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Registered Member
This is one of the west's most successful propaganda campaigns. I used to believe it too.

It's obviously poorer than South Korea but the standard of living is much better than most of Africa or India. For the size of it's economy, it has very good social and development statistics; life expectancy, infant mortality rates, literacy and so on.


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A colorful new hire of the Biden administration, “queer activist” Sam Brinton, is making waves on social media for his strange appearance and openly deviant lifestyle.

Brinton, who is a proud drag queen and “pup handler” – in other words, someone who leads gay men dressed in fetish gear around as they pretend to be dogs, before having sex with them – has been appointed to a high-ranking position in the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy.
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Registered Member
This is one of the west's most successful propaganda campaigns. I used to believe it too.

It's obviously poorer than South Korea but the standard of living is much better than most of Africa or India. For the size of it's economy, it has very good social and development statistics; life expectancy, infant mortality rates, literacy and so on.

Just look at North Korea.... oh wait.

USA - tent cities 2.jpg
US - tent cities 2.jpg
US -  homeless.jpg


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On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss visited Moscow for talks with Russia over the situation in Ukraine, rolling up with her usual belligerent and threatening posture. This has been a feature of her time in the office, which has seen her unfavourably compared to a poundshop version of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responded to Truss’s aggressive and uncompromising attitude by publicly ghosting her during the press conference,
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meeting her as like talking
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and leading her into a gaffe when she confused Russia’s regions of Voronezh and Rostov with parts of Ukraine, saying the UK “will never recognize Russian sovereignty” over them. The disastrous visit has dampened talk of what is widely perceived to be her
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to become prime minister.

At the same time as Truss was ruffling feathers in Russia, back in London under-pressure PM Boris Johnson upset right-wing MPs after
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that he is set to re-initiate trade talks with China. The move received an angry response from the usual suspects in the Conservative Party, Tom Tugendhat and Iain Duncan Smith, who have long demanded a harder stance against Beijing.
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Smith has been particularly aggressive in his attempts to undermine the government. Whilst Johnson’s move has been on the cards for a long time now, he represents one of the more moderate voices on China in a country which, to all intents and purposes, has committed itself to strategic struggle against it, as seen by the BBC’s efforts to shape public opinion.

What these two stories have in common is that they illustrate how Britain has become a sorry joke on the world stage. After Brexit, and the reframing of itself as
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in the belief it is still a great power, the UK is pursuing a foreign policy which shows a lack of balance and realism regarding its actual circumstances, exposing a host of contradictions.

Arguably, nobody embodies that sentiment more than Truss. While she is fronting the UK’s attempts to snarl at Moscow, right-wing MPs are simultaneously hungry for confrontation with Beijing – all in the midst of attempting to offset the impact of a Brexit which has not gone as smoothly as hoped.

As I have discussed previously, Brexit represents an eruption of 70 years of confusion over Britain’s post-war identity and place in the world – the dilemma of coming to terms with a declining empire and where it truly belongs. Is Britain part of Europe? Or is it an exceptionalist power that ought to work hand in glove with fellow Anglophone countries such as the US?
Over the years, this is a pendulum which has swung backwards and forwards, before numerous contemporary factors resulted in Brexit. This has been a gamechanger for both domestic and foreign policy. It ended an era of the Conservative Party as centrist liberals under David Cameron, and with Boris Johnson in charge, has seen a shift towards populism and nationalism, fuelling the desire for prominence on the global stage. No politician’s career has been more illustrative of this shift than Truss herself, who has transformed from being a
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Conservative into a chest-thumping, nationalist crusader.

Despite Johnson being a self-proclaimed
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and initially espousing a pro-China foreign policy in the wake of the need for alternative markets after Brexit, pressure from both the US and right-wing MPs looking for a new adversary after Europe, amid a changing geopolitical context, have made better relations with China untenable. The UK needs Beijing as a serious partner, but it’s already demonstrated which side it is on with initiatives such as
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Given all this, it is no surprise that Russia and China have little inclination to consider Britain to be acting in good faith anymore. Beijing has long sought to build deeper economic ties with Britain, but has been taken aback by the zealotry expressed against it and the obvious moves towards containment. It speaks volumes that former cabinet minister David Davis was quoted in Politico
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that Britain has a mission “to make China behave in a civilised manner” – a statement which only sends an offensive message to Beijing that the UK remains unapologetic, arrogant and unchanged from its Imperial days.

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On facing such an attitude, it is no wonder that China has sought to counter the UK through its new
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with Argentina and to reiterate its support for Buenos Aires on the issue of the Falkland Islands. It represents a fatalism in China’s thinking – that it is futile to simply ask Britain to change or cooperate, and that the hostility being shown from London needs to be responded to with more teeth.

In Moscow, the view is likely to be similar after Truss’s idea of talks seemed to consist of issuing threats. It begs the question, is diplomacy with the UK truly worth the effort? And more to the point, is Britain really as relevant as makes itself out to be? After all, Truss’s
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will not determine the outcome in Ukraine, whatever happens.

In conclusion, we are now seeing a British foreign policy that is high on rhetoric, low on substance, big on threats and small on solutions, and seems to have completely ditched any rational concept of what constitutes the national interest. Brexit Britain has become a farce, which doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously on the international stage.


Registered Member
Should take a look at all the hoods video recently to get a good long look at just how messed up the USA’s infrastructure really is

Goes to show that toilet paper and so called capital can only cover so much but their is no way anyone can cover a broken bridge or a crumbling house on ever single house on the block in ever single segment of the city. journalist can shot on China right now but let’s say for example yellow stone goes off and obliterates an entire USA state or the Madrid fault line collapses and cracks the USA in half, I can guarantee that no journalist worth their salt will care about China anymore, nor would they dare to spread any more false unless they wish to disappear. The scare part is that with all the activity happening on the west coast with greater and greater frequency

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Well it only takes on to go off to basically change the world forever


Senior Member
Registered Member
Should take a look at all the hoods video recently to get a good long look at just how messed up the USA’s infrastructure really is

Goes to show that toilet paper and so called capital can only cover so much but their is no way anyone can cover a broken bridge or a crumbling house on ever single house on the block in ever single segment of the city. journalist can shot on China right now but let’s say for example yellow stone goes off and obliterates an entire USA state or the Madrid fault line collapses and cracks the USA in half, I can guarantee that no journalist worth their salt will care about China anymore, nor would they dare to spread any more false unless they wish to disappear. The scare part is that with all the activity happening on the west coast with greater and greater frequency
This CharlieBo313 Channel covers lots of city situation in the USA -- good for foreigners to have some ground update over the Superpower

".This channel shows mostly videos of inner city urban areas."

CharlieBo313 Channel - YouTube 20220212.png

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A colorful new hire of the Biden administration, “queer activist” Sam Brinton, is making waves on social media for his strange appearance and openly deviant lifestyle.

Brinton, who is a proud drag queen and “pup handler” – in other words, someone who leads gay men dressed in fetish gear around as they pretend to be dogs, before having sex with them – has been appointed to a high-ranking position in the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy.
I don't see anything wrong with this. He/she/them/it is a perfect representation of America.