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On this forum we talk about how white people are racist every day of the week. The irony is when I pointed how Asians are often even more racist towards other Asians, and has a tendency to "worship" white culture, I'm being accused of being white, loll
You have yet to produce any "racist" examples, policies of Asians against specific Asians. There are prejudices and built in biases based on cultural ignorance and stereotypes but outright racism I have yet to be informed of this supposed current phenomenon by you.


Registered Member
I think @Bellum_Romanum said it is a requirement in Western Politics to master the art of saying things and never doing anything
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So we have a whole press release via Canadian division of Bloomberg, other major Canadian outlets, some Taiwan media as well for an email and Zoom call!
Wow!! CANADA A country ranks amongst the biggest market in the world based on an approx population of 38 million Canadians able to absorb and make up for the feeble market size of Red China with a pop size of 1.4 Billion people with the largest Middle class in the world, the largest automarket in the world, the largest trading partner of close to 130 countries in the world.

So Taiwan is prepared to lose it's biggest trading partner and market so that it can purchase oil sands, lumber, water, minerals from Canada but at what cost? Lol

As for Canada who's sole reliance to the U.S. marker is just hilarious not to mention that most if not all the major companies in Canada are all owned by American firms. Tim Hortons isn't even Canadian owned.

Virtue signaling is the new norm for these dumb ass politicians. It's now a major requirement for all the parties to do since that's what the liberal mobs and right wing nut jobs demand from their politicians. The sad truth is that If these politicians don't follow the wishes of their respective cults they'll likely be retired. It's also the reason why more and more people that are being elected or being chosen to run specially in the U.S. aren't people of intelligence let alone actual accomplished individuals but fire breathing Neanderthals and provocateurs, shock jock foul mouthed apes.


Registered Member
Yes there is a dose of racism in the current Sino-US Cold War. But most of it is just cold, raw geopolitics. Generally speaking Asian people can be extremely racist towards other Asians and people of darker skin tone, often times more than white people. Thats just a fact, nothing to do with me being racist. The majority of Americans are not racist, most are actually kind of naive.
Thats just a fact, nothing to do with me being racist. The majority of Americans are not racist, most are actually kind of naive.
There you go again running off with your mouth stating your opinion and insisting that they're facts. Bro, you haven't even produced an iota of evidence to support your own bias and racist assumptions about Asians and yet you persist to say trust me bro...What's maddeningly dumb for you to write without any ounce of face palm stupidity is the erroneous claim that "most Americans aren't racist, most are actually kind of naive" WTF? Are you high on drugs or something?

The right wing movements and the rise of Trump not to mention the various right wing militias, along with the white supremacist movements are all on the rise and have been categorized by U.S. own Homeland Security intelligence as one of the most dangerous movement in America and you're here to tell us Nah...they're good people, just misunderstood. You sound like Trump dude. You must have been educated at one of America's top universities, Trump University.

Stop bothering with asinine response because you're not only insulting our intelligence but also in the manner that you baselessly and casually insist that my kind (Asians) are more racist than the literally colonizers and genociders of the world. I lived in the U.S. and currently resides in Canada and I can tell you from my own personal experience that what you said has no basis in reality.


Registered Member
Yes there is a dose of racism in the current Sino-US Cold War. But most of it is just cold, raw geopolitics. Generally speaking Asian people can be extremely racist towards other Asians and people of darker skin tone, often times more than white people. Thats just a fact, nothing to do with me being racist. The majority of Americans are not racist, most are actually kind of naive.


Registered Member
Yes there is a dose of racism in the current Sino-US Cold War. But most of it is just cold, raw geopolitics. Generally speaking Asian people can be extremely racist towards other Asians and people of darker skin tone, often times more than white people. Thats just a fact, nothing to do with me being racist. The majority of Americans are not racist, most are actually kind of naive.
It's more than a dose of racism, the entire conflict is a product of white supremacy. The Anglo world don't want a be overtaken by an inferior people.

Just look back over the past two years with COVID. First there was the misinformation spread about the Wuhan lab, then the denigration of China's vaccination efforts. Even Chinese humanitarian aid to other countries is seen as a threat. American ships are sailing provocatively close to China. This isn't from fringe far racist groups like the KKK, its from mainstream elected officials of both wings. In fact it seems its the only thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on. Why else do you think that is?

