I swear the USA is going to collectively lose its brain cells and explode at the amount of winning that China is now currently doing.3) Then there is the Huawei issue, that the Americans do not want anybody to use Huawei.
Depending on who we believe, the fact is Huawei is still number #1 supplier of telecom worldwide.
This tech cooperation between the United States and the EU is directed at China, but it is not directed at Huawei.
They should also watch out though because if China does become the dominant one and the USA collapses in every single way, at that point in time, what is going to stop China from nationalizing all of its industries and cut the USA from all the resources they used to get from China along with the iphones, technology and basic resources. At that point, the USA can never hope to recover if that does ever happen and heck, China at that point can basically cut the USA from all hi tech with sanctions straight after. Its do or die for the USA, if they fall, no one is going to help them up again and their are many nations that are looking to make sure that this stays for good