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james smith esq

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Krushev was stupid for saying such things when the economy was garbage.
You can play the tough guy only when you got yourself covered from all angles and feel confident on your own strength.

China's policy of minimum deterrence played its role well and now that the situation is changing the policy is changing too.

China doesn't need to make empty bravado threats. I would rather China keeps exporting inflation to the rest of the world quietly
And, Krushev’s USSR built enough ICBMs to bury the US. They just didn’t have the comprehensive strategy to exploit that advantage.

I could easily argue that your “covered from all angles” strategy is simply an intellectual rationalization of cowardice. I’ve fought at a disadvantage, many times, and, even if I didn’t “win” each of those battles, I never lost! Battle is more than bean counting and strategizing, sometimes you have to fight!


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Moderator - World Affairs
I believe you falsely overemphasize Ukraine as a fully sovereign nation after the 2014 Maidan Revolution alias Nuland Coup!

Because after the 2014 Coup the part of Russian ethnicity or Russian speaker have NO POLITICAL VOICE in Ukraine, they are silenced, they even become the oppressed group!

And all of these messes happen because of the US naked intervention in that country that make possible the coup to topple the elected president back then.

Therefore it is a great irony anytime I read someone here emphasize the SOVEREIGNTY of Ukraine... ignoring the 2014 illegal change of political power by force in Kiev.

I just do not share such opinion... the Kiev regime does not have such high legitimacy. Let's say, due to what happened in 2014 the eastern Ukraine also has its own rights to determine its own fate. Since NATO interferes into Ukraine, Russia also has obligation to assist the Russian ethnicity there. Let's bury the pretense of the sacrosanct notion of nation's SOVEREIGNTY. It was already destroyed in 2014! It's unreal! Indeed after the 2014 "MIGHT IS RIGHT" prevails Ukraine! Just Look at how the ASOV battalion is suppressing other groups esp. Russian speaking one by threat and force, the unfortunate Russian clusters who don't live in the far enough eastern region but scattered away. Such emphasize on Ukraine's Sovereignty is just the AAZ talking point after they forced an illegal power takeover there!

Can you share more information about CIA involvement in the 2014 Ukraine revolution? I am not familiar enough with this. I am not inclined to believe Ukraine is a CIA/US coup puppet without some more concrete evidence...
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Registered Member
Why are people laughing at this? They are basically celebrating the fact that "useless old people" are dying so their government could save a pound. I fail to see what is so humorous about the situation. If anything, you should be sad and frightened.
This is a consequence of people ultimately getting so angry at the discrimination/suffering that the UK has caused around the world for generations and still goes to great length as seen recently in Ukraine and even in Xinjiang to spread even more chaos so anything that hurts the UK may seem like a win in that sense. I on the other hand feel like that this is a mere taste of what is to come and may actually prove to be the true death kneel for the UK and any delusions of grandeur they may have and that this time around, they may have no more excuses other then to take a cold hard look at oneself and try to improve themselves for the sake of the nation and the world at large. I pray that the UK can at least try to consider the consequences and improve themselves but with BoJo in charge, I have no hope at all. I cant laugh that this situation but I definitely can say that the government deserves the consequences for putting the uk into the terrible situation. It’s a pity that the people have to put up with this but they doesn’t seem to be many options available


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Why are people laughing at this? They are basically celebrating the fact that "useless old people" are dying so their government could save a pound. I fail to see what is so humorous about the situation. If anything, you should be sad and frightened.
It's schadenfreude at its finest. The UK people and government constantly belittle the Chinese and claim how they have superior morals everyday in the English-speaking world. It's no wonder that they laughed at the article.


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Collins said the Asian community is in bed with white supremacy. By that logic the same can be said about the African American community. There's an activist reverend who was once a city supervisor who defends her to this day. He's in bed with white supremacy for embracing the white supremacist religion. If you look at most of the African-American legislators in Congress, they follow the anti-China rhetoric of white politicians blaming China for the US's economic problems and not blaming US corporations. Just because the Asian community wants meritocracy and academic achievement in schools, that's being in bed with white supremacy while they're not? Everyone else can think about themselves first but Asians can't. Asians have to think about what everyone else needs first. That's what whites expect of Asians too. Up to this recall election the side who defended these school board members were cryptically calling Asians as being dumb because their main argument was claiming there were unseen players behind this recall but didn't say who they were out loud. In other words they were saying Asians are dumb and being tricked because Republicans are behind it. Even after they need Asians to thwart this recall, they still don't address the needs of the Asian community but instead try to intimidate Asians claiming they're in bed with white supremacists if they back this recall. They want Asians to be ignored and Asians to accept it. That's what it means when they employ this tactic.

