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There's risks but there's also reward/windfall that comes with lending transactions. There's not a single policy or set of policies being made by China that doesn't carry any political or geopolitical risks but so far the benefits have more than make up for it.

If any countries let alone China follows your loopy ideas on trade and economy all to avoid being vilified, criticized by your rivals then you might as well give up your aspirations for further development and accept the artificial limit and barriers set up by your geopolitical opponents.

I don't know where you have been and what planet you're on but ever since China’s meteoric rise economically, politically, and militarily these threat perceptions began more pointed and even cranked up to the tenth degree. If China was just a marginal power at best then all these noise about her wouldn't even be this magnified or have to be conjured up for propaganda.

Success breeds contempt and jealousy it's the same for any of us individuals that will taste any measure of extraordinary success. These phenomenon don't end when it comes to state to state situation.

A few months ago, the United States asked China to receive Afghan immigrants. And according to your logic, China should also get it all because China is superpower and willing to face all the risks because of the challenge and opportunity to go together? If the risk is bigger than the reward, why do China have to do it?

Putin has written off Soviet debt to many countries. Not that Russians hate money, but because those countries are insolvent. The Soviet Union at its peak was very generous and never imagined that someday it would fall to hell.

In recent years, China has lent money to many countries. And that leads to economic and political troubles. The West does not miss the opportunity to insult China. China's image became ugly because of the concept of "debt trap". The sad thing is that many countries borrow money from China, then do not want to repay the debt and blame China

China should limit lending, and use that money to buy gold and store rare metals.
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@FangYuan the quote you pulled does not say anything about one-way benefits, moreover it says:

so yeah... don't attribute your own words to me.
Your logic is like it's business and Russia is not affected by any negative impact. It is only half the truth.

Putin has written off Soviet debt to many countries. Not that Russians hate money, but because those countries are insolvent. The Soviet Union at its peak was very generous and never imagined that someday it would fall to hell.
It was not all about generosity - Russia has taken the responsibility for Soviet foreign debt in exchange for ownership of all Soviet foreign assets (mainly real estate) and some military equipment, so it was essentially a trade. Similarly, writing off small old debts is a way to improve foreign relations and, sometimes, a way to create new export markets when they give loans to buy Russian military equipment & then write them off.
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Your logic is like it's business and Russia is not affected by any negative impact. It is only half the truth.
My logic is that there is no generosity but a calculated business decision. Just like in every business, there are some downsides but considering that they went through with it means that Russians think that the benefits outweigh them - i.e. gained Soviet assets in the long-term > Soviet debt.


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My logic is that there is no generosity but a calculated business decision. Just like in every business, there are some downsides but considering that they went through with it means that Russians think that the benefits outweigh them - i.e. gained Soviet assets in the long-term > Soviet debt.

I understand

That is the difference in perspective. Each country and each person has their own definition.


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Putin has written off Soviet debt to many countries. Not that Russians hate money, but because those countries are insolvent. The Soviet Union at its peak was very generous and never imagined that someday it would fall to hell.

This is a view from Russia's source.
To begin with, debts are written off, which at one time the countries of Africa and, to a lesser extent, Asia and Latin America took from the Soviet Union. During the Cold War,
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supplied money to friendly regimes around the world, as a rule, demanding only political loyalty in return.
Information about the writing off of debts to various countries of the world from Russia causes a mixed reaction in Russian society. According to supporters of the government’s idea of writing off debts, this measure is productive, as it allows the Russian Federation to declare its focus on economic and political partnership and add to the list of its allies in different regions of the world. ---Opponents of the idea of writing off debts are sure that
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on the part of the current Russian authorities, based on the “generosity” of past generational taxpayers, will not lead to anything good. They say that it was not you who lent money, not you to sign the write-off agreements ... Each of the opponents has his own hard arguments, whether justified or, conversely, writing off debts to various countries of the world was counterproductive for the country's economy and political image.
In general, in order to establish partnerships and entangle ourselves with bonds of friendship, you can generally write off all debts and hope that the “partners” will give us some preferences.
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In this regard, I would like to think that, after all, regular statements about debt cancellation to various countries of the world, like write-offs themselves, have a strategic goal, and are not a banal manifestation of little explainable political and economic generosity. As you know, with good intentions, the road is lined not at all in the heavens ...


