Miscellaneous News


In the past few years he has:

1) Intimidated and/or stalked other Chinese dissidents.
2) Broken and entered into the home of a Chinese dissident who formerly worked for him, and hired thugs to trash the place.
3) Sponsored far right extremist groups.
4) Incited a colored revolution, resulting in the storming of the Capitol building.

If I didn't tell you that this is Guo Wengui, wouldn't you too think that this is the work of a Chinese agent?
He probably got calls about #4 from his MSS superiors, telling him and Bannon to dial it down.


Registered Member
No I mean it is highly irregular.

A fugitive billionaire runs to America. Then he creates all sorts of trouble.

If you're a fugitive billionaire, you'd probably stay low and out of sight to avoid repercussions.

But Guo Wengui went around fanning the flames of everything that can be inflamed.

I think @horse probably can make sense of this better than me.

Guo Wengui just put James Bond and Jason Bourne to shame.


Registered Member
No I mean it is highly irregular.

A fugitive billionaire runs to America. Then he creates all sorts of trouble.

If you're a fugitive billionaire, you'd probably stay low and out of sight to avoid repercussions.

But Guo Wengui went around fanning the flames of everything that can be inflamed.

I think @horse probably can make sense of this better than me.

Guo Wengui just put James Bond and Jason Bourne to shame.
yeah I remember he used to be on Kyle Bass podcast telling everyone he knew the secrets of the CCP and that the imminent implosion of China was right around the corner .... and that America should not overestimate China abilities that China was all hype etc


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How China could feel a US-led economic squeeze in the Indo-Pacific​

  • The White House’s new regional strategy puts the focus back on Beijing, despite other geopolitical distractions, analysts say
  • The United States will try to build a strategic environment ‘that makes it tough for China’

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could make it tougher for Beijing to use its economic clout in the region in the longer term, even as other more immediate crises distract the United States, diplomatic observers said.

While senior US officials have warned that a
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could “begin at any time”, the Asia-Pacific region remained the most important focus to the US foreign policy, they said.

In the long-awaited Indo-Pacific strategy released on Friday, US President
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reaffirmed the need for sustained engagement in the region, including expanding the US Coast Guard presence and stronger regional alliances, to counter what it views as China’s aggressive and coercive behaviour in the East and South China seas as well as towards
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“This intensifying American focus is due in part to the fact that the Asia-Pacific faces mounting challenges, particularly from the People’s Republic of China,” the White House said.

“[China] is combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological might as it pursues a sphere of influence in the Indo-Pacific and seeks to become the world’s most influential power.

“The United States will defend our interests, deter military aggression against our own country and our allies and partners – including across the Taiwan Strait – and promote regional security by developing new capabilities, concepts of operation, military activities, defence industrial initiatives, and a more resilient force posture.”

Renmin University international relations professor Shi Yinhong said the release of the strategy signalled that the US strategic focus remained in the Asia-Pacific. “US pressure on China may ease in the short term, but in the long run, it is China, rather than Russia, that is considered as the most serious competitor to the US,” Shi said.

Aaron Rabena, a research fellow at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation in Metro Manila, agreed, saying conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan had sapped US “resources and bandwidth”. “After decades of being drained in the Middle East, the US realised that they have neglected Asia – to China’s benefit,” Rabena said.

“The US should see to it that despite tensions or conflict in Ukraine, the Asia-Pacific strategy stands and that American resources will remain focused on the Asia-Pacific.” Since taking the office a year ago, Biden has stepped up efforts to reinforce US alliances in the region, including the
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The administration has also forged a three-way military partnership with Australia and Britain –
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, which Beijing said would “seriously undermine regional peace and intensify the arms race in the region”.

Now the focus also appears to be on addressing China’s economic clout, which grew in the last decade as the US’ commitment to region came into question, particularly with former US president Donald Trump’s decision in 2017 to
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, a trade pact that the US had helped craft as a counterweight to China.

The new strategy includes an Indo-Pacific economic framework to cover everything from digital trade, labour and environmental standards, to trade facilitation and supply chain resilience.

In the document released on Friday, the US said its objective “is not to change China but to shape the strategic environment in which it operates, building a balance of influence in the world that is maximally favourable to the United States, our allies and partners, and the interests and values we share”.

Shi said the new economic framework was likely to exclude China, and the US might seek to build a “strategic environment” that would prove to be difficult to China particularly in the economic sphere.

“The US has said it won’t seek to change China, which means it won’t seek to change China’s political system but build a strategic environment that benefits its allies and partners,” he said. “It will try to make it difficult for China.”

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I would say that it's time to increase our military spending to 2% of GDP this year. The US is going all out to damage our society and people on all fronts.


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A giant U.S. government fuel storage installation hidden inside a mountain ridge overlooking Pearl Harbor has provided fuel to military ships and planes crisscrossing the Pacific Ocean since World War II.
Its very existence was a secret for years. Even after it was declassified, few people paid attention — until late last year, when jet fuel leaked into a drinking water well, showed up in tap water and sickened thousands in military housing.
Ah yes, nothing better than having a pint of jet fuel for the evening