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I must admit, I never watch TikTok.

However, I am really fascinated by it. Not sure why.

Maybe TikTok is kind of like the first step where human integrates with machine, like for good.

Do they give hour long lectures on economics on TikTok? I might want to go check it out then.

Please check it out, it is a very important developement. You will be able to see how a social media company can use its algorithms to maximize entertainment as opposed to facebooks optimization of chaos.

It shows how a simple algorithm can perform brilliantly, for sure your Tik Tok feed will be full of short andf informative videos about economics, perhaps you will even be tempted to make one yourself.

For me, its good, healthy, fun and informative, it has some problems with some of the creators talking crap, but then others correct them.


Registered Member
We came here to chase the American dream,” Peng said. “We don’t want this to happen to any other family.”

The China initiative enacted during the Trump administration hasn't produced anything of value or turned up real "Chinese espionage" cases but it has successfully created a lot of anxiety, trepidation amongst the American-Chinese that's received the large brunt of often baseless accusation of colluding with China.

Ironically, this very idiotic and self-sabotaging program will drive a wedge and away a number of these highly-qualified, highly-accomplished academics, engineers to work for China which is a self-fulfilling prophecy and self-inflicted wound for the United States of America.

It seems that America hasn't truly learned from it's history. From the internment of American-Japanese at the height of WWII to their dumb and idiotic War on Terror America is unwilling to learn from it's mistakes because it has yet to truly be punished and pay for those mistakes.

American loves to be told a comfortable fantasy rather than confronting and acknowledging an uncomfortable truth. The degradation of the American middle-class has nothing to do with China but everything to do with your lying, corrupt politicians. If this truth is not embraced but instead proceed on ramping up the anti-China hysteria it is simply creating the unnecessary and in my opinion the self-defeating strategy of creating a monster it can't and will not be able to subdue let alone defeat and that's China.

China has been around the blocks for far too long to be tamed and controlled by a modern entity/republic called the U.S. It's past successes due to many factors have gone to their head assuming that their place at the top is forever. Hubris is a disease that has no known cure.

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CIA + bad PR =
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If you read it carefully, it's it's a loaded question leading respondents to this result. Basically asks which neighbour is the biggest security threat excluding North Korea. So its between China to Japan. Faced with that question, no doubt most will say china. Also security threat can include economic and military threat. It's made in such a way that it leads to Koreans choosing china for their answer. Pretty obvious.

If you read the other article below, in April the survey showed 4/5 Koreans see china as a threat. So 7/10 is actually lower I suppose. That being said, there is negative media in Korea against China but china handled it well.


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Any PLA soldier that showed such disregard for the people they are supposed to protect would quickly find himself in front of a court martial.

Of course the problem here is those soldiers are there to protect the Queen, not the people.
Indeed, the British Armed Forces swears their loyalty to the crown.

"I... swear by Almighty God (do solemnly, and truly declare and affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty
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, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and of the (admirals / generals/ air officers) and officers set over me. (So help me God.)"
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Ashraf Ghani has demonstrated in the 2 min clip of his most recent interview (with his benefactor) that he was another one of the many grand failures of Gucci leaders that America tend to impose which is the hallmark of delusions and gross underestimation of another country's history, culture, and people. Iraq was supposed to be governed by Ahmad Chalabi until the Americans realized that the man has spent too much time away from the country that he had virtually no grass roots support other than what the Americans could buy with money.

People like these individuals are not dissimilar to the grand delusions hold by the large swathe of DPP leadership epitomize by Pres. FAKE PhD. They readily and fanatically assume that America will commit suicide dying to preserve and protect whatever delusions they hold for themselves.

Ashraf Ghani is now faulting the American enterprise for the whole debacle which anyone should laughably dismiss the ranting of a loser. Ashraf Ghani is an American himself disguised as an Afghan nationalist. The man had drank the American kool-aid for far too long and it seemed unable or unwilling to understand the American interventions in Korea and Vietnam.



Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Which one is it? Darn westerners, stick with one narrative. Is China going "inwards" or "outwards" do their views depend on the day of the week?

China exists in a state of quantum flux: at once collapsing and ever growing threat, and turning both inwards and outwards at the same time.

As Umberto Eco famously said, this is one of the features of fascist propaganda and racist ideology.

One of the 14 hallmarks of identifying Fascism is :

The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

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This is how the Nazi Germans genocide the Jews by casting them as both at same time too strong (money/financial dominance) and too weak (genetic interior/greed) at same time to cast them as enemies for genocide and discrimination.