San Francisco is an interesting case. You want to see how white liberals are when they're the dominate demographic group in a city. It's not a utopia where all races get together and sing kumbaya. Asians are the largest minority group and other minority groups think they should be getting more attention because they have an even smaller voice in the city. Asians can say the same throughout every other city in the US but does that happen? No, because they say Asians are too small of a group to give special attention they don't deserve.

The Democratic establishment in San Francisco outwardly showed disrespect for the Asian community but that changed when Asian-Americans started voting and got Mayor Ed Lee into office. The establishment didn't want Ed Lee. Because he won, it showed that Asians can determine election outcomes in San Francisco. Are all the special interest liberal groups that ignored Asians before giving Asian respect now. No, but they begrudgingly have to include Asian voters in their calculus now if they want something from the city.

All the Asians I come across that thought doing nothing is what's best and will be rewarded are just thinking about themselves. There's a whole history of Asians doing nothing and has it paid off? Not at all. It has even made it worse. All it does is tells other people Asians are exploitable. Just look at today where the US doesn't like "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy. The West likes to insult China but Beijing like many Chinese thought taking the high road was best. Did it pay off? No, because China is experiencing its worse relations with the West since the darkest days of the Cold War. Wolf Warrior diplomacy is just actively countering their rhetoric. They liked it before where the smallest Western country can feel big at China's expense because they have to express how they're more important than China is in a world where China has passed them by. They want to be able to insult the Chinese and make money from China because that's how lesser people think they have power. Is China militarily attacking these countries for their insults? No, they're just being denied from making money from China something that is apparently okay when they want to deny China from making money from them. Now they're crying bloody hell because China is serving it back. That's Wolf Warrior diplomacy. The unequal relationship in their favor is the pinnacle of white supremacy. That's how they feel superior.

In domestic politics, Democrats will talk about the threat of white supremacy. Internationally they want it. They need it. How else are they going to change the world to what they want without it? That's the mechanism of how they will punish countries that don't comply with their demands. The Democrats won't be the ones taking down white supremacy. African-Americans won't be because they want to live and be accepted in their world. Wanting to be accepted into their world is acknowledging white supremacy. Everything they do is fighting for that. In the US they only talk about racism. They don't talk about ethnocentrism. They hate other cultures and want to cancel all of them so you have to see the world in their way so they can be in control of you. In the US the only acceptable path for minorities is through entertainment. There they can be billionaires and have millions love them. But the catch is only the fewest people possible can ever achieve this. The more there are, the more it gets diluted. So the majority who pursue this fail and they wasted their time and they end up with menial jobs. Ultimately you have to be accepted by those in power in order to be successful because it requires people liking you meaning someone else is in control of your fate.

That's why they hate China. China has its own culture. They don't control the Chinese because they don't control what Chinese value. The Chinese don't place a high value on being an entertainer. When you become an engineer or a scientist, you don't need their acceptance and applause to be successful in putting together a nuclear bomb. They want to interpret the world to the Chinese because that's how they get all the money and power flowing to them so they are in control. How are they going to make money from you when you have you have your own celebrities and not paying money to their celebrities for Western products they only endorse or movies and TV shows that they're in? They don't want China to have their own technological standards because how will they make money off the Chinese when they're not using their standards and thus making money from licensing fees. How will the Christian church make at least 10% of all what all 1.4 billion Chinese make in their hard earn money in tithings if they're not Christian?

They hide behind human rights and freedom because they think no one can challenge them when they hold that out in front of them. You have to obey and do everything they want because it's about human right and freedom. How convenient that it's the same thing they wanted when they colonized the world. Do you really believe Republicans care about human rights and freedom of non whites when the Democrats even accuse them of white supremacy at home? Then internationally the Democrats know white supremacy is paramount in order to get what they want in the world just like how Republicans view it.

It's ironic because China is the only force that truly will bring down white supremacy in the world and both Democrats and Republicans are deathly afraid of it. What does bringing down white supremacy mean? All it means is they're not going to be in control of literally everything and that's all it takes to sound the alarms because they think they have the right to literally all the power in the world for themselves. Just denying the most little thing in their control means they don't have all the power hence why the alarm over China because they're not getting an inch from China.

