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Evangelical nut jobs have no interest in respecting the wishes of any countries local government for it's their mission to bring their version of Christ to the world American style like it or not. And they say Chinese is committing cultural genocide against her Muslim population.



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Ukraine's Zelensky, Poroshenko, And Possibly Turchynov to Be Arrested by Russian Troops for "Crimes Against Humanity?"​

When Russia enters Ukraine to put an end to the puppet government installed by the EU and USA back in 2014, one of the tasks for Russian soldiers will allegedly be to take under arrest Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, former President Petro Poroshenko and possibly former President Oleksandr Turchynov on alleged charges of "Crimes against humanity" in connection with the cutting off of fresh water to Crimea after it voted to secede from Ukraine.

Back in 2014, Ukraine erected a temporary dam into the North Crimea Canal, which carried fresh water to the Crimean Peninsula.

Later, Ukraine built additional, permanent, Dams farther down-canal from the earthen dam they bulldozed into the canal, and the permanent dams pretty much ended all fresh water flow into Crimea.

s a result of cutting off the water, Crimea suffered an almost complete crop failure that year, causing food shortages.

To this very day, the citizens in Crimea only have fresh water from their faucets perhaps five hours per day and farming is severely curtailed from lack of water.

Enormous efforts have been undertaken to make certain the people living on Crimea can survive.

THIS is what the Ukraine government is doing to the citizens of Crimea. Some call this "Crimes against humanity."

So as the issue of Ukraine is resolved by force of Russian military might in the near future, one of the tasks allegedly being assigned to Russian soldiers, is the apprehension of the current and former Ukraine Presidents for their role in severing and keeping turned off, the fresh water supply to Ukraine.

The men are allegedly being almost continually tracked by Russian operatives within Ukraine, so their locations are always known. When they are grabbed, the question will be, what to do with them?

The World Court /International Criminal Court in The Hague would normally be the venue to try such cases. But the US has a military operational plan to "rescue" any Americans who may be dragged into that court. It would not be a stretch to think the Americans would try to rescue the Ukraine water-cut-off criminals to prevent them from being tried.

Perhaps Russia could set up facilities for World Court Judges to operate within Russia?

It is just one small aspect of the issues surrounding Ukraine that still have to be worked out.

Another is what to do with Ukrainian Legislators who passed legislation OUTLAWING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE in Ukraine?

Should they be grabbed too?

And what about the Nazi-esque people in Ukraine, posting warning signs on Russian language stores telling potential customers not to shop there because the Russian language is spoken? That was similar to what the Nazis under Hitler, did to Jews in Germany, back in the 1930's.

The behavior has arisen again under the present Ukraine Government . . . as has the Nazi Swastika Flag being flown by certain Ukrainian Army troops stationed outside Donetsk and Luhansk.

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US extends rivalry with China to the moon as it resists cooperation and seeks control over mining​

  • Nasa claims its Artemis lunar programme will promote diversity and cooperation, but fellow space powers China and Russia have been left out in the cold
  • With the US attempting to lay down rules for mineral extraction, the new space race looks set to divide the world – and the moon – along Cold War fault lines

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There’s enough strife on land, sea and in the air to keep US Cold Warriors and their Wolf Warrior counterparts in China sparring for a long time to come, but the race to create zones of influence and secure resources doesn’t begin and end with planet Earth.

With the roll-out of Nasa’s
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rocket and Orion spacecraft last March in support of the US Artemis Programme, the moon has been added to the mix.

“Through Artemis, Nasa aims to land the first woman and first person of colour on the moon,” the mission statement reads. The US will “collaborate with commercial and international partners and establish the first long-term presence on the moon”.

At first glance, both China and Russia would be logical international partners, but the statement has a distinctly American accent.

It’s not the first time the US has tried to set the terms by which other nations can explore Earth’s only natural satellite. A US-scripted “Moon Treaty” was drawn up in 1979 but eventually withered away because the tiny handful of nations capable of competing with the US in space were not interested in signing away their rights.

Even the flag-waving president Donald Trump came to disdain the treaty because it suggested that the moon should be treated as part of a “global commons” rather than as a private resource base that individual nations and corporations could exploit.

Eager to approve American
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on the moon, Trump issued an executive order on April 6, 2020, “Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources”. The moribund 1979 Moon Treaty was thus scrapped. In Trumpian terms, it was “a failed attempt at constraining free enterprise”.

The executive order issued by Trump is still in effect and the language has been altered only slightly. The goal of sending the “first woman and next man” to the moon was amended by the Biden administration to read “first woman and first person of colour”.

There are several ironies inherent in the way US leaders talk about the space programme. One is the partisan political flavour; the Democrats emphasise its links with identity politics, while Republicans emphasise the capitalist free market element.

But neither party wants to be stuck with the budget shortfalls and delays that have dogged the programme from day one. And no one is talking about including China.

Given the way Nasa promotes astronaut identity, there’s a further irony in the fact that China happens to have a
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at this very moment, and has been sending, by the arcane terms of the US mission statement, “persons of colour” into space since the inception of their programme.

If human diversity was really a serious goal of the Artemis programme, there would be scant reason not to cooperate with China. Or Russia for that matter. But why should China and Russia sign on to a day-late, dollar-short programme jump-started by Trump that defines the rules of exploitation on US terms?

The US has solicited a number of allies to sign on the
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, including members of the
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intelligence sharing bloc, as well as Japan and South Korea. But it is the recent inclusion of Ukraine that speaks volumes about the political cast of the programme.

What the mission statement is really saying is that the US reserves the right to exploit the mineral resources of the moon, and will do so with allies of its choosing and within guidelines of its own creation. As for China and Russia, the only two serious rivals to the US in space, they have been left out in the cold.

The Artemis Accords add another brick to the regulatory firewall the US has built regarding cooperation with China in space. The 2011 Wolf Amendment prohibited such cooperation, with the unsurprising result that China has taken a go-it-alone approach ever since.

Furthermore, the inclusion in the US space bloc of Ukraine, a bitter adversary of Russia, only serves to increase the likelihood that China and Russia will look to one another as partners in space. Already, plans for a Sino-Russian
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are being touted.

The implicit anti-China gist of the Artemis programme is symptomatic of US party-driven politics in general. On the one hand, there’s a seemingly unbridgeable political divide at home; on the other, one administration looks the same as the other when viewed from afar.

The ostensible aim of the Artemis programme is to promote cooperation, diversity and set down rules for lunar exploration. In reality, it is dividing the world into two camps, following the familiar East-West fault lines established in the last Cold War.

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How I wish China/Russia cooperation can beat the US back to the moon.


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They could do faint attack on Ukraine and go for Sweden.. nobody has even thought about this except swedes who has deployed their armed forces..