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You spotted me as the white guy? U sure about that.
Yes, I am sure - either that or some white-washed Asian who drank too much of Western kool-aid.
And here we go again with attacking peoples race and country of origin.
Oh, stop. You started the whole thing with your bullshit generalizations about Asians and now you are offended at me doing some of that back to you & stating facts. Seriously? Don't dish if you can't take the heat, I am no boba liberal who is going to eat up "Asians are the most racist" fairy tales.

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Inb4 Western propaganda outlets will churn out "Yes, 1.1 million people get infected with COVID daily in the US but ACKSHUALLY this is good" and "China detected record-breaking 100 infections, CCP is finished?".


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You're the one who started calling Asians racist, which, itself, is a racist statement. You don't see the irony? Now you're accusing other people of attacking race when you did it first. You should have never said anything like that and now the thread's derailed into racism accusations.
On this forum we talk about how white people are racist every day of the week. The irony is when I pointed how Asians are often even more racist towards other Asians, and has a tendency to "worship" white culture, I'm being accused of being white, loll


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This is a piece of annual look at 2022 authored by Jim Quinn from TBP:
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. Last year’s (2021) article
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was a big picture overview of where we stood during the thirteenth year of this ongoing Fourth Turning Crisis.

In this article the American author sets his look at the chaotic situation of the pandemic in the US. IMO it's interesting to read, in particular seeing the much bigger horizon... ignoring the many small noises and distractions... I have read this author back to the Lehman collapse era... and I'll say with a flash back to the past... that it's a "slow cooking over years but now with higher intensity" that's what we're witnessing today.... do you see any "bizarre thing" in this world???

THE FOURTH TURNING -- The Strauss-Howe Generational Theory

Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth. The Fourth Turning offers bold predictions about how all of us can prepare, individually and collectively, for America's next rendezvous with destiny. The book is titled “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny” (1997) authored by William Strauss & Neil Howe
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Registered Member
I think @Bellum_Romanum said it is a requirement in Western Politics to master the art of saying things and never doing anything
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Taiwan and Canada held “exploratory discussions” about ways to boost trade ties, in Taipei’s latest move to reduce its economic reliance on China.

Mary Ng, Canada’s minister for international trade, met with Taiwanese minister without portfolio John Deng about a deal to promote investment, according to an emailed statement from the Canadian government.

Ng “highlighted Taiwan is a key trade and investment partner as Canada broadens its trade links and deepens its economic partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region,” according to the statement dated Monday, which added that Taiwan is Canada’s sixth-largest trading partner in Asia.

The two officials agreed in their video meeting to continue strengthening supply chain resilience and explore more business opportunities, according to a statement from Taiwan.

So we have a whole press release via Canadian division of Bloomberg, other major Canadian outlets, some Taiwan media as well for an email and Zoom call!


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Agreed. If Korea was unified under South Korea. They might start demanding for Yanbian to be absorbed into their new greater Korea.

South Koreans pop culture is full of white worshipping and elitism. English-speaking Koreans returning from America or Canada are revered. But North Korean defectors, or Chinese Koreans immigrants are looked down upon. In their eyes, ethnic Koreans from NK and China are little more than thugs, criminals, and servants. They can't even treat all ethnic Koreans equally. They don't deserve to rule over greater Korea.

I agree with Chinese view point on the world.. Because lets be real nobody really likes pretenders because you gotta view yourself as the superior period it may sound a bit cocky but this is a fact done by all previous empires and hegemonic powers. A civilization has to envision itself as the sole superior civilizations whereas pretenders or wannabes are annoying elements. China's position is that the Sino civilization is superior to the western and a position that will be perserved at all costs.

Mind you I am neutral observer in all this but I agree that such ideological projection is positive for the CCP and 50 cent army who view themselves as the second coming nonetheless that is positive. This shall continue.


On this forum we talk about how white people are racist every day of the week. The irony is when I pointed how Asians are often even more racist towards other Asians, and has a tendency to "worship" white culture,
It's very different to point out that the Sino-US conflict is stemmed in the racist belief by the American government that a nation of 330m primarily Caucasians should be able to keep on top of a nation of 1.4B Asians and to make an unsupported sweeping statement that "Asian people in general are the most racist." Don't try to change that statement by padding it with other statements that sound more reasonable. That quote is exactly what you said. It's a racist calling other people racists; hell, that statement can only come from a person so racist he doesn't even recognize racism out of his own mouth cus that's his normal operating mode.
I'm being accused of being white, loll
I never accused you of being white; I don't care what you are except wrong all the time. I came down on you for being racist calling Asians the most racist people and then saying other people are "attacking people's race." It's just so ironic...


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On this forum we talk about how white people are racist every day of the week. The irony is when I pointed how Asians are often even more racist towards other Asians, and has a tendency to "worship" white culture, I'm being accused of being white, loll
You straight-up said, I cite: "Asian people in general are the most racist". Stop beating around the bush trying to make yourself look better, lol.


Lieutenant General
The US's China policy is all about racism and white supremacy. When you look at Russia and Ukraine and China and it's neighbors, the US sees China as a greater threat to peace and stability. Is China amassing troops anywhere on the border with its neighbors ready to attack and invade? No. Not even Taiwan. China is the greater threat... to a racist. What alarms the West about China is China is about to end Western supremacy on this planet and there are a lot of countries that placed their bets on the US and they see they're about to lose it all big time. Is it not fear that China will invade and oppress them that scares them the most. It is simply they're afraid China will do to them in the future what they're doing to China and the rest of the world right now. Can you imagine what if China organized world sanctions on the US for unarmed black men being killed by US police? That will outrage Americans but when they do it to other countries, it's as normal as breathing air. It's those kind of disparities that establishes their racist world order. It's not a crime to compete and win against them but it is to a racist. When they were winning, they could hide their racist beliefs behind fair competition because no one was a threat to them. Now others are outcompeting them and all of the sudden everything they claim they're for like democracy and free market capitalism they're questioning themselves.

The US built a ladder to the top of success. They encourage other countries to climb their ladder to success not because they want everyone to be as successful as they are but because it gives them control of who gets to climb up further on their ladder. They can whisper to a country below them to do its dirty work and kick any country the US doesn't like down the ladder for them. That ladder is crowded and getting past other countries on that ladder is arduous and might inspire anger and jealousy because they see they're being climbed over and being cut in line and that's what that ladder is designed to do. It is designed to make sure everyone else fights against one another for their place on that ladder so no attention is paid to those above. But where's China? China is over there building its own ladder to the top. And everyone is seeing China pass them by with ease. Now some countries at the bottom of the US's ladder see that and they can easily jump off the US ladder and climb on China's ladder or they start building their own. The US sees that and gets angry because now it's not in control of those countries ascent and Americans hate China because it gave other countries other ideas. But then there are those countries that spent time and resources climbing up the US's ladder and they're not climbing down to start over but they seethe with envy that China has surpassed them.