are cowards.
What makes you say that? Is this from your own experience or just basing this from someone else's experience? I am asking because I am familiar with the Philippines since I spent a good decade plus living in that country and cowardice doesn't seem to ring a bell or associated with the folks I was surrounded with. Filipinos are island folks and depending on which region they're from they'll carry a certain provincial traits with them wherever they go.


Junior Member
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What makes you say that? Is this from your own experience or just basing this from someone else's experience? I am asking because I am familiar with the Philippines since I spent a good decade plus living in that country and cowardice doesn't seem to ring a bell or associated with the folks I was surrounded with. Filipinos are island folks and depending on which region they're from they'll carry a certain provincial traits with them wherever they go.
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There are about 65,000 immigrants now serving with the US armed forces – about 23 percent of them from the Philippines – and most are with the US Navy.

Anecdotally its pretty well-known that Filipino immigrants in the US join the US navy. Something about heritage or whatever.
As for cowardice, well they tend to move as a group and are ardently white-worshipping. They're the most Karen of Karens, because they always try and retreat back to "law and order" and whatever.

But theres also a few woke Filipinos around, so its not all of them.


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US-China tech war: Taipei, Washington on same page when it comes to curbing Beijing’s semiconductor expansion​

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I do not take SCMP very seriously when it comes to military affairs and semiconductor supply chains (these require more than a journalistic accreditation to write about in sufficient terms) but nonethless will share this article.
