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He sounds like a old dude a product of a old age that doesnt exist anymore. He wants that era to return because his network/fame/knowledge was achieved in that Era.

I think you will see this more where the people who created their social circles in a pre 2008 and a western hegemony world clash with people who created their social circles in a post 2008 and post western hegemony world.
Exactly, sucking up to Westerners (e.g. putting white people everywhere - from ads (like those dumb Huawei ads with random white men / Chinese women pairings) to movies because they really think that more whites = more money) is the unfortunate boomer remnant. Young people are turning towards China itself and other Asian countries (e.g. K-pop). The temper tantrums from the white empires (US and EU) are only accelerating this trend as they put the white fragility on display.

The times when LBH whites could get red carpet treatment in Asia are waning and they are extremely triggered by that. Even the large tourist destinations like Thailand already cater to Asians (primarily East Asians for now) because they pay better and do not begpack.


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When the SCMP openly praises what you are saying it means that something is seriously wrong in your beliefs

Unfortunately, it seems that he still hasn't realized the real reason behind the US trying to contain China. He thinks that if China backs down and gives in, the US will suddenly change course and embrace China again..

China would rather die on its feet than beg on its knees. Better to fight the entire west with the possibility of defeat than ever be subservient to them again. There is no shame in fighting and even losing against the nazi republicans (and others). The greater shame is not fighting and submitting. We all know what happened to the native americans there.

Look up the Sampson doctrine of Israel. If china is to fall, we have the capability to burn down the pillars of 500 years of western hegemony. Let the islamic, african, and latin american civilizations bloom if we are to fall.


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This Dengist (with 2.5mn followers on Weibo) wants China to capitulate , beg US for forgiveness and even endure humiliation but not decouple at any cost.
This is such a biased piece of garbage from the scmp. I mean come on, the writer didn’t even try to hide his bias. using words like “propagandists and
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diplomats, busy spinning an alternate narrative” to describe Chinese media while not mentioning the obscene amount of propaganda coming from the west. Then indicating that others share the view on capitulating but didn’t name anyone. then calling China to heed the “wisdom” . What bulls*i…

he also wrote about how he predicts the democracy summit would be the start of a new world order. What a tool. I would believe the opposite of what he says. If he says it’s gonna be sunny, bring an umbrella.


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This is such a biased piece of garbage from the scmp. I mean come on, the writer didn’t even try to hide his bias. using words like “propagandists and
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diplomats, busy spinning an alternate narrative” to describe Chinese media while not mentioning the obscene amount of propaganda coming from the west. Then indicating that others share the view on capitulating but didn’t name anyone. then calling China to heed the “wisdom” . What bulls*i…

he also wrote about how he predicts the democracy summit would be the start of a new world order. What a tool. I would believe the opposite of what he says. If he says it’s gonna be sunny, bring an umbrella.

Yeah, Shi Jiangtao is a classic Hongkonger. I have noticed his anti-China stance months ago. The only pro-Chinese voices among the SCMP that I have noticed are Alex Lo,
Yonden Lhatoo and Chandran Nair (writes very seldom for the toiletpaper). People like Maria Siow, Shi Jiangtao, Finbarr Bermingham and a lot more belong to a brigade of anti-PRC writers.

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Registered Member
When the SCMP openly praises what you are saying it means that something is seriously wrong in your beliefs

Unfortunately, it seems that he still hasn't realized the real reason behind the US trying to contain China. He thinks that if China backs down and gives in, the US will suddenly change course and embrace China again..
Reminds you of the old Qing moron officials. But what sort of "humiliation" for China to accept? Should China allow all the demands of the U.S. with respect to it's demands for China's political system, economic system, Xinjiang alleged genocide, Hong Kong meddling, South China Sea issues, where is this dumb old man going with his push for China to accept defeat and therefore allowing the weakening of the CPC.

What he's asking for is for China to have a Gorbachev not Deng. This old weasel wants a leader who's more than willing to sell the country out so that this conservative author's livelihood and connections in the west wouldn't be fully severed and bring discomfort to himself, his family, and friends.

The nerve on this dude.


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This is the kind of future that awaits China if that mother bleeping geezer's idiotic wish were to happen. China and all of East Asia are going to be treated as nothing more than a collection or vassalized cucked States subserviently serving the primary strategic interest of America and her western European allies.

That man's surrender mentality is sad to read and infuriating at the same time. What a coward.

From the article:

On Saturday, former US Forces Korea Commander Gen. Robert Abrams made disparaging remarks about the South Korean military, saying that it was “behind” on the capabilities it needs to regain wartime operational control (OPCON). His remarks were quite presumptuous.
He also said that a response to China would need to be added to the combined operational plan that South Korea and the US agreed to update early this month.
It is exceedingly dangerous to demand that South Korea play a front-line role in the military containment of China at a time when military tensions are rising between Washington and Beijing.

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Is he okay in the head?

That guy was just ignorant, or maybe even stupid.

One look at a couple of charts, such as,

World's biggest trading nation
World's biggest manufacturing nation
World's biggest consumer market
World's fastest growing major economy (last 40+ years)

Decoupling from China, is a pipe dream for multinational corporations.

If there is going to be a decoupling of government to government level ties between China and the United States, that is remarkable because hardly anyone knew there was a coupling to begin with.

All this talk about coupling and decoupling, all rests on two main pillars, one is based on economics such as trade and business such as selling cars, and two is based on technology in terms of who manufactures what and the constant race to improve technology where this constant race is collaborative or sharply competitive.

Note that the coupling or decoupling between China and the United States will ultimately be done by corporations in the economic realm, and by corporations in the technology realm.

The government can tell the corporation what to do, but often the corporation has their own ideas.

My opinion is that the people who do not work with the economics or technology, most do not really understand all the permutations of all of this crap.

It is like space, time, mass!


Long story short, the Trump tariff kind of proves that economic decoupling is over, it cannot be done. Maybe in 10-20 years, but by then who cares.

The technology decoupling is more interesting. There are areas where there is a decoupling, such as 5G. China had no choice here as China had to decouple from the United States because the United States has no 5G gear manufacturer.

China got so far ahead with the 5G, there was an automatic decoupling.

If there is a technology decoupling, then so what?

The RCEP, that region has everything, high tech and resources. The RCEP does not need anyone else.

So that public intellectual in China, is clueless.

That is why there is a real bias against the Chinese educational system and these cadres. They have no clue. They just repeat what someone told them, and that someone may have no clue.

The people I always listen to in China, is the CCP. They know what is going on. If they decide not to talk about something, then that is a clue to go investigate, there is something going on there. It is a new age, but same old tactics for information gathering.

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We did it. To be honest, TikTok is pretty damn entertaining.

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I must admit, I never watch TikTok.

However, I am really fascinated by it. Not sure why.

Maybe TikTok is kind of like the first step where human integrates with machine, like for good.

Do they give hour long lectures on economics on TikTok? I might want to go check it out then.
