Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
3) Then there is the Huawei issue, that the Americans do not want anybody to use Huawei.

Depending on who we believe, the fact is Huawei is still number #1 supplier of telecom worldwide.

This tech cooperation between the United States and the EU is directed at China, but it is not directed at Huawei.
I swear the USA is going to collectively lose its brain cells and explode at the amount of winning that China is now currently doing.
They should also watch out though because if China does become the dominant one and the USA collapses in every single way, at that point in time, what is going to stop China from nationalizing all of its industries and cut the USA from all the resources they used to get from China along with the iphones, technology and basic resources. At that point, the USA can never hope to recover if that does ever happen and heck, China at that point can basically cut the USA from all hi tech with sanctions straight after. Its do or die for the USA, if they fall, no one is going to help them up again and their are many nations that are looking to make sure that this stays for good


Senior Member
Woman was 8 month pregnant, went to her local hospital in Xi’an due to abdominal pain. Was refused treatment because of Covid lockdown. She waited 4 hours, almost bled out before hospital decided to finally see her. Ended up loosing her child after 8 months of pregnancy.

There are also reports of people bartering for food in Xi’an due to the extreme lockdown. Or people with preexisting heart conditions dying of heart failure because they were refused to be seen by the hospital.

America has no coherent Covid strategy. China on the other hand is pushing its lock down to the extreme. Local governments following Party directives to the T; their jobs and promotions are on the line.
Unfortunately I also heard of this stories in Victoria Australia during their harsh lockdown although not as harsh as China's. It happens in other countries with lockdowns too but not as extreme as in this case.


Woman was 8 month pregnant, went to her local hospital in Xi’an due to abdominal pain. Was refused treatment because of Covid lockdown. She waited 4 hours, almost bled out before hospital decided to finally see her. Ended up loosing her child after 8 months of pregnancy.

There are also reports of people bartering for food in Xi’an due to the extreme lockdown. Or people with preexisting heart conditions dying of heart failure because they were refused to be seen by the hospital.

America has no coherent Covid strategy. China on the other hand is pushing its lock down to the extreme. Local governments following Party directives to the T; their jobs and promotions are on the line.
Firstly, it is a private hospital that doesn't have the same standard of responsibilities as public hospitals require. Secondly, it is purely incompetence of the Xian local government for not able to execute their plan more smoothly. Other cities especially in the eastern provinces have performed much much better. Lastly, Xian failed to follow the party directives and result in this mess in the first place. If it did follow the party directives then it wouldn't have scramble to contain the virus and hastily arrange the lock down.

Other cities would have implemented lock down in next day but Xian took almost a week to start the lockdown. As a result, Xian needed to lock down the whole city instead part of the city. In addition, I would want to say that Xian isn't performing bad just not as good as other cities but Xian is not known as wealthy and competence so it is expected.


The USG is run by humans, not gods, but very competent humans. That the US can organize Kazakhstan riots, AUKUS, place the CIA in the German Foreign Office, completely control the JPN LDP and the EU-US TTC while losing a smaller MENA state on a marginal trade issue should show where the balances of power lie
They can do everything to small countries but they can't outgrow/keep pace with China. Everything but the main thing. Not gods indeed, but if they were to be compared to gods, then those who run China are at least demi-gods to get China from an impoverished nation out of dynastic rule to where it is today and to keep running down the clock against the desperate wishes of an old superpower that could force the power of most of the world to do its bidding.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Unfortunately I also heard of this stories in Victoria Australia during their harsh lockdown although not as harsh as China's. It happens in other countries with lockdowns too but not as extreme as in this case.
I have personally seen it happen just as bad in Canada during the partial lockdown last year. Even in November of 2021, when the childrens hospital were overwhelmed with delta. In some states in the US, they literally ran out of bed in their children’s hospital.


Registered Member
Another nothing-burger story. Are we supposed to be surprised that Japan is making agreements with Australia?

We have known all along that Japan's real rulers are sitting in Washington D.C.
Oh goody, when Japan eventually makes the mistake of trying to fight China like they did in WW2, not only will their collective asses get kicked, but Australians that will be their to fight are going to suffer the pain as well which will finally make these droggos acknowledge just how much suffering is going to come their way


Registered Member
@horse hope you're keeping yourself safe and healthy from the latest variant. I already know a couple of people that's come down with the new variant and most of them have received full vaccinations.

Hope you and your family stay safe too.

My policy is very simple. Since that day I heard that someone said, some expert, that most dangerous things to man is a virus, and other humans, that made it simple, avoid people if we can.

The NFL found that last year, no player got the coronavirus while on the field playing football. Not one according to them, a multi-billion dollar operation. The players who did catch the virus, were from interactions during the week, not on the playing field during the game. Clearly, it is very difficult, or the chances are close to zero, of catching SAR-CoV-2 outside.

This new variant, Omicron, seems more like a cold. I think the common cold can kill people too, usually no one is too concerned. The common cold is a coronavirus too. Omicron seems to affect the upper respiratory system, while the original virus may cause an infection in the lower lung aka pneumonia.

If that pneumonia is untreated or if treatment is ineffective, then the patient dies or can suffer long term injuries from that.

Just ranting now, I know, I have a habit of that, what kills is not necessarily the virus, it is the pneumonia or other types of organ failure. The coronavirus caused that, but we still know how exactly someone will be killed by it, when they got sick and an organ is failing. It did not register to people. It will be the pneumonia that will kill that person on the respirator. If the deniers are not concerned about the virus, should they be concerned about an unknown pneumonia?

At such troubling times, I am remind of the words of President Trump, drink some bleach or something like that.

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Woman was 8 month pregnant, went to her local hospital in Xi’an due to abdominal pain. Was refused treatment because of Covid lockdown. She waited 4 hours, almost bled out before hospital decided to finally see her. Ended up loosing her child after 8 months of pregnancy.

There are also reports of people bartering for food in Xi’an due to the extreme lockdown. Or people with preexisting heart conditions dying of heart failure because they were refused to be seen by the hospital.

America has no coherent Covid strategy. China on the other hand is pushing its lock down to the extreme. Local governments following Party directives to the T; their jobs and promotions are on the line.

All reported by Epoch Times?


Woman was 8 month pregnant, went to her local hospital in Xi’an due to abdominal pain. Was refused treatment because of Covid lockdown. She waited 4 hours, almost bled out before hospital decided to finally see her. Ended up loosing her child after 8 months of pregnancy.

There are also reports of people bartering for food in Xi’an due to the extreme lockdown. Or people with preexisting heart conditions dying of heart failure because they were refused to be seen by the hospital.

America has no coherent Covid strategy. China on the other hand is pushing its lock down to the extreme. Local governments following Party directives to the T; their jobs and promotions are on the line.
Way better to deal with a few isolated incidents with highly questionable reliability like your stories than to be numb looking at daily 6 and apparently even 7 digit numbers.