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I just read about four battle groups... but that guy is an ex-ONI officer so he surely knows better, even those not in the news.

"The crash occurred while the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson Strike Group was involved in a high-profile naval exercise with the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln Strike Group, the USS Essex Amphibious Ready Group, the USS America Amphibious Ready Group and a Japanese Maritime Self Defense helicopter carrier."

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Lol those ships aren't even enough to invade one coastal city. Some people on this forum really need to calm down sometimes.
Even if they could teleport the entire US Army with equipment into mainland China they'd still be handily wiped by the PLA because they can't project air support over Chinese home turf, let alone logistics issues etc. I don't see any US operated airfields in the mainland, only PLA ones.
About surprise conventional strikes, if those carriers sail real close to the Chinese coast you can bet hundreds of ASBMs and ASCMs are pointed at each one; if they try to pull something like that I highly doubt they'd even be able to get a few sorties off before they're all sunk.


Junior Member
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Cool story, meanwhile the reality.


Pink is Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the Union of Poland and Lithuania.

Before Commonwealth.

During Commonwealth.

Since someone had to bring up history I have to clarify: Lithuania expanded to the south and east (the Western Rus principalities) during the late Middle ages because the Mongols considered Lithuania so worthless they just plundered all of their neighbours but left Lithuania alone, creating a power vacuum that they occupied after the disintegration of the Golden Horde. The Lithuanians were unable to defend themselves against the Teutonic Knight crusaders from Germany who tried to impose Christianity onto them, so they joined their state to Poland - thereby imposing Christianity onto themselves (not to mention they also previously considered joining themselves to Moscow). During the next couple of centuries the entire of Lithuania's elite class, supposedly an "equal partner" of Poland, completely Polonised themselves in culture and language. The rest of Lithuanian history is just grovelling at the feet of Napoleon, German royals, and even Nazis.


Senior Member
Well, if you know Palahniuk and read some of the stuff he posts - he is a pretty sarcastic person. The

is obviously sarcasm but he is not exactly against it either, he just does not give a fuck and points out the hypocrisy of white liberal neckbeards who are losing their shit over that while his books have been censored in parts of MuriKKKa for ages. He also mentions that the film ending has been changed for different markets in the past but only when it is China, it became a problem for white libs. That's why they are now coping on Reddit by calling the book shit and that the film is better because fireworks.
I see. Yeah I didn't get his sarcasm at first, does seem pretty apparent now that you pointed it out.


Registered Member
Siberia, land so shitty and inhospitable, even the Mongols didn't want, and they wanted the entire world.
Mongols certainly lack technology nor the world climate was like today.
Now Siberia have Sukhoi factories, lot of forests and resources.
Airpower defines strength. it does not matter whether its one train line or two train lines on the ground.
These Tu-160s flown form up in north to Syria in 2015. now they have much more training in Arctic and infrastructure built up. its climate change that energy/mineral production and sea lanes will be in Arctic.



Registered Member
its not troops that win wars, its weapons platforms and systems etc...

In a pinch US will keep lowering standards the same way money printer goes BRRRRR, it wouldnt surprise me if they offered inmates shorter sentences for military service, God knows the US has no shortage of folks already caged up

And what do you think, if the weapons win the war then where is the need for soldiers ?

More complicated weapon systems means more highly trained personel. Means the required skill level increase, not decrease by adding more complicated weapons.


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Taiwan VP, in U.S., repeats accusation China blocked vaccine access​

TAIPEI, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Taiwan Vice President William Lai used his final day in the United States to repeat an accusation that China blocked the island from obtaining COVID-19 vaccines last year, and to thank a U.S. lawmaker for her role in donating the inoculations.

Last May, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen
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China of blocking a deal with Germany's BioNTech SE
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for COVID-19 vaccines, after Beijing offered the shots to the island via a Chinese company just as Taiwan was dealing with a rise in domestic infections.

Beijing has angrily denied trying to stop Taiwan getting vaccines, and also offered Chinese-developed shots which the island rejected, citing safety concerns. China claims Taiwan as its own territory.

Less than two weeks after Tsai's comments, Senator Tammy Duckworth, visiting Taipei with two other U.S. lawmakers, said the United States would
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750,000 vaccine doses to Taiwan.

Speaking to the Illinois Democrat during a stop over in San Francisco while on the way back to Taiwan from Honduras, Lai offered his thanks.

Lai said he was "especially grateful to her last year when Taiwan was unable to obtain vaccines due to the China factor", Taiwan's presidential office said, citing the de facto U.S. ambassador to Washington Hsiao Bi-khim, who is accompanying Lai.

"She not only actively advocated that the Biden administration should provide vaccines to Taiwan, but also personally went to Taiwan to announce that the United States would donate Taiwan vaccines."

In Beijing, China's foreign ministry said Lai's accusation was "total fiction", calling it a "malicious slandering and smearing of the true face of the mainland".

Taiwan eventually began receiving the BioNTech vaccines, jointly developed with Pfizer Inc
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, in September.

But that was only after Taiwan's government allowed major Apple Inc
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supplier Foxconn
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, as well as its high-profile billionaire founder, Terry Gou, along with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd and a Taiwanese Buddhist group to negotiate on its behalf for the doses.

While Lai, a possible presidential candidate in 2024, was ostensibly abroad for the new Honduran president's inauguration, he made good use of his time to engage in diplomacy with the United States, Taiwan's most important international backer and arms supplier.

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talked to U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris while in Honduras, drawing Chinese anger, and on Friday had a virtual
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with U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

On Saturday Lai also spoke to three former members of the Trump administration, including former national security adviser H.R. McMaster and Matt Pottinger, Trump's then-senior Asia adviser, Taiwan's presidential office said.

That hour-long discussion focussed on military issues including "the proper preparations Taiwan" should have to maintain security and stability in the Taiwan Strait, the statement said.

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