This isn't new to us, we've all seen it before. Look up the Yellow Peril in your own history.

It's also pretty funny that you deny being racist yet manage to slip in a crude generalisation about Asians in the same post. Perhaps the reason you are blind to it is because you are a part of it?

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
It's more than a dose of racism, the entire conflict is a product of white supremacy. The Anglo world don't want a be overtaken by an inferior people.

Just look back over the past two years with COVID. First there was the misinformation spread about the Wuhan lab, then the denigration of China's vaccination efforts. Even Chinese humanitarian aid to other countries is seen as a threat. American ships are sailing provocatively close to China. This isn't from fringe far racist groups like the KKK, its from mainstream elected officials of both wings. In fact it seems its the only thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on. Why else do you think that is?

This isn't new to us, we've all seen it before. Look up the Yellow Peril in your own history.

It's also pretty funny that you deny being racist yet manage to slip in a crude generalisation about Asians in the same post. Perhaps the reason you are blind to it is because you are a part of it?
You mean the Chinese Exclusion Act, which violated the U. S. Constitution?


Registered Member
In other news it looks like Lithuania's President is having cold feet.

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There's not much mention of it in western media, and its buried deep in the google algorithm. Contrast that to the articles plastered everywhere for a day about Taiwan buying a shipment of Lithuaniun rum.

It is covered by state media - who don't seem to be impressed. I think Lithuania will backtrack on their policy on Taiwan. I wonder whether China will let Lithuania off the hook for this.

My belief is that when the US approached Lithuania to pull of this act Lithuanian politicians were completely ignorant of the situation and its ramifications. They're now stuck between a rock and a hard place. China or America, you've now got to upset one. They've already burnt their bridges with the Russians.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Yes there is a dose of racism in the current Sino-US Cold War. But most of it is just cold, raw geopolitics. Generally speaking Asian people can be extremely racist towards other Asians and people of darker skin tone, often times more than white people. Thats just a fact, nothing to do with me being racist. The majority of Americans are not racist, most are actually kind of naive.
I grew up in America since I was one years old. I can't tell you how many times I had rocks thrown at me because of being Chinese, bloody noses from fights against racists because I was Chinese, and all the insults/slurs/verbal assaults because I was Chinese, by whites/blacks/Hispanics.

In America, there is real physical violence because of your race, whereas there is zero violent attacks by Chinese against other Asian groups. How long have you lived in the US to say that majority of Americans are not racist? Also, racism by whites is systemic and institutionalized and covert and permeates the fabric of society.
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Registered Member
I grew up in America since I was one years old. I can't tell you how many times I had rocks thrown at me because of being Chinese, bloody noses from fights against racists because I was Chinese, and all the insults/slurs/verbal assaults because I was Chinese, by whites/blacks/Hispanics.

In America, there is real physical violence because of your race, whereas there is zero violent attacks by Chinese against other Asian groups. How long have you lived in the US to say that majority of Americans are not racist? Also, racism by whites is systemic and institutionalized and covert and permeates the fabric of society.
@Phead128 bro first is taunting, resulting to anger BUT you learn to ignore it and that is where the trouble begins! you humiliated their EGO then it will begun physical, first by a mob, mostly pushing, you ignored it as usual and try to find escape route BUT it come to a point where your patient had run thin and luckily on my part there is a strong Chinese community helping each other and they taught me Sanda and my seniors help me experience my first street fight, it's exhilarating BUT was discipline immediately by my mom, from then on I will walk proudly in the street NO more hiding and when cornered by a mob I act tough cause I always bring a long umbrella and randomly strike both defense and offense with my back against the wall hitting nobody BUT able to escape...lol. Okay the moral story, your environment help shape your personality, I was initially school in a elite Jesuit school, so student in that school grew weak psychologically, they were pampered, the support system stay in the school. My experience in a Chinese school when I transfer was different, it had community support and it help instill discipline cause we are proud of our " Chineseness ", we want to show the quality and uniqueness of our culture and martial arts is one of them.