If the robotization of most industries in China takes hold and becomes more sophisticated is the fear of population decline going to be as acute as most of us here think it would be?
Ageing population wasn’t the problem in the west, ridiculous and unsustainable social welfare programmes and ridiculous and unsustainable wealth concentrations are the real causes of western stagnation.
Western social welfare programmes drains European government budgets (military spending and tax cuts for companies and the rich in the case of America) so western governments can’t afford to invest to increase productivity. Private wealth being highly concentrated in the hands of the few is supposed to lead to more investment, but Wall Street is no longer about investment, it’s all about hype and ‘clever’ financial products that create bubbles and busts. It’s basically just a big casino now, where very little of the money being put into the stock market is used for actual honest investment and instead it’s mostly become a way for the rich to further harvest the middle classes’ remaining savings.
China fundamentally doesn’t face the same ageing population crisis because the government has never been stupid enough social welfare, so ageing population doesn’t have the same burdens on government budgets as it does for the west.
China is also not state captured by the rich. Western welfare costs are so ridiculous in large part because the whole system is rigged to give the well connected massively lucrative profits.
In the UK for example, it costs nearly £1000 per week for a care home bed in the U.K. while a lot, if not most staff in care homes are barely getting minimum wage. The profit margins must be scandalous, but funny not one single person in the entire western MSM seem to think that’s something worth looking into to give us any actual insight. Instead they all shrill about how unfair it is to ask people to pay such ridiculous costs and demand the government step in and pick up the tab.
China is going to use robotics to help reduce care costs while maintaining high quality service; and also use robots to retain the traditionally labour intensive manufacturing jobs that used to get outsourced to lower wage countries as nations gets richer and wages grow.
The golden rule with reading western MSM articles on China is to always always remember that the MSM never ever cares about China or the Chinese people, quite the opposite in fact. Thus, anything they highlight as ‘issues’ or ‘dangers’ for China are almost always just pure projective and shit stirring. Similarly, all suggestions and remedies offered up by the western MSM are at best self-serving and usually also highly damaging should China ever be stupid enough to take their shitty advice.