1. For lending, someone thinks it is business. But Russians argue that it is generous.
2. For debt removal, someone thinks it is the calculation and benefits, but for Russians, it is a controversial decision, including benefits and risks, and Russia feels disappointed by the attitude of some countries


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2020 was a meme year lol
View attachment 81090

I add few more - "COVID MEME 2020" -- to give it a deep thought, that's what they really thought, that the virus would cripple China's economy and industry at that time, and caused a huge exodus of manufacturers from there, a success story!

I believe if we look again around that time, there will be more elite members, not only Ross, and other media voiced the same wishes! I name all the screen captures and video of this topic under COVID MEME 2020.

COVID MEME 2020 - Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross - China’s coronavirus ‘will help’ bring jobs ...jpg
COVID MEME 2020 - Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says coronavirus will help to accelerate the ...png

The video is here:


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It was not all about generosity - Russia has taken the responsibility for Soviet foreign debt in exchange for ownership of all Soviet foreign assets (mainly real estate) and some military equipment, so it was essentially a trade. Similarly, writing off small old debts is a way to improve foreign relations and, sometimes, a way to create new export markets when they give loans to buy Russian military equipment & then write them off.

The article you cited also peddles blatant fake news:

Sri Lanka was not forced by anyone, it was their initiative to pay off IMF debts. Therefore, the article is lying and I am thinking that it is not a legitimate news site but some shitty Indian fake news propaganda crap.
Just in case any one here still does not know about the true story of Hambantota port amidst the crowd of misinformation by the MSM, please keep this info for your future reference!

The truth about Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port, Chinese ‘debt traps’ and ‘asset seizures’

When critics of Beijing accuse the government of debt traps and other predatory policies, the example that crops up is almost always that of the Chinese-built Hambantota International Port in Sri Lanka.

The government of Sri Lanka, a country where Chinese firms have also financed and constructed railways, roads and power stations, allegedly failed to repay Chinese loans to build the port and was then forced to lease it to China, which covets the port as a naval base.

It is part of an oft-told tale that China provides infrastructure loans to developing countries, often as part of the Belt and Road Initiative, knowing they cannot be repaid, allowing China to seize borrowing states’ valuable assets.

US consultants the Rhodium Group recently released a study into Chinese asset seizures and found just one instance: the above-mentioned Hambantota port.

However, interviews we have done in Sri Lanka show that even this lone instance is NOT REMOTELY TRUE.

The Hambantota port lease was *NOT* a result of any inability to service the loans, nor was it a debt-for-equity swap — the Sri Lankan government still owns the port. And funds received for the lease were not used to repay port-related debt, but to pay off MORE EXPENSIVE LOANS, generally to Western entities.


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Very interesting reading, with much new information! A must-read piece by PEPE ESCOBAR

Sample lines only

"When President Tokayev was referring, in code, to a “single center,” he meant a so far ‘secret’ US-Turk-Israeli military-intel operations room based in the southern business hub of Almaty, according to a highly placed Central Asia intel source. In this “center,” there were 22 Americans, 16 Turks and 6 Israelis coordinating sabotage gangs – trained in West Asia by the Turks – and then rat-lined to Almaty."

"The Hybrid War west had to be stunned and livid at how the CSTO intercepted the Kazakh operation at such lightning speed. The key element is that the secretary of Russian National Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, saw the Big Picture eons ago.

So, it’s no mystery why Russia’s aerospace and aero-transported forces, plus the massive necessary support infrastructure, were virtually ready to go."