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That man's surrender mentality is sad to read and infuriating at the same time. What a coward.

It's not much of a fight at this point.

If the fight is a choice between China=economics or America=war, it is pretty obvious what will be chosen in the long run.

Yet, that is what we are seeing, like for real.

China and ASEAN hammer together the RCEP, then China applies to join the CPTPP, while still doing the One Belt One Road, and China still seeing record growth to it trade numbers.

On the other hand, all America can talk about is their outdated containment theories, using military means to achieve their ends, whether more hardware forward deployed or shooting wars.

People are stupid, but THAT stupid.

It is a clear choice between China and America, what they have to offer, a clear choice between economics or military, development or militarization, peace or war.

I think we know which way the people will chose.

Although a lot of lip service will be heaped upon the Americans. It is just habit for some.



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This Dengist (with 2.5mn followers on Weibo) wants China to capitulate , beg US for forgiveness and even endure humiliation but not decouple at any cost.
The problem with what he says is the US is not dependable. It is not only about saving face. If it was only about saving face China would stop the decoupling. China changed its constitution multiple times and reformed itself multiple times. Changing itself is not something that China hadn't done earlier or something China thinks to be ashamed of.
The problem is the US demands are unreasonable. They would want very low military spending which is absurd considering China's spending is very low already compared to its economic size. They would China to stop a lot of its technological progress. Trump openly wanted to stop Made in China 2025. They also want China to open itself fully to American corporations. They basically want China to doom itself to being a middle income country with unreasonably small military and economic dependence on them. Basically a bigger version of most South American countries where the US actually achieved its goals.
Even after that, there are no guarantees for the US to stop being hostile. It can get hostile instantly again just like it did in 2017 and 2020. Ask Russia on this.


Registered Member
I must admit, I never watch TikTok.

However, I am really fascinated by it. Not sure why.

Maybe TikTok is kind of like the first step where human integrates with machine, like for good.

Do they give hour long lectures on economics on TikTok? I might want to go check it out then.

Global Tiktok can be good depending on your feed. Sometime the AI gets crazy and its just endless "pretty girls" , sometimes its intresting subject matter/advice, sometimes its funny vids etc. Content seems local to your geography/country

I suggest "little red book" or douyin if you want China based content.


Lieutenant General
Personally I don't understand why SCMP has a subscription service. I wouldn't pay for the garbage they publish. I think people should stop believing "all" Asians are smart. It's clear there are plenty of dumb Asians and a lot of them are pro-West. You have to be a real dummy to believe Westerners are waiting for you with open arms but only if you embrace Western culture. If they were truly open and accepting of everyone, they wouldn't have prerequisites for them to like you. That's the message every pro-West Asian sends because they hate and always blame those Asians who don't surrender to the West. And the West loves all those Asians who send that message so it's true and not a misperception of pro-West Asians. I always get Asians who throw at me to counter that everyone hates China. And I respond "And you're not the second most powerful country in the world threatening number one, the US..." Being the second most powerful country and hated is better than knowing you place under the West and liked... only dummies pick the latter because what are they if China wasn't a part of the conversation? Ignored by the West like they don't exist. The only time they get any attention is when they express how much they hate China for the West. Look at the state of all the countries that think they're liked more than China. Would you want to be them...? They're the ones upset that Western corporations are outsourcing to China and not them. They blame China when it's the West that makes those decisions. Yes, a good little dummy that sees the West blameless. No wonder the West likes them more.


Lieutenant General
Personally I don't understand why SCMP has a subscription service. I wouldn't pay for the garbage they publish. I think people should stop believing "all" Asians are smart. It's clear there are plenty of dumb Asians and a lot of them are pro-West. You have to be a real dummy to believe Westerners are waiting for you with open arms but only if you embrace Western culture. If they were truly open and accepting of everyone, they wouldn't have prerequisites for them to like you. That's the message every pro-West Asian sends because they hate and always blame those Asians who don't surrender to the West. And the West loves all those Asians who send that message so it's true and not a misperception of pro-West Asians. I always get Asians who throw at me to counter that everyone hates China. And I respond "And you're not the second most powerful country in the world threatening number one, the US..." Being the second most powerful country and hated is better than knowing you place under the West and liked... only dummies pick the latter because what are they if China wasn't a part of the conversation? Ignored by the West like they don't exist. The only time they get any attention is when they express how much they hate China for the West. Look at the state of all the countries that think they're liked more than China. Would you want to be them...? They're the ones upset that Western corporations are outsourcing to China and not them. They blame China when it's the West that makes those decisions. Yes, a good little dummy that sees the West blameless. No wonder the West likes them more.

How else are the going to get their CIA blood money?

With a few hundred thousand shell accounts, they serve the double goals of funding this rag and also astroturfing popular support to lend its views more weight by elevating it into a ‘major’ newspaper rather than the nobodies they should be.


Senior Member
Reminds you of the old Qing moron officials. But what sort of "humiliation" for China to accept? Should China allow all the demands of the U.S. with respect to it's demands for China's political system, economic system, Xinjiang alleged genocide, Hong Kong meddling, South China Sea issues, where is this dumb old man going with his push for China to accept defeat and therefore allowing the weakening of the CPC.

What he's asking for is for China to have a Gorbachev not Deng. This old weasel wants a leader who's more than willing to sell the country out so that this conservative author's livelihood and connections in the west wouldn't be fully severed and bring discomfort to himself, his family, and friends.

The nerve on this dude.
What i find it hard to believe is that he claimed that he spoke to many govt officials and military officers who shared his defeatist attitude, to me this sounds suspiciously like cia disinformation campaign
I remember cia recently created their own China focused dept


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This Dengist (with 2.5mn followers on Weibo) wants China to capitulate , beg US for forgiveness and even endure humiliation but not decouple at any cost.

China has no shortage of people wanting to become foreign worshipers. At least, that blogger is not associated with CCP in any capacity. People should worry more about bloggers that represent CCP like Hu Xijin. Reading his recent weibo postings, he is trying to whitewash "slant eye" racist images used in domestic Chinese advertisements by making the issue more about beauty standards instead of rallying against the apparent anti-Asian, anti-Chinese racism.

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Registered Member
China has no shortage of people wanting to become foreign worshipers. At least, that blogger is not associated with CCP in any capacity. People should worry more about bloggers that represent CCP like Hu Xijin. Reading his recent weibo postings, he is trying to whitewash "slant eye" racist images used in domestic Chinese advertisements by making the issue more about beauty standards instead of rallying against the apparent anti-Asian, anti-Chinese racism.

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@texx1 bro correct every country had one, BUT did they had the VOICE. here they have thru the oligarchy controlled media, were independent voice is being drowned thus they controlled the narrative and therefore policy choices. I think SCMP being a foreign entity is one of those medium BUT is it effective? and whose audiences are they trying to convinced? As most of us outsider looking at China, we are seeing the opposite of what they had reported, so they need to double down on their propaganda or else their reliability as journalist institution are being question and for me a converted realist I see them as what they are, A tool of Western imperialism.


Registered Member
In a multipolar world the West particularly the US is being check not only by China and Russia BUT its owned allies themselves. UAE, Turkey and even Qatar are supplying the Ethiopian with Chinese made drones and it turn the tide. As I said the US current policy of forcing its allies to choose side is having an opposite effect with multiple SPRING sprouting out everywhere, making it hard for the American imperium to continued.

From the Duran and a very insightful view.

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