The Chinese have a right to defend themselves from them.
The sad thing is that militant black nationalism of the Malcolm X variety is a natural ally of China against white supremacism; problem is, is that white anglo supremacism successfully destroyed that strain of black nationalism and replaced it with whatever the hell you have today where many African americans are suborned into the anglo american civil service.

I've always maintained the racial caste structure of america exists as a feudal structure with white at the top and the coloureds are forced to fight amongst each other for the scraps- which is perfectly expressed in this situation where african american politicians want to demonise asian americans so that they can garner more resources to themselves and their families and communities. Had they an ounce of Malcolm X's spirit, they would quickly see through the false choice given by white supremacy and seized the means of production, staked out and claimed out their own new african state on the continental United States.

America in its modern state is an expression of pure white anglo supremacy.


Registered Member
Krushev was stupid for saying such things when the economy was garbage.

You can play the tough guy only when you got yourself covered from all angles and feel confident on your own strength.

China's policy of minimum deterrence played its role well and now that the situation is changing the policy is changing too.

China doesn't need to make empty bravado threats. I would rather China keeps exporting inflation to the rest of the world quietly
The rmb should go up 5% per year and that would be a shocker to the trump supporters.


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Third, support more French banks and financial infrastructure in joining the RMB Cross-Border Interbank Payment System. The Chinese side will review in a positive manner French banks' applications for financial qualifications in accordance with relevant procedures and standards.
Woah. This is what happen when CAI gets blocked - smart countries now try to make their own deals separately.


Registered Member
Collins said the Asian community is in bed with white supremacy. By that logic the same can be said about the African American community. There's an activist reverend who was once a city supervisor who defends her to this day. He's in bed with white supremacy for embracing the white supremacist religion. If you look at most of the African-American legislators in Congress, they follow the anti-China rhetoric of white politicians blaming China for the US's economic problems and not blaming US corporations. Just because the Asian community wants meritocracy and academic achievement in schools, that's being in bed with white supremacy while they're not? Everyone else can think about themselves first but Asians can't. Asians have to think about what everyone else needs first. That's what whites expect of Asians too. Up to this recall election the side who defended these school board members were cryptically calling Asians as being dumb because their main argument was claiming there were unseen players behind this recall but didn't say who they were out loud. In other words they were saying Asians are dumb and being tricked because Republicans are behind it. Even after they need Asians to thwart this recall, they still don't address the needs of the Asian community but instead try to intimidate Asians claiming they're in bed with white supremacists if they back this recall. They want Asians to be ignored and Asians to accept it. That's what it means when they employ this tactic.

San Francisco is an interesting case. You want to see how white liberals are when they're the dominate demographic group in a city. It's not a utopia where all races get together and sing kumbaya. Asians are the largest minority group and other minority groups think they should be getting more attention because they have an even smaller voice in the city. Asians can say the same throughout every other city in the US but does that happen? No, because they say Asians are too small of a group to give special attention they don't deserve.

The Democratic establishment in San Francisco outwardly showed disrespect for the Asian community but that changed when Asian-Americans started voting and got Mayor Ed Lee into office. The establishment didn't want Ed Lee. Because he won, it showed that Asians can determine election outcomes in San Francisco. Are all the special interest liberal groups that ignored Asians before giving Asian respect now. No, but they begrudgingly have to include Asian voters in their calculus now if they want something from the city.

All the Asians I come across that thought doing nothing is what's best and will be rewarded are just thinking about themselves. There's a whole history of Asians doing nothing and has it paid off? Not at all. It has even made it worse. All it does is tells other people Asians are exploitable. Just look at today where the US doesn't like "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy. The West likes to insult China but Beijing like many Chinese thought taking the high road was best. Did it pay off? No, because China is experiencing its worse relations with the West since the darkest days of the Cold War. Wolf Warrior diplomacy is just actively countering their rhetoric. They liked it before where the smallest Western country can feel big at China's expense because they have to express how they're more important than China is in a world where China has passed them by. They want to be able to insult the Chinese and make money from China because that's how lesser people think they have power. Is China militarily attacking these countries for their insults? No, they're just being denied from making money from China something that is apparently okay when they want to deny China from making money from them. Now they're crying bloody hell because China is serving it back. That's Wolf Warrior diplomacy. The unequal relationship in their favor is the pinnacle of white supremacy. That's how they feel superior.

