I have no respect for that racist dude. He's either in denial choosing to be oblivious or being an ostrich to the reality of what's in front of him. I don't know what planet America this fellow @Petrolicious88 lives or maybe he's lived a far more pristine life in America but that's not the experience that I and most of the people I know who has lived in America and Canada.I grew up in America since I was one years old. I can't tell you how many times I had rocks thrown at me because of being Chinese, bloody noses from fights against racists because I was Chinese, and all the insults/slurs/verbal assaults because I was Chinese, by whites/blacks/Hispanics.
In America, there is real physical violence because of your race, whereas there is zero violent attacks by Chinese against other Asian groups. How long have you lived in the US to say that majority of Americans are not racist? Also, racism by whites is systemic and institutionalized and covert and permeates the fabric of society.
I have been told to go back to where I came from by a white dude because apparently my kind wasn't welcome into "his country" I had to literally avoid holding my then ex-girlfriends hand who was Jamaican in public around black dudes because some of them would get visibly annoyed and since I didn't want to get wreck or beat up I had to be mindful when am with her in public. Needless to say, I had to break it off because I just didn't want think the hassle was worth it LOL..I was told a dog eater and other idiotic racist names as well. It is what it is.