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You’ve basically summed up the “Global White Privilege” theory.

A few points…
I don’t think entertainment is the only way minorities can succeed in America, I think it is simply the most common way. Don’t forget that the Civil Rights act was only passed in 1965, which meant many black people in Southern states were shut out of good education until recently.

The attitude that you are observing is simply a reflection of today’s political climate in my opinion. Back in the 70’s, many Black American activists greatly admired China like Malcolm X or Huey Newton. However, as black politicians entered the mainstream, they had to adopt those mainstream views or never get elected.

I look at the praise they keep heaping on Naomi Osaka every time she mentions Peng Shuhai, vs. The vitriol poured onto the “sellout” Lebron James. It’s a joke. Why shouldn’t he care about making money in China? Money is power after all.

Also, if Chinese people didn’t value entertainment, they wouldn’t have an entertainment industry. So that statement is not strictly true. Rather, education is of paramount importance, and anything else isn’t reliable.
They are asking Asians to be model citizens and brainwashing Asians to make sacrifice.

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They are asking Asians to be model citizens and brainwashing Asians to make sacrifice.

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This is exactly why I think the US is at a higher risk for civil war within the next couple decades.

The rift between the political parties is too large and cannot be mended with more tensions (abortion, mid term, 2024) coming soon.

Just wait until the woke millennials Democrats and populist millennials Republican start replacing the old guard from high ranking political and corporate positions.


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Preemptive Nuclear bombardment seen as self defense should be the reply to Japan from China.
So Japan seeks to go down the path of WW2 and trying to work their magic like that did during WW2 with an army of Meidos and Otaku and Salary men/women what haven't had proper sleep in years. They must seriously want to experience what has happened in Nanjing on their own soil if they think they can even dare to try and make China their bitch again because by the time China is done, their fake Samurai spirit will be left in a state so broken that even humpty dumpty would be considered mendable in comparison.
For the love of Christ, can Japan please stop following the west into hell, because if they think that a few thoughts and prayers and sweet worlds along with toilet path is going to make up for all those woman and babies that have been raped and murdered in Nanjing, then THEY HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING. If China is pre-emptively attacked by Japan, China had better make sure that the Japanese spirit be broken forever by the time they are done


Registered Member
Why are people laughing at this? They are basically celebrating the fact that "useless old people" are dying so their government could save a pound. I fail to see what is so humorous about the situation. If anything, you should be sad and frightened.
We are laughing because this is the Financial Times and the UK. The people writing that crap are the same folks who were laughing at how China would succumb to its aging population. Or how China would succumb to Covid-19. What Financial Times write is a reflection of the thinking of those elitist bankers. Let them advise the UK govt to just let old people die, just to save some pounds. The UK is so fond of crusading about human rights around the world. Yet they failed to see the irony of what they are doing to their own people. Eventually, the UK people will find out what the hell is going on. Then it is up to them after that. To keep business as usual, or to finally stand up against their elitist system.


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They are asking Asians to be model citizens and brainwashing Asians to make sacrifice.

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Virtue signalling is an exorbitant privilege by those who can afford it ie white females and white males of the elite classes; virtue signalling by an asian like this, is simply an expression of self interest in a social climbing opportunist.

It won't be him nor his own child who will be shut out of higher education, his is already guaranteed with old boys' networks and alumni, no- it'll be the regular asian american family who have to struggle for everything and then be pilloried for success.


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Preemptive Nuclear bombardment seen as self defense should be the reply to Japan from China.
Nabuo Kishi, the current Defence Minister and brother of former PM, Shinzo Abe. He, unlike his brother adopted his mother's family name: Kishi. His maternal side grandfather is none other than Nobusuke Kishi, AKA: "Monster of the Showa era". Infamous for his brutal rule of Manchuria in the 1930s to WWII. He is a Class A war criminal who spent only little time in jail, and became PM of Japan in 1957.

So, it does not surprise me at all that Nobusuke Kishi's grandson, as Defence Minister wants to have Japan conduct preemptive airstrikes against the 'enemies of Japan'. Japan has an ugly history of surprise attacks without any formal declaration of war. From the surprise attack on Port Arthur in the Russo-Japanese war, to the Pearl Harbour attack in WWII. Japan even had the Mukden Incident to start a surprise attack that kicked off the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Japan, together with the US and Australia are so keen to 'defend Taiwan'. There is nothing defensive about conducting a preemptive strike against China for China trying to reclaim a rebellious territory. If Japan tries to do that, it cannot blame China for unleashing the mother of all missile bombardments on Japan's own military bases. This is not the same China of 1931. Japan will not come out of that same type of imperialist aggression victorious. Japan's military will suffer pain and humiliation, and China does not even need nukes for that.

China, NK, and Russia should do a joint exercise one someday. Demonstrate the destructive power of their missiles and let the Japanese watch. Let Japan know that their jets could take off and try to bombard any targets in China, NK, or Russia. But if any of them survived, they won't have an airbase left to return to.


Registered Member
I could easily argue that your “covered from all angles” strategy is simply an intellectual rationalization of cowardice.
Intellectual cowardice or not, one country is standing tall, reaching almost superpower status and the other is in ruins. When it comes in geopolitics there is no such thing as cowardice or bravery.

There were countless "brave" countries who now don't even exist. Smart and cautious is the way to go
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Lieutenant General
You’ve basically summed up the “Global White Privilege” theory.

A few points…
I don’t think entertainment is the only way minorities can succeed in America, I think it is simply the most common way. Don’t forget that the Civil Rights act was only passed in 1965, which meant many black people in Southern states were shut out of good education until recently.

The attitude that you are observing is simply a reflection of today’s political climate in my opinion. Back in the 70’s, many Black American activists greatly admired China like Malcolm X or Huey Newton. However, as black politicians entered the mainstream, they had to adopt those mainstream views or never get elected.

I look at the praise they keep heaping on Naomi Osaka every time she mentions Peng Shuhai, vs. The vitriol poured onto the “sellout” Lebron James. It’s a joke. Why shouldn’t he care about making money in China? Money is power after all.

Also, if Chinese people didn’t value entertainment, they wouldn’t have an entertainment industry. So that statement is not strictly true. Rather, education is of paramount importance, and anything else isn’t reliable.
The Chinese don't value entertainment as a career. Oh yes entertainment is the only path where minorities are allowed to succeed and make lots so money. Like I said in its nature, there can only be a few at a time and success is dependent on if people like you or not not how good you are. Any other prestigious career that requires intellect they question if you got there through affirmative action.
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