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Lieutenant General
Do you have any articles or videos link to support what you described above. I am not doubting you but I am very much interested into what was said, where, when, and by whom. I thought no major European powers were involved in the Iraq War illegal invasion, which is why then Pres. W Bush charitably called the countries who joined the misadventure as "coalition of the willing."
It was posted in this forum. I'll try looking for it.


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China vows measures to hike soybean output in bid to bolster food security

'Urgent' measures come after No.1 document stresses food security

With a self-sufficiency rate of less than 20 percent, soybeans are one of the few grains for which China relies heavily on imports.

In 2021, China's total soybean planting area was 126 million mu, down 22 million mu from 2020, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.

"In terms of soybean yield per mu, China is 100 grams lower than the US," so technological breakthroughs can help, Jiao said.

In 2021, China imported more than 90 million tons of soybeans, and the volume in 2020 was over 100 million tons

Interesting that yields at 100 grams lower compared to the US.

126 million x 100 grams / 454 grams = ~27.7 million pounds of soybeans difference.

Or about ~13,875 tons of soybeans vs 90 million tons imported 2021.

It is expected that the soybean planting area in China will reach 160 million mu, with an output of 23 million tons,


Registered Member

This is actually a very good take.

USA pulled out of Afghanistan so it could fully focus on China along its Indo-Pacific framework.

But now this Ukraine thing has blown up, and USA has to divert its attention to Europe.

This means it once again has less energy to deal with China.

Once get China "gets lucky".


Yes there are many cases of this in the last 20 years, to the point that it's a bit of a meme in China and this effect is referred to as "国运" or "主角光环" or "来自东方的神秘力量", here's an incomplete list:

2001: As Bush Jr gear up to focus on China soon after taking office and shortly after the Hainan Island Incident, the 9/11 attack happens. Bush is forced to change China from "competitor" to "flawed ally" as he begins War on Terror
2008: With Afghanistan and Iraq conquered, Bush once again turns his eyes to China around 2007, with trade war brewing the GFC happens, Bush again forced to abandon his efforts and came to Beijing Olympics with folded hands, after which China did the 4 trillion bailout
2016: Obama nearly successfully in implementing TPP and economically cornering China, but Trump wins the election and cancels TPP on the very first day he's in office
2020: Trump's trade war in progress, COVID-19 breaks out and devastates all advanced economies EXCEPT for China which controlled the pandemic well

And of course now with the situation in Ukraine.

If I didn't follow dialectical materialism I too would think there must be some sort of higher power watching over China.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Yes there are many cases of this in the last 20 years, to the point that it's a bit of a meme in China and this effect is referred to as "国运" or "主角光环" or "来自东方的神秘力量", here's an incomplete list:

2001: As Bush Jr gear up to focus on China soon after taking office and shortly after the Hainan Island Incident, the 9/11 attack happens. Bush is forced to change China from "competitor" to "flawed ally" as he begins War on Terror
2008: With Afghanistan and Iraq conquered, Bush once again turns his eyes to China around 2007, with trade war brewing the GFC happens, Bush again forced to abandon his efforts and came to Beijing Olympics with folded hands, after which China did the 4 trillion bailout
2016: Obama nearly successfully in implementing TPP and economically cornering China, but Trump wins the election and cancels TPP on the very first day he's in office
2020: Trump's trade war in progress, COVID-19 breaks out and devastates all advanced economies EXCEPT for China which controlled the pandemic well

And of course now with the situation in Ukraine.

If I didn't follow dialectical materialism I too would think there must be some sort of higher power watching over China.
My pet theory is that chinese scientists have developed a time machine or something like the future seeing machine from Philip K Dick, and Chinese from the future are feeding data and info back to Chinese scientists in our time.