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And they always get childishly angry at China for it. There was a British miniseries back in the 1980s called Shaka Zulu. It's about the rise of the African warrior king. They portrayed him as a mad man where when his mother died he was so grieved and jealous everyone else still had their mothers that he ordered them to be killed. That's the same mentality of the West when they target China and then something else distracts them from targeting China. They'll actually assign blame on China because they got distracted by something that has nothing to do with China. Just like after Europe's official exit from the Iraq War, the EU openly said they wanted to punish China because China was smart enough not to waste their time there while the Europeans did. They want to spread the pain. If they suffer then everyone else has to suffer along with them. If they portrayed Shaka Zulu like that to paint him as a mad man, what does that make them?
Just like after Europe's official exit from the Iraq War, the EU openly said they wanted to punish China because China was smart enough not to waste their time there while the Europeans did.
Do you have any articles or videos link to support what you described above. I am not doubting you but I am very much interested into what was said, where, when, and by whom. I thought no major European powers were involved in the Iraq War illegal invasion, which is why then Pres. W Bush charitably called the countries who joined the misadventure as "coalition of the willing."


Registered Member
Honestly, I feel that the US collapse began the moment it lost the Soviet Union as a rival and by the time recognized its own decline it was too late. Without a near peer competitor, America became far more arrogant and complacent, turning in upon itself for grandiose ideas of exceptionalism and uninhibited self-degeneracy. It is often the enemy or competitor that is the biggest teacher and incentive for growth. Look at China, was it not Trump's ban that supercharged its domestic semiconductor industry or the allegations of Uyghur genocide that greatly helped Anta and other homegrown brands or the challenge of Tesla that incentivized China to develop its own EVs. I'm actually kind of worried not only for my home country about its decline but for China's as it has historically turned inward and complacent without a near peer challenger unlike Europe whose constant warfare and rivalry created innovation and development.
China wouldn't have to worry about turning insular in terms of complaceny with respect to continuing quest for development and innovation because India will always be there lurking in the shadows waiting to take the mantle of Superpower. That should be an incentive enough for China to never rest on her backside when your next door neighbor is giddy to see you go down.


Registered Member
China wouldn't have to worry about turning insular in terms of complaceny with respect to continuing quest for development and innovation because India will always be there lurking in the shadows waiting to take the mantle of Superpower. That should be an incentive enough for China to never rest on her backside when your next door neighbor is giddy to see you go down.
I think if Russia, USA, China and Brazil all self destruct India still wouldn't be able to become a superpower...


Registered Member
Yea, if you read what he wants to do...

"reset" China-S.Korea ties by full-on jumping into the anti-China side.

That would force a reset of China S.Korea ties all right. It'd mean China would fully consider S.Korea to be a hostile country.
This strategic approach/bellicose by the incoming new South Korean regime was previewed on this talk at the CSIS forum not too long ago. I actually posted this link about 2 weeks ago and on this discussion the content on the yahoo article and the articulation of the South Korean approach is one of a position of strength. That South Korea must assert itself not as a middling power but a power that has a say and seat on the table with the big boys club.

I am afraid that due to South Koreans increasingly bombastic, nationalistic fervor is what brought them this Jai Hind delusions by essentially wanting to have their cake and eat it too when it comes to their relationship with China. What it basically expects for China to do is give them a pass, enormous breathing space and be subservient to the whims and demands of South Korea without factoring or considering the situation, predictable reaction from the Chinese side.

It's increasingly clear to me that South Korean elites feel that they have to make a move against China to gain some sort of leverage on the economic level since every major South Korean industries are direct and indirect competitors to the Chinese. I don't know what sort of hallucigenic drugs their putting on their kimchi but it seems South Koreans are itching for a fight.



Registered Member
It says parody on it. I know with the recent spate of fear-induced mental regression in anti-China forces, it's sometimes hard to tell these days.
Just realized it when I clicked on the link. By the time I realized my error it was too late for me to delete or modify my initial comment.