Miscellaneous News


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Five demands and not one less!
Sounds very familiar doesn't it has a certain NED smell to it, I can smell it all the way here in western europe.

Wondering if China is helping on the technical side pin point key figures and cut the heads off. It might a be a hydra but even a hydra will die if you damage it enough. If i were the Kazakhstan government I would call China ask them to send in new network equipment put down the internet, install said equipment and slowly but surely turn back on the internet to have some more complete tracking capabilities.

well latest development is that Russia is about to intervene along with a few allies (of course those other ones are just window dressing).

whichever way this goes it will have very significant outcome. if russia were to repeat the belarus playbook, then it will come out of this much more powerful.
This week should be a interesting week.


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Please do not post this vile racist western characterization of the country.
Sasha Baron Cohen is all right to me TBH, since everything is fair game with him.

But if you find him insufferable, that's completely understandable, and I apologise.


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Even the US mentioned as much that their allies and vassels are their biggest advantage. However, containing china is easier said than done and the effectiveness of these groupings are yet to be determined


Registered Member
Five demands and not one less!
Oh dear, I guess we should thank who ever for spelling out so nicely that this is another US lead government change designed to anger Russia yet again. Now if Russia finally does use a nuke on the USA, at the very least, it isn't without all these under handed actions from the USA causing all this to happen first and foremost and not because Russia decided to attack other nations on a whim.
I swear these days, the USA is literally doing everything to goad Russia into a fight to make themselves the hero. The USA may succeed in goading Russia into a fight but given the current incompetence in the US leadership that hasn't really improved over time, this could prove to be the one time too many event instead.
The only way for the USA to learn that war is not a toy nor is it something that the USA can get away with every time, I reckon the death of every US military soldier along with the entire intelligence department may the only what to shock the nation back its senses because the insanity has gotten that bad. I don't like this but with the US as it is, what other pathway is there


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Woman was 8 month pregnant, went to her local hospital in Xi’an due to abdominal pain. Was refused treatment because of Covid lockdown. She waited 4 hours, almost bled out before hospital decided to finally see her. Ended up loosing her child after 8 months of pregnancy.

There are also reports of people bartering for food in Xi’an due to the extreme lockdown. Or people with preexisting heart conditions dying of heart failure because they were refused to be seen by the hospital.

America has no coherent Covid strategy. China on the other hand is pushing its lock down to the extreme. Local governments following Party directives to the T; their jobs and promotions are on the line.
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Registered Member
Soldiers are humans as well. Imagine waking up, paid little, and then seeing that overnight your fuel prices have doubled while seeing your superior/boss and other rich people enjoying life and laughing at the poor

Its not like they are robots. Protesters went into the streets for a valid reason, there is no way they would obey orders and turn their weapons against the protesters who might also include their families/friends.

Colour revolutions need a fertile ground for them to happen. It a cultural, economic, society, political (corrupt) thing. When the country is doing poorly on all of the above then it is very easy for things to spiral out of control.

After all, its not like the protesters randomly decided to go to the streets. It is only because this stupid government decided to double fuel prices in just a single day

Even in France when they were talking about slightly increasing fuel taxes, the French went out to the streets and torched everything lol. And that's France we are talking about, a rich developed country

Check out my above comment for the Army. Soldiers are getting paid little, while their bosses are rich. Their families might also be poor which are directly affected by fuel increases. Corruption everywhere. Lack of discipline.

So what are these soldiers are asked to protect? The oligarchy which is siphoning money out of the poor? Who are pocketing profits from gas price increases while the poor need to survive by the scraps?

TLDR: This is mostly a collapse from within. The CIA is merely pushing here and there a bit, and the rest is on autopilot. Good lesson for other countries to have internal affairs sorted out. Ah yes, as I said in another post, corruption kills a country
Well, the list of oddly western sounding demands didn't last long to come out. These rebels are oddly geopolitical savant...Hmm I wasn't aware that the descendants of the Golden Horde have inherited American strategic acumen.
Woman was 8 month pregnant, went to her local hospital in Xi’an due to abdominal pain. Was refused treatment because of Covid lockdown. She waited 4 hours, almost bled out before hospital decided to finally see her. Ended up loosing her child after 8 months of pregnancy.
As for the situation in Xi'an, I hope that local officials would and should look into their lockdown plans that's going to ensure that people who needed urgent medical care will be looked into and not just be placed into the blanket grouping of "lockdown." There must be a logic to the process and not just being blinded into enacting one glove fits all approach.


Registered Member
This is part of US strategy. To form a dizzling amount of trade/technology/military alliances, frameworks, groupings and councils targeted at China: Quad, Aukus and TTC (US-EU trade and technology council) are some of the latest manifestations of that foreign policy to shape the geopolitical environment on all important fronts in their favour. And more will follow in the future.

That is not a strategy to me for 2 reasons.

1) Since I live in Toronto, Canada, I have seen this before many times. Whether it was the federal government for a nationwide issue, or the provincial government for a local issue, or the city government for a neighbourhood issue, when there is an intractable issue that cannot be solved easily, maybe it be solved in a few years or decades, if at all, the government in this Liberal democratic society resorts to political gesturing and grandstanding.

We get use to it, because we all know none of these pronouncements are intended to solve the problem. They are intended to make it look like the government is doing something.

The word here I believe is "aspirational" in that we know that this is the hope of fat chance that will ever work.

People just do not pay attention to anything aspirational from the government. Nothing will get done.

2) The strategy is bizarre too, because they want to isolate China with this strategy. But they do not want to isolate China and be cut off from the China market.

There is no way China can respond to this.

How can they, haha!

Wang Yi said it best the other day in the news. The EU has a split mind when it comes to China.

Wang Yi was hinting that the EU was crazy, and really it is completely understood that we do not have to respond or do anything with crazy people.



Registered Member
3) Then there is the Huawei issue, that the Americans do not want anybody to use Huawei.

Depending on who we believe, the fact is Huawei is still number #1 supplier of telecom worldwide.

This tech cooperation between the United States and the EU is directed at China, but it is not directed at Huawei.


Registered Member
That is not a strategy to me for 2 reasons.

1) Since I live in Toronto, Canada, I have seen this before many times. Whether it was the federal government for a nationwide issue, or the provincial government for a local issue, or the city government for a neighbourhood issue, when there is an intractable issue that cannot be solved easily, maybe it be solved in a few years or decades, if at all, the government in this Liberal democratic society resorts to political gesturing and grandstanding.

We get use to it, because we all know none of these pronouncements are intended to solve the problem. They are intended to make it look like the government is doing something.

The word here I believe is "aspirational" in that we know that this is the hope of fat chance that will ever work.

People just do not pay attention to anything aspirational from the government. Nothing will get done.

2) The strategy is bizarre too, because they want to isolate China with this strategy. But they do not want to isolate China and be cut off from the China market.

There is no way China can respond to this.

How can they, haha!

Wang Yi said it best the other day in the news. The EU has a split mind when it comes to China.

Wang Yi was hinting that the EU was crazy, and really it is completely understood that we do not have to respond or do anything with crazy people.

@horse hope you're keeping yourself safe and healthy from the latest variant. I already know a couple of people that's come down with the new variant and most of them have received full vaccinations.