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The Chinese don't value entertainment as a career. Oh yes entertainment is the only path where minorities are allowed to succeed and make lots so money. Like I said in its nature, there can only be a few at a time and success is dependent on were people like you or not not how good you are. Any other prestigious career that requires intellect they question if you got there through affirmative action.
Another way to view it is if you are the 1000th best in the field you have chosen, what is the expected quality of life?
1000th best engineer - high salary in a top company
1000th best entertainer - might as well start an account on manyvids


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Preemptive Nuclear bombardment seen as self defense should be the reply to Japan from China.
China should let Japan know if it gets involved in Tiawan, --especially preemptive strikes against any part of China-- , this time Tokyo will not be spared, as they say third time is the charm. East Wind be cometh. For Japan, China must FU the NFU...
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You’ve basically summed up the “Global White Privilege” theory.

A few points…
I don’t think entertainment is the only way minorities can succeed in America, I think it is simply the most common way. Don’t forget that the Civil Rights act was only passed in 1965, which meant many black people in Southern states were shut out of good education until recently.

The attitude that you are observing is simply a reflection of today’s political climate in my opinion. Back in the 70’s, many Black American activists greatly admired China like Malcolm X or Huey Newton. However, as black politicians entered the mainstream, they had to adopt those mainstream views or never get elected.

I look at the praise they keep heaping on Naomi Osaka every time she mentions Peng Shuhai, vs. The vitriol poured onto the “sellout” Lebron James. It’s a joke. Why shouldn’t he care about making money in China? Money is power after all.

Also, if Chinese people didn’t value entertainment, they wouldn’t have an entertainment industry. So that statement is not strictly true. Rather, education is of paramount importance, and anything else isn’t reliable.

The Chinese don't value entertainment as a career. Oh yes entertainment is the only path where minorities are allowed to succeed and make lots so money. Like I said in its nature, there can only be a few at a time and success is dependent on if people like you or not not how good you are. Any other prestigious career that requires intellect they question if you got there through affirmative action.
Look to a current event like the winter olympics; why are the western media especially rabid in their portrayal of China as China wins more and more gold medals such that the west in the IOC tried to cripple weightlifting- a Chinese domianted sport- as well as excluding Russia?

China winning golds reveals the lie that white supremacists in the west want to push out: that the white anglo master race is the only path to salvation for humanity, that white people are the culmination of evolution as ordained by the lord, their god. White america even has a religion based on manifest destiny of the white american race: Mormonism.

China's rise is the death of white privilege, which is why the many white beta incels of the US Establishment see a war with china as giving themselves meaning in thier otherwise consumerist empty existence.


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In Boston, Chicago and New York City, AT&T’s 5G speeds are at least 10% slower than its 4G; in Washington, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, Verizon’s 5G speeds are at least 20% slower than the company’s 4G.
China has deployed at least three times as much midband to 5G providers as the U.S. has. AT&T and Verizon are using the same spectrum bands for both their 4G and 5G networks. As a result, as one industry analyst aptly put it, their 5G networks are “just 4G with sprinkles on it.”
The pathetic U.S. performance in the 5G race is a sign of America’s larger failure to keep up with China on strategically important technologies. China is also ahead of America in high-tech manufacturing, green energy and many applications of artificial intelligence. On current trajectories, by 2030 it will likely lead the U.S. in the number of semiconductor chips it produces and in applications of biotechnology to defeat diseases like cancer.


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When you have Clowns taking care your nation...

GLOBALink | Britain's fuel prices hit new highs amid cost of living crisis (2022.02.17)

The prices of petrol and diesel in Britain have both posted new record highs, pushing the cost of living crisis even further for British families. Xinhua's Ray Tang spoke to some drivers at a fuel station. Check out what they have to say.

Petrol price hit an average about two USD per liter while diesel costs an average of 2.048 USD per liter.



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I'm still not convinced, but I admit everyone is putting up a good show.
My personal opinion is that Russia wanted a veto on Ukraine foreign policy and seriously considered incursion into Donbass to support Russian-backed separatist as powerful leverage against Ukraine, BUT won't do now given the economic consequences and media attention. A Russian incursion into Donbass solves three issues: 1) it pre-empts Ukraine membership to NATO because membership cannot be extended to nations at war, 2) Russia punishes Ukraine for perceived transgression against Russian national interests, and 3) puts Russia in the driver seat of Ukraine foreign policy with Donbass as leverage.

So is West wrong about the exact timing? Yes. Does Russia want to use threat of war or use Donbass as leverage against Ukraine foreign policy? Yes. But with so much media attention, I don't see Russia making move. It almost guarantees strong sanctions response from US/EU, so it may hurt rather help Putin's legacy.
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Nabuo Kishi, the current Defence Minister and brother of former PM, Shinzo Abe. He, unlike his brother adopted his mother's family name: Kishi. His maternal side grandfather is none other than Nobusuke Kishi, AKA: "Monster of the Showa era". Infamous for his brutal rule of Manchuria in the 1930s to WWII. He is a Class A war criminal who spent only little time in jail, and became PM of Japan in 1957.

So, it does not surprise me at all that Nobusuke Kishi's grandson, as Defence Minister wants to have Japan conduct preemptive airstrikes against the 'enemies of Japan'. Japan has an ugly history of surprise attacks without any formal declaration of war. From the surprise attack on Port Arthur in the Russo-Japanese war, to the Pearl Harbour attack in WWII. Japan even had the Mukden Incident to start a surprise attack that kicked off the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Japan, together with the US and Australia are so keen to 'defend Taiwan'. There is nothing defensive about conducting a preemptive strike against China for China trying to reclaim a rebellious territory. If Japan tries to do that, it cannot blame China for unleashing the mother of all missile bombardments on Japan's own military bases. This is not the same China of 1931. Japan will not come out of that same type of imperialist aggression victorious. Japan's military will suffer pain and humiliation, and China does not even need nukes for that.

China, NK, and Russia should do a joint exercise one someday. Demonstrate the destructive power of their missiles and let the Japanese watch. Let Japan know that their jets could take off and try to bombard any targets in China, NK, or Russia. But if any of them survived, they won't have an airbase left to return to.
I agree, the Japanese clearly didn't learn for WW2, so I guess they need to be taught a lesson. I do however marvel as how much patience China has but once the time is right, China is going to show the world how a real super power really fights and I am interested to see just how things will turn out. All of this is pending on when the west will throw the first punch as history shows that China doesn't throw the first hit, only that they will fight back hard