If they actually do it, stocks will probably get even lower than now. Sanctions will be flying left and rightRT seems to convey the same news. Time to get some Russian stocks while they are low, lol.
If they actually do it, stocks will probably get even lower than now. Sanctions will be flying left and rightRT seems to convey the same news. Time to get some Russian stocks while they are low, lol.
Indians are getting richer than before, so they are buying more Chinese products.
I actually replied to the wrong comment lmao. I was talking about Russia pulling out troops from the borders.If they actually do it, stocks will probably get even lower than now. Sanctions will be flying left and right
The Indians seem to be triggered by almost anything.
Even this forum.
We were hanging around. Talking about the Olympics. Laughing a bit.
There was no mention of India.
Then later, some flame wars erupted.
And then you decide to throw them a bone by including them in conversation for once, and it may happen that the topic of that conversation is poverty, national dysfunction, toilets per capita or cow rape because a man thought it was his reincarnated wife, and they start raging again... You just can't win with these guysSee the problem?
im not too optimisitic about future of humanity, odds are the energy crunch will do us all in by 2050 or most certainly by 2100...
Chinese EV sector is entirely a result of a national industrial policy, which gives China a chance to leap ahead of the global automobile industry. It was unthinkable even 10 years ago that China auto industry would catch up with Germany or Japan. Now Chinese EV industry is definitely ahead of Germany and Japan. That, I think, is the prime factor that the US is re-thinking about industrial policy.