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Guess what, this guy resigned after being critisised for his comments about putin deserves respect

This is lesson for anglos and vassals to never say stupid things in india, because it definetely going to be leaked lmaooo

100% that German video anti-China rant will be translated and shown to Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi, and maybe even XJP. This is HUGE. Top leadership should really know what private conversation happen behind German elite doors regarding China and their 'Civilization clash' mindset.

It's so exciting this video circulate here first, then eventually the Chinese foreign ministry (Wang Yi, Yang Jiechi) is likely going to view it too. China leadership needs to know the white supremacists mindset.
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The West is worried about China's zero tolerance Covid-19 policy because it will affect their economies in the end but they think this will do nothing to them when it's the same result...?

That article in the SCMP, relaying what a Chinese think tank thought, about what the Americans want to do with this so called digital economy, that is off base.

No offense to anyone here, that entire idea, from the newspaper, to the think tank, to the government, that is all bogus. In fact we should use another word to describe it. We just talk about the facts for now.

To start, what do they mean by digital economy?

Fair to say they refer to two things, one is digital infrastructure or the network, and two is the end users.

The infrastructure, that is Huawei, yet again! They could mean the servers too, but most of that is made in China too! The poster horse posted this somewhere else, but repost it here. Obviously, the war between the US government and Huawei 5G, there is clearly one side who has a decisive upper hand.

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It is not even close.

The end users, we have to ask the right question.

A question that we could ask, is who are the biggest sellers on Amazon? If we said China, then we are correct!

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This is a well known fact. But apparently not.

To sum up this post, it is clear who is winning the current war between the US government and Huawei 5G, and it is clear that on the item of end users, the American platform is teaming up with Chinese sellers working together to enrich themselves. Also we should know that China has its own home grown e-commerce companies that have a global reach.

To suggest anything else, is just plain old dezinformatsia.

We are already living in a digit cold war, were Huawei is winning, and we have an American platform working with Chinese sellers.

What exactly are we suppose to be bracing for? Like the article warned about? Where they got that idea from a Chinese think tank. Who got that from the US government. Question! What about the facts on the ground? The facts should count for something.

That's why this time I open my pie-hole like a Pompeo.

The forum should not be a platform to spread anti-China dezinformatsia.

To be honest, I actually like the Americans.

But some things, we should all say, thanks, but no thanks to.

The dezinformatsia only creates an endless cycle of bogus news, that spin into endless webs of false news.

A President Trump specialty! I still miss him so much!



Registered Member
100% that German video anti-China rant will be translated and shown to Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi, and maybe even XJP. This is HUGE. Top leadership should really know what private conversation happen behind German elite doors regarding China and their 'Civilization clash' mindset.

It's so exciting this video circulate here first, then eventually the Chinese foreign ministry (Wang Yi, Yang Jiechi) is likely going to view it too. China leadership needs to know the white supremacists mindset.
It's a bit concerning that Chinese leadership isn't aware of such illness that afflicts a certain western mindset of superiority.