In domestic politics, Democrats will talk about the threat of white supremacy. Internationally they want it. They need it. How else are they going to change the world to what they want without it? That's the mechanism of how they will punish countries that don't comply with their demands. The Democrats won't be the ones taking down white supremacy. African-Americans won't be because they want to live and be accepted in their world. Wanting to be accepted into their world is acknowledging white supremacy. Everything they do is fighting for that. In the US they only talk about racism. They don't talk about ethnocentrism. They hate other cultures and want to cancel all of them so you have to see the world in their way so they can be in control of you. In the US the only acceptable path for minorities is through entertainment. There they can be billionaires and have millions love them. But the catch is only the fewest people possible can ever achieve this. The more there are, the more it gets diluted. So the majority who pursue this fail and they wasted their time and they end up with menial jobs. Ultimately you have to be accepted by those in power in order to be successful because it requires people liking you meaning someone else is in control of your fate.

That's why they hate China. China has its own culture. They don't control the Chinese because they don't control what Chinese value. The Chinese don't place a high value on being an entertainer. When you become an engineer or a scientist, you don't need their acceptance and applause to be successful in putting together a nuclear bomb. They want to interpret the world to the Chinese because that's how they get all the money and power flowing to them so they are in control. How are they going to make money from you when you have you have your own celebrities and not paying money to their celebrities for Western products they only endorse or movies and TV shows that they're in? They don't want China to have their own technological standards because how will they make money off the Chinese when they're not using their standards and thus making money from licensing fees. How will the Christian church make at least 10% of all what all 1.4 billion Chinese make in their hard earn money in tithings if they're not Christian?

They hide behind human rights and freedom because they think no one can challenge them when they hold that out in front of them. You have to obey and do everything they want because it's about human right and freedom. How convenient that it's the same thing they wanted when they colonized the world. Do you really believe Republicans care about human rights and freedom of non whites when the Democrats even accuse them of white supremacy at home? Then internationally the Democrats know white supremacy is paramount in order to get what they want in the world just like how Republicans view it.

It's ironic because China is the only force that truly will bring down white supremacy in the world and both Democrats and Republicans are deathly afraid of it. What does bringing down white supremacy mean? All it means is they're not going to be in control of literally everything and that's all it takes to sound the alarms because they think they have the right to literally all the power in the world for themselves. Just denying the most little thing in their control means they don't have all the power hence why the alarm over China because they're not getting an inch from China.

The Chinese have a right to defend themselves from them.
You’ve basically summed up the “Global White Privilege” theory.

A few points…
I don’t think entertainment is the only way minorities can succeed in America, I think it is simply the most common way. Don’t forget that the Civil Rights act was only passed in 1965, which meant many black people in Southern states were shut out of good education until recently.

The attitude that you are observing is simply a reflection of today’s political climate in my opinion. Back in the 70’s, many Black American activists greatly admired China like Malcolm X or Huey Newton. However, as black politicians entered the mainstream, they had to adopt those mainstream views or never get elected.

I look at the praise they keep heaping on Naomi Osaka every time she mentions Peng Shuhai, vs. The vitriol poured onto the “sellout” Lebron James. It’s a joke. Why shouldn’t he care about making money in China? Money is power after all.

Also, if Chinese people didn’t value entertainment, they wouldn’t have an entertainment industry. So that statement is not strictly true. Rather, education is of paramount importance, and anything else isn’t reliable.


Registered Member
You’ve basically summed up the “Global White Privilege” theory.

A few points…
I don’t think entertainment is the only way minorities can succeed in America, I think it is simply the most common way. Don’t forget that the Civil Rights act was only passed in 1965, which meant many black people in Southern states were shut out of good education until recently.

The attitude that you are observing is simply a reflection of today’s political climate in my opinion. Back in the 70’s, many Black American activists greatly admired China like Malcolm X or Huey Newton. However, as black politicians entered the mainstream, they had to adopt those mainstream views or never get elected.

I look at the praise they keep heaping on Naomi Osaka every time she mentions Peng Shuhai, vs. The vitriol poured onto the “sellout” Lebron James. It’s a joke. Why shouldn’t he care about making money in China? Money is power after all.

Also, if Chinese people didn’t value entertainment, they wouldn’t have an entertainment industry. So that statement is not strictly true. Rather, education is of paramount importance, and anything else isn’t reliable.
The koreans value entertainment the most. Just look at their k-pop and TV series that are flooding netflix. Somehow they can still find some very good speed skaters and figure skaters for the Olympics.