Totally not a CIA-instigated colour revolution...
Demands of the Protesters in Kazakhstan
1. Immediate release of all political prisoners
2. Full resignation of president and government
3. Political reforms:
Creation of a Provisional Government of reputable and public citizens.
Withdrawal from all alliances with Russia lol
Those who plan their future and geopolitics around countries with crude authoritarianism is destined to fail. There must be an unifying ideology, a method to the "madness", a destination and spirit for a strong government and endurance. Hell, even a single party "democracy" with local elections could do. I am someone who values Governance rather than Government systems.
Countries like UAE, despite being not democracy, is surprisingly doing well in governance because they have a focus, a vision, they know their priorities, know that their desert will soon run out of oil and they manage to communicate this to the people. UAE buying up GloFlo semi among a slew of other things, is nothing but good governance and planning in action.
As someone who expressed concerns of foreign hijacking of colour revolutions early, I am not at all surprised with the development in Kazakhstan. Think 50 years ahead. How long can these Soviet States remain "pro Russia" ? How long can Russia remain "Russia" that China likes ? Countries who have bet on government systems that are not democracies must think about long term prospects and governance.
A government with a strong sense of purpose and vision and who effectively delivers governance won't fall to outside influences.