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Oh no, I am holding some Sberbank bonds. Will those be worthless when sanctions hit?!?!?!
i am not giving financial advice but when interest rates start going up bond values goes down. so you need to move out from bonds and move into firms that can pay dividends due to higher cash flow that pass on higher inflation to consumers.


In the interest of trying to learn more from the contemporary Korean politics and its important relationship with China, the East Asian region, and it's critical play to the U.S. Global China strategic containment policy I ended up listening with an open mind as to how some of the key Koreans and Korean Americans view the current geopolitical challenges and how they're prepared to play their role in the battle of the 2 giants namely, China-US relationship. Boy oh boy, I don't know if am being too sensitive or have simply become allergic to bullshit because this talk (which I invite many of you to take some time to watch and listen to their insights) blew me away in terms of how much the South Korean pro-America factions are beginning to fashion or view themselves from a global perspective. All of the panelists (female Korean works for the CIA, the other worked for the 2nr Bush administration at the NSC and is the vice-dean of Georgetown University) the other is an American educated University of Texas Long horn graduate former Vice-Foreign Minister of South Korea, and the current advisor to the presidential candidate of the people power party (Conservative party) are of the belief that they're not a middle power but a GLOBAL POWER. They are also repeating that China has greatly offended South Korea at the Beijing Olympics etc... I was honestly struck as to how much chest thumping and sycophantic the discussion is to the point that I think the South Koreans have now been infected with their own version of JAI HIND!! SUPAPOWAH 2022.

Bugga, you have just put me off